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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Agree with yah Sarge, But it is pretty sad these guys have all this nice riding weather and there not even riding. (100 miles here, 150 miles there, that's not riding ). EH SWIFTY ? Besides if we had all that nice weather we would never get anything done around the house. SO this small winter break gives us time to get the things done inside. When you southern folks get out for a real ride, come back and tell us about it and don't forget to show us some pictures. Brad
  2. Carl I must have got the same invite you did. Thanks Guys ! Brad & Marcarl You Could have you used the three dollar off coupon that was posted on the other site. Then it would be more feasable for you to check out the chopper hall Brad
  3. Hey Phil I think that may have been Cancruisers, but he sold it a year or two ago. Brad
  4. BradT


    THe trip is the fun part going to pick the goodies. Maybe you should get the mic mutes, the kids would love yah for it. Brad
  5. A nice German Shepard should do the trick, not too mention a excellent pet. Brad
  6. BradT


    Guys that is what I use as well, they work well. Not the high quality but you can understand the music and the voices quite well, with little to no distortion. I paid over 100 bucks for a set in Canada and they were a piece of crap. Not only the sound quality but the mike was crap so other people could barley understand you. Got mine from Sierra and sent them to someone in the US. I do not someone who bought from Wingstuff and it cost them an extra 50 bucks to get across the border. Brad
  7. How you been Gambler About as accurate as any weather man, and I am sure we can find a rock at the Campground. Would you like me to print the sign for you so that you can translate ??? Brad
  8. When the other one crapped out this is all he could get, while he was down east. That is all they sell out there as they don't have any paved roads. Scott, BUY two new ones and keep the that one for a spare Just in case. If you get them in the states it would cost the same as one over here. Brad
  9. May I ask why you did not just take one bulb out of the two lights you had instead of spending 25 bucks for a single light. And if you wanted just a single light you could have spend 20 bucks, and got two single lights :rotf: Also were you calling your wife a tool or the flashlight ? Brad
  10. You guys must be ruff. They only way they go PTZZZ, is when you bang them, and there turned on. If I am moving it around and might bump it I turn it off, and then turn it on when I am close to what I want to light up. It really does help. Brad
  11. Also well known for the St. Jacobs farmers market. http://www.stjacobs.com/html/shopping-farmersmarkets.html Brad
  12. That looks like a nice trailor. I am not in need but it looks like someone will get a good deal. Best of luck selling it. Brad
  13. Buy one of those halogen lights that come on the adjustable stand with two 500 watt bulbs. They will blind yah, not to mention keep you warm at the very least. Brad
  14. It real easy to do, but may I suggest you build you own weather rock. It is a very accurate weather forcast. See below BRad
  15. True Friends, Cant you feel the Love. Brad
  16. Thanks all. Fingers got infected so of to the docs today, got me some pills, and fingers are all wrapped up now. All take care and heres hoping all have a safe new year. Brad
  17. Lou say hi to him from us as well. We made it down a few days ago and he was doing great. Thanks for the offer Brad
  18. BradT

    5 below

    Even the 86 had a cover. Brad
  19. Quite common. You can read it on here somewhere in the past but the cables may need to upgraded to a heavier cable. Squidley use to sell this upgrade but not sure he still is. THis is normally the first thing you should check on. After that others have upgraded to a four brush starter. Brad
  20. So far this new year is not starting out to well, so hope it gets better soon. Two days ago went to a HalRSV99 for a bon fire and and ended up burning my fingers on my boot. Melted the bottoms a little and the rest was a dumb move. Yesterday we had to put Sunny our Cat down as he had gotten real sick and the medication was not working. This was very upseting for the family. Been Snowing since late last night a there is 4" of snow on the ground, so far. last year Naugh-T and I went for a ride on new years day. Pic #1 Naugh-T, Bricks wife Rhonda, and a SCRC's Member Char. Pic #2 HalRSV99, his wife Gayle, Fearful 1st. officer SCRC270 (2 Looney) Pic #3 Brick and Hal the cook (making Hot dogs ona bun in pie irons, this time he did not forget the bread). Last two pis of Sunny (the boss) over Christmas. One with Naugh-T's mother and the other with Ben. So here's hoping it gets better and of course all the best in 08 to you all. PS. Went to see GaryN on the 30th and he is doing great. Hopes to be home in a few weeks. Brad, Naugh-T and Family.
  21. Enjoy the trip and do not spend too much. In March is the big "ConExpo" construction show so you are going at a good time. (Too many people at that show). BRad
  22. Brad, missed rule #2 you have to mention who the people, in the Pictures are. Thanks for pics. ASK for the Lasanga in a pan it is good. Brad
  23. I think I had one off my 86. Gave it away a while ago. here is a couple of photos and a drawing of what I had. Icalled them a year ago and they said they never made these any more. I do know they still sell the ones for the 2nd gen Brad
  24. Been to Yellowknife and I am sure you would not like it. Went in January and it was -25c when I got there and did not warm up even in the day. Dropped to -40 over the next couple of days. Sun came up about 11 am and was gone at 2 pm. On the bright side it did not snow much as it was too cold. Brad
  25. Sorry Dale but Rhonda sent Cindy a photo (family site can not post picture) of Santas Younger brother (Jared) who is Canadian by the way. Can not quite remember what she said. ? But I recall most of us Canadians look a little like that. Brad
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