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Everything posted by BradT

  1. HAHA. I get a kick out of this thread. Who makes a better product. Do you really think our eyes can notice the difference in the same setting under the same conditions. Maybe but then you get used to what your seeing. I am more interested in getting a decent product from a good distributor. When it breaks and the distributor honours the warranty all is good. So keep paying more for less, oh yah also pay more because it is new just so that we all have jobs. The aboce is just to Lexus vs Toyota are you serious different tolerances and quality levels. Always thought the specifc parts (brg's, calipers, hubs, metal cladding) were the same. Thought you were paying for a fancy GPS, voice activation, fancy electronics etc.., better quality suspensions, with more sound proofing insulation. Brad Brad
  2. BradT

    windows 8

    If you learn how to use the New system I am sure you would be able to research your answer. Brad
  3. Had good luck with Sony. Sad how it is most likely cheaper to give a new unit than fix an older one. Kinda wonder what there making in the first place. Brad
  4. Now that sounds like a job I think I will be able to enjoy. I am sure you could have some fun doing this job. Congrats and Enjoy whatever you do. Brad
  5. Sorry to hear but Congrats, I can just imagine what it will look like. Brad
  6. Had the T/A's on a Mailbou was not impressed, only had one set of Michelins and they did not work well for me. If your going to pay the extra for Michelins make sure you rotate them and get front end alignment every year. Brad
  7. Just make him an offer he can't refuse. Don't forget to share some of that chrome. BRad
  8. BradT


    Started working in the civil engineering field on a drafting board and in the field then had to go back to Mechanical. Bet Dinner conversations could get interesting. Good for both of them Brad
  9. Yup a Left hand Metric screw driver, for those South of the border. Brad
  10. Don't think he hit the brake untill he was already standing almost straight up. Must have let off the throttle. Corvette took a solid hit as the tire came off the bike. He must have been going a pretty good clip. Brad
  11. Besides the shock another issue is ignition switch rest is all small stuff. Price could be okay if it is in good condition and has some bling. After 65k miles you should see signs if it was not taken care of. Brad
  12. Got my license on my Brother in laws 500 triple, not one I would like to spend all day on Brad
  13. Yes possibly Sunday. Another 450 miles on Sunday I highly doubt Brad
  14. Second time around maybe this post can get interesting. Brad
  15. Yah I think it ended up in Colrado. Member here named Jack. Brad
  16. Phil you have to get that big boot off the brake it wears pads quickly. Using the engine to help stop this 1,000 lb increases life. I have more than 40,000 km and still original. Brad
  17. Got 150 miles getting it home, may get few more soon but 4,000 going to be sometime in the spring. (after warranty) Billmac - grease was good and oil was changed every engine oil change. Brad
  18. Pioneer changed the Basket, mechanic and service manager took it for a ride and both felt there was another issue. They ordered a rear differential assembly and there is no more noise. Can't say if both were needed but the noise is gone so all is good. Brad
  19. The Ground wire is braided and surrounded in large plastic cover. Brad
  20. Could it be, my old one. I sold it to a local guy who just had surgery on his wrist and was not able to drive it. I drove it to his house and parked in his garage. Brad
  21. How many miles Carl. I sold mine with 84k. Does it have a hunged marine plastic cover, which is protecting an aftermarket CD player ? Brad
  22. Glad to hear you had a decent day. Happy Birthdayu old guy Brad
  23. Annual Mini soda conference. Brad
  24. So did Submarines Brad
  25. Yah but can you remember what 3 buttons Donna pushed ? Brad
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