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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Not much Buddy. But you always do say something BTW you did a ood job keeping it PG. Brad
  2. There a pain to get off and a bigger pain to get back on, so I left them off my 86, rode it for a couple years without them (no probems as well). Brad
  3. Yeah I missed it as well. Sorry to hear but glad your doing better. Keep up the good work, man that must be tough to sit around doing what your doing. Brad
  4. Can't figure out why these people keep changing there names to the same name that is at the beginning of thier post Brad
  5. I read something years ago that he owned a few casinos in Reno (or was it Carson city). It was North of Vegas anyway Brad
  6. I could guess something but it is not nice. So I will keep it ot myself. Brad
  7. I thought you two were coming but something happened and can not remember what it was. Carl your smart friend was at your last two events at your house as well. Brad
  8. Just send one of the moderaters a note on what you want it changed too. I do not believe you can change it at all. Brad
  9. BradT

    Black Owl

    Okay ! I went to check on him for yah, he was busy plowing out that snow. So I had to Leave, but got a picture of him. Brad
  10. Yes I agree. I think we will keep him around. Brad
  11. Similar phone that Rhonda just got. It is a LG but she had a wheel for the menus. (Think the model was CHocolate somthing) So far so good for hers. She does not talk much on it so the battery lasts a long time. BRad
  12. Here's a photo of Mother (Yamaha's Poster Child) Brad
  13. Did you mean Big Hairy Biker ? Brad
  14. Could not agree more. The opinion of wether it is worth it or not is always up to the person spending the money. I personally may not care about a certain scratch or two, but the buyer may not have the same opinion. Just remember when purchasing a used bike, it will not be perfect as it is Used. Brad
  15. You mean your NOT going to type your opinions, That is much different than keeping your mouth shut, cause I am sure this would be tuff. ! Brad
  16. Maybe Mother, to Ooh Sherry ? Maybe something else as well ? Brad
  17. Missing another word Carl. BRad
  18. 16 years had nothing to do with the leaking, I am sure. I would change it when it leaked, as it seems to just drip when it first starts. Unless you are worried about it starting to leak at an inappropriate time, change it now. Brad
  19. Hey Scott (Mother) you have to explain to these fine people where your name came from. Just not sure how you would do this on a family site. BRad
  20. Thought McGinty (sp?) said no way to this sort of thing and was getting rid of the Catholic School Board, and just make one publc school board. Brad
  21. You , mean Meat Cutter don't yah ! Brad
  22. I too have the XL and as Kbran said you do not know it is there. Worth the money. Not lately as he gets real busy this time of the year. Maybe when the first semester is over he will get a little time. BRad
  23. I would probably try and turn it over slowly, Pull the plug before trying to turn it. Another than that I am not sure, unless the battery / starter are not good. What happens to the dash lghts when you try to crank it ? Brad
  24. Great News Gary. All the best Brad, Rhonda and Girls
  25. Thought he said he was busy lately, now he aint kidding. Congrats to you both. BRad
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