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Everything posted by BradT

  1. If you do not want Blue tooth or satelite radio pick up the Zumo 450. It is cheaper. Brad
  2. Ouch ! Hope it is just the fuse. I think you need to remove the left rear passenger foot rest and it is hiding behind that cover. Brad
  3. Swifty said he left you way behind, and even went as far as saying, any 2nd gen could keep up with your first gen. No that is the nice Beautiful Canadian Skies, you know no smog, pollution and crap. BRad
  4. I like this photo, not my desktop but a picture. See Don it not pink ! Brad
  5. I too packed down driveways but not 20" worth. He will be in trouble when his wife gets stuck as it melts. I too rode to work today, but it was in the car with the heater on, it as only - 22 c. Brad
  6. You packed Down 20" of snow ?? I am sure it is gonna get warm and that is sure to be a mess. You must be from the south ! Brad
  7. You got that right Don, Second to the Purple. We are happy to hear this news and all the best. Actually that Black Cherry is the best colour they made. Brad
  8. Shoveled twice today and when we got home there was at least 8" of snow in the driveway. We must have got 12" of snow here. Think it is over now but what a mess. BRad
  9. Rosebud so what did he get for his Birthday ?? And where is the pictures of his new grips ? Brad
  10. Your Memory is getting worse every year. The ride was not held up and Swifty made it on time. With a slight technical difficulty with my key thingy, and a Harley repair the 2nd gen did make the ride just a little later than the rest of you. Brad
  11. Actually I did not have eough time to fix my First gen and his buddies, so needed a more reliable one to be available when the buddies phone with there problems. Brad
  12. Me thinks Swifty is a pretty good test rider. If there is some twisty's around he can scrape the saddle bag rails for yah Brad
  13. If you took the screws of the bike, would they not be Metric. ? I do know it was a pain to put those screws in. They are on a funny angle, and the threads and the bolt did not seem like a nice fit. Brad
  14. BradT

    Car Tire ??

    So it would not be nice to kick you while your down Hope all is well, and tomorrow is another day. Brad PS I highly doubt I would try it, but I read the article with the guy who had over 100 thousand miles, on car tires. I doubt he is just lucky.
  15. To re-torque the heads you have to remove the cam shafts anyway, as I believe the head bolts are under the cams (at least on a first gen) The only difference is that to change the gasket you have to pull the motor. They could tighten the head bolts while the motor is in the bike. But it makes it a lot harder to work on. I think it would be much safer and easier to do while the engine is on a bench. I would prefer a mechanic to do this job when the engine is out of the bike. So insisting on the gasket may be less of a chance of damaging those critical parts, or your paint. Brad
  16. I believe they would be Metric, so maybe you need to invest in more tools. Not a total loss. BRad
  17. Hey Buddy can you "FIXIT" for him ?? (pun intended) Brad
  18. Carl If you had holes in the head to drain it would end up in the cylinders. See picture below. I know you have the answer but that hole where the chain comes through, is a pretty large hole to miss . Brad
  19. Did you mean "Rubber Ducky" Brad
  20. Agree with SaltyDawg, both are quality products and you will not go wrong, with either choice. Slightly different mounting but both are quite easy to install. Brad
  21. Charlie, here is what the snow looks like around here. Do you think it will thaw out by the time the International Ride starts First Picture is my Neighbors house, makes me laugh as he only cleans it out wide enough to get his car through. Brad
  22. If you use the round end of the ball pean hammer on the end of the CV Shaft then hit it with another hammer works well too. This way you can see it move or not move. Brad
  23. Must be taking the long way Eh ! Reiny Brad
  24. Yes I do but what does that Matter. Guess when you get this project complete you will sum up the do's and don'ts in another thread, EH !. Seems like got a little cloudy looking for parts and stuff. Brad
  25. SO is this the reason you have a meet and Eat so our friends south of the border can bring the parts up ? I like the idea, and it is just in time for me ! BTW did you forget what shop coat you had on ? Brad
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