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Everything posted by BradT

  1. This I believe is only required if you do not lift the bike high in the air. All I take off is exhaust (just the last three feet), and saddlebags. Of course the brake caliper and then a few bolts. THe trick is to get the bike up as high as the jack will go so that there is clearance to remove the tire. My bike jack lifts the bike enough to get the tire out without removing all those extra parts. I personally would torque the main bolt but I believe it is 125 ftlbs, which is bloddy tight so that one is up to you. (Actually my torque wrench is only 100 ftlbs so click then a little more.) BRad
  2. I assume Buddy was saying to adjust the free play. IF so it is easy to do and and easy thing to check and see if this is the problem. Brad
  3. Almost worth the 75 bucks. Next time he will tell you about sitting in the Hotel all day becuase it was raining. Brad
  4. HE posted this last week. Overfilled spilt and then ate away the plastic fairing. Brad
  5. Agree but not sure it has to be replaced. Thought I read there is a small hole that plugs up. (maybe it was something else). I would try to rebuild it first. Brad
  6. Pretty sure I got the "H" Tire and I have about 8K miles and it is getting pretty close to being replaced. I like the Dunlop tires as they fit with my riding style and I never noticed any noise. I have a 99 Bugundy (Dark Pink as some say) and Silver like Jugglers Brad
  7. I pulled the forks off and brought them to the Yamaha dealer (I think it was 150 bucks) for new seals, oil and labour to rebuild them. I did not think it was too bad, and I did not need to make the special tool to get the lower nut off. BRad
  8. I pay 25 Cdn to get them installed and balanced, when you bring the tires in. Actually there is a couple places here that charge the same amount. Never asked what it would cost to bring the bike in. It is not hard to pull the tires off Brad
  9. You could always put it in the trailer, and tow it up there. I assume Mr. OWls Venture Ranger in the photo Could win ? I know I am a Pain, BUT here is an idea only, is it possible to start a NEW Topic area and each time there is a winner someone makes a new post, with the new Item for the scavenger. This way it may make it easier to find what we are looking for. JUST an idea. Brad
  10. Brad there is one not 30 minutes away and we have never brought you there. I figure for sure we will be there this year. Lou is that the one up here. PS sounds like fun. By the time you get back to post someone beat you too it Brad
  11. What Scot said and no matter what time you go bring some warm weather gear and a rain suit. THe weather can change easily in the same day. Cabot trail is great just a little bumpy, maybe the big hoes will be fixed by the end of August. Enjoy the trip and depending on where your going start making reservations now. BRad
  12. Can't believe I ever saw one, with white walls. Eck's is a 05 Silver (I believe). The White walls I think look good on the darker coloured bikes. They are a pain to keep clean though. Brad
  13. I remember him Lewis. I think it was his girlfriends daughter but thought she hurt her arm. I thought he said he locked up back tire when the traffic ahead stopped and he decided to lay it down vs hitting the car. That bike was loud. Never saw pipes like that on a venture before. Brad
  14. Maybe you can borrow Swiftys Showel ? BRad
  15. See here http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=6DFE737A-5210-4E65-9140-9A10E55D10D2 Brad
  16. I like the sound of the bubs, but a little pricey right now. Not sure what they would sound like on the highway for long rides but, when you get on it they sound great. Venture 1 I would not drill the stock pipes but try the Harley route. Heard the Drilled pipes and there not bad, For the Harley route you will need a couple of brackets and clamps. Total cost is quite reasonable, and you get a deeper sound which is a nice, but not as nice as the Bubs. Brad
  17. I Figured them First genners would have learned by now not to stir the pot like that. Brad
  18. Firstly Welcome. So here is a Dumb question what headsets you using ? Could they be the problem ? If you are close to a member maybe they can try their headsets on your bike. BRad
  19. Wow that has to be tough. All the best to you and hope things work out for you. Just remember, I am sure you will still have more time to ride than some of us in the North. Brad
  20. I am sure you will fit in, we let anybody join Brad
  21. Maybe he is planning on having two this year. Sounds good to me, anyone else in. Brad
  22. Only because there is still 3 ft of snow on the ground. BRad
  23. Two other options, but require special tools I have had to use both these methods in the past. (not sure which bolt your refering too but both these methods can cause more damage than good) Weld a new nut to the head of the old bolt, and use the correct size wrench or socket. Heating the bolt head red hot and as it cools use vise grips.If the bolt is tight or rusted in there then grinding the head off may make it a real problem. Also if someone use lock-tite you may need heat to remove it anyway. (welding the new nut can generate heat to break the lock-tite) Brad
  24. Not sure why your laughing you don't need a hair dryer either. I would be glad to bring my snowblower over to help plow a path to the back yard, but he said he was gonna start showelling, (my offer still stands) Brad
  25. Welcome aboard and Ditto what Eck said the first time Brad
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