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Everything posted by BradT

  1. My Dog Ben looks bigger than that horse Brad
  2. BradT

    Hey Squidley

    They are next door when you have a nice day and your on the bike. Who cares when it is a 2 hour drive. BRad
  3. When I checked my shims when I took all of the out they were almost all identical shims, which surprised me thinking that they were pretty darn accurate at the factory when they machine the heads. Wrote all the shim dimensions down which is somewhere. HAHA I did the same thing, figured for that price it was worth it for someone else to do it right. PS I got both down for 150, which included new parts, and new oil. Brad
  4. Make sure you have a camera and post some pictures. Congrats to you Brad
  5. Have you synched the carbs lately. Mine nike only backfires when they carbs are off, and when I was high in elevation. Another option was to remove the AIS BRad
  6. You do not need a passport unless your not originally from the US. This has been postponed again, untill 2009. BRad
  7. Forgot to ask did you count yourself as Ontario or MN ?? BRad
  8. Good questions. I too asked but never asked it correctly. Waiting for the responses Brad
  9. Approx 1300 per year, full coverage on two bikes. For some of those rates you might as well have more than one bike in the garage. BRad
  10. Carl as you well know this is a matter of opinion and I will keep mine to myself Brad remember my 86 was a standard, so I do not think your limited to the 1200's, just a unit without the fancy electronics, that always cause you grief, as they get older. Good luck hunting Brad
  11. Just replaced mine with the proper plugs and the ones that came out were a hotter plug. Thought it was not running as smooth, but finally got a good ride in and it seems better. Ran it pretty hard for about 170 miles coming home from GaryN's and it seemed much better today. So not sure which way to go next time. BRad
  12. Well I have not payed attention to the counts for a longgg time. Almost as far back as your hair cut. , you remember when Squidley started the chanting. So how many people did you find with all their fingers and toes. I am sure that woud be a great turn-out. I actually tried last year but just could not get the time. Only a slight chance this year. Been meaning to call you but get busy so if your phone rings it just may be me Take care BRad
  13. Yes most people miss this one, or do not think to keep these lubricated. Me included and I too had a similar problem. PS I tore into it looking for a problem that really was not a problem Brad
  14. But Eugene has a place like that in Texas, which he uses in the winter months Brad
  15. Yes they have been thinking of it but not in pace yet. It is has been post poned a couple of times already and I think it is pushed out to later 2008 or out to 2009. So come across, Next one is tomorrow near Detroit. In Essex county. Brad
  16. That is why I said to he should go when many other people would be there, so he could get some real help. Gary forgot about this weekend when I wrote about Carls, Sorry BRad
  17. Hey Sonny. I do not believe they need to be machined but drilled would work. I never installed the weights. There is a meet at Marcarls on May 24, in Brantford, (check the calendar) So Bring the parts and maybe you can find some time to get them installed then. Worst case scenario you should meet a few locals. AND welcome BRad
  18. Welcome Gary, Enjoy your stay ! Brad
  19. Thanks. Seemed to run smoother with the 7 (hotter) plugs than the 8. Air filters were just cleaned as well. Do not think the gas mileage is affected. Brad
  20. Brad, I here them California models do not run well on Michigan Gas. Brad
  21. Brad, Thought Swifty mentioned it to you. The First Gen Avon is his. Dunlop is mine. Brad
  22. Can someone tell me what the difference is (besides the number). Spark plugs DPR8EA-9 and DPR7EA-9 The plugs I removed from the bike were with the "7", they look almost identical. Also why would you use one vs the other. ? Brad
  23. Well how many friends do you think I have , besides thought your phone is not allowed to call Canada anymore I suggested that as well, not sure if he pulled the fuse or not forgot to ask. Temp was about 20c plus or minus a couple. (68F). Thanks Brad
  24. Yes it seems better and hoping this is all it was. I still thought it should read about 14 volts at the battery ? Brad
  25. Don't worry Reiny I saw his belt, oh wait I saw your two Real job it is a full time job taking care of Run n Bare Brad
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