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Everything posted by BradT

  1. At the bottom of a post the members who have viewed the thread is missing. OR turned off. Buddy seems faster for me. Good work Don Brad
  2. I posted to this last night but guess it was lost during the switch over, maybe it was a good thing. Brad
  3. What were they thinking as you got older you were a bigger risk. WOW those prices are outrageous. I do not get my renewal notice till next month. BRad
  4. The way I see it is that if you never left, there would be two exceptions. So I will take that as a compliment. Oh by the way are you still seeking, or did you find what you were looking for. BRad
  5. That would be normal Eh Lonna !
  6. They try at least. IF you live close to a border you definetly know the difference in what you buy BRad
  7. In our profile section we lost our Picture Gallery's. Curious are putting them back or do we have too, I needed to update mine anyway. ? Brad
  8. All the profiles come up different here. Not a bad look, just have to click a little more. BY the way what the ..... is a Field Technician, is that the politically correct way of saying it, now Brad
  9. My radio unit acts up on my 99 occasionally. I have tried the grease on the connectors with out an improvement. If I shut the CB on and on a couple times it normally comes back. Acts up about 5-6 times per year. Brad
  10. I agree with you squid and as far as prices go it not cheap up here to ride or buy parts and service. My Co-worker laughed throw the whole story, guess there is some humour here. Just glad he is okay Brad
  11. Todd we are just glad it worked out. Glad you let us know. BRad
  12. A co-worker of mine, came down to my office today, to tell me what happened to his brother. His brother bought a used motorcycle after many years of not owning one. I would guess his brother is low 60's. Not sure the type of bike but he paid 11,000 for a used bike. Anyway he was out riding and as he was slowly rounding a corner he hit some gravel and went down. SO now he has to pick up the bike which he manages to do, but then over it went to the other side. Meanwhile a fellow in a van stops to help. After they get the bike up and on the sideside he sits on it and trys to start it. As it starts the bike takes off and hits this fellows van. The bike smashes the corner of the van, he hits the windshield breaking it. The van has approx 4500 damage and the bike is sent to the shop. The mechanic stated that the safety switches must have been damaged in the fall and Bike has almost 10,000 damage. My co-worker thought it was hilarious, but his brother is okay but he cracked the bone in his lower leg, he is sore but he wants the bike fixed so he can go riding. I too found myself laughing at the story, just glad he is okay.
  13. Kevin it is a long stretch from the border pulling a trailor. But seriously, you will not have a problem finding a stations, from Port Huron or Detroit. They are pretty well marked and not far off the highway. If you find a Timmies there is normally a gas station close by. Brad
  14. I used a long handle T allen wrench, but the bolts are tight. THen you just have to wiggle it. If it does not come out take a break and try it later. You will be surprised as it will just sort of fall out when it is right. Good luck and going back is as much fun. BRad
  15. Moose I normally run from here to Squids and it is about 145 miles and we normally make that pretty easy. Never thought earlier if your pulling a trailer, it will be a stretch. There is many places along the way and yes we can post some up on the site to make it easier. Agree with Gary the smaller highways may be more enjoyable. Brad
  16. Beautiful horse, figured he was a baby but Ben is still a big dog ! Brad
  17. You still should be able to get shut off. Just don't shift as soon as with a warm engine. . Brad
  18. Yah done that as well. IN a rush to start it you wonder why the cruise control cancel button does not crank the engine over. Secret is to hit the starter button Or you could have one of your buddys hit the kill switch for you just for fun and then watch you try to start it. Wonder why this happens a couple of times a year. Brad
  19. Yes this could be it. Turn the choke off as soon as possible, I try to turn it off as soon as I start down the road. Another potential problem is a weak battery, if it does not have a full charge or is getting old it can foul plugs quickly, and it will take a long hard run to clean them up. PS when it is firing on only three cylinders, you may not notice a lack of power but you should notice a substantial drop in gas mileage. Brad
  20. Get working it would be nice to meet you. Missed you two years back at Vogel. Brad
  21. If you cross at Port Huron fill up and you should make it all the way to Kitchener (approx 120miles), without re-fueling. If you cross on Windsor you should make it to London (approx 120 miles) and then there is a couple of exits with gas stations, close to the highway. London Ontario is only 60 miles away from Kitchener. Brad
  22. They may be very tight. I had a hard time moving mine, but after a lot of pushing turning they finally moved. BRad
  23. Been there once a few years ago, and it was a rainy cloudy day and you could not move and the est. attendance was approx 30,000. Landpig , IF YOUR AN AMERICAN CITIZEN YOU DO NOT NEED A PASSPORT. Brad
  24. Yup See Picture below, Canso Causeway Nova Scotia, Cape Breton. Not sure why anyone would think it is hard to travel across the border, it is a sight inconvinence only. Answer the questions honestly and you should have no problems, either directions. We cross at least 10-15 times or more, and we have been pulled in only about 3 or 4 times, in 20 years. Give the car a little search and away we go. Unless you travel with my wife. She tells the guy at the customs booth on the US side to give me a hard time. AND the guy did, asked me just about every question he could think of. Naugh-T and Swifty are at the side waiting for me and laughing. THe guy was just razing me but oh well, guess he has to have some fun in a boring job. AND she thinks I deserved it for giving her a hard Time, ME who figure ?? !! Brad
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