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Everything posted by BradT

  1. WOW, sorry to hear and glad your home safe. PS Dale boy do I feel bad for you right now, I think I know what you had to endure. Brad
  2. Maybe but cost me little for new tires, and I was happy. Brad
  3. :rotf:So fitting Brad
  4. Hey hipshot sorry for the hijacking thread, but these first gen riders need to stop living in fantasy land and face reality. Brad
  5. Mr. Owl, go figure, you moved from Ontario to Winterpeg so that is why it is dam cold. Guess you can not remember what it was like in Ontario, as it was sooooooo many years ago. Also not only do you have a problem counting you do not realize I am further South than you. Brad
  6. Dan, Stardbog buys so much Heniken that he can afford a battery. ! Guess you do not know him well enough. Brad
  7. Thats because they got there first, and just ended up parking closest to the house. Did you notice most of the first gens parked on top of the hill so they could get a rolling start. Brad
  8. Should I say it ! Nah I can not. Brad PS there is a Walmart in Oberlin
  9. Guess he walked into that one ! Brad
  10. Reiny says too early to tell, maybe he should re read that question. That is why you asked for average temps. Average for daytime temps now is 25 c (77 f). Nights will cool down to low 20 c (68 f). However the last few days we are getting to the low 30c (86 f) but with a humidex of low 40c (105 f). It can also get cool. Here is a link to our local weather http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAON0356 This one has a 14 day forecast. http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/city/pages/on-82_metric_e.html Note. To convert to "f" from C - Divide by 5 multiply by 9 and then add 32. PS do not ask Mr. Owl as he would never get it. Brad
  11. Actually I had BF Goodrick replace all four tires on my van. At first they stated under inflated as the tire separated at the bead, all the way around. A front blew out on me at 80 mph. The very next week another one went flat sitting in the driveway, bead was all cracked. Had the dealer pull the other two same thing on all four and they pro rated them of course but, they never said it was a tire problem, just paid the bill. Brad
  12. WOW never knew there was a real problem, just figured it was normal. Brad
  13. BradT

    seat removal

    Profile states it an 83, so lift the filler cap and there is one bolt there. Cant remember but may have been 10mm. Lift the cover from the seat. Battery is hiding up there. BRad
  14. Got home about 5:30 safe and soaked (poured for the last 5 minutes). Had a great time. Thanks Don for letting us come to your home. Extra special thanks to HALRSV99, for bringing one of my daughters. Also Marcarl for coming 30 miles to come get my other daughter (after we had a slight incident on our way), and also Swifty for helping out. The kids had a great time and are beat. Now I wonder why, nylon nuts breaking loose, allowing a license plate to fall off and not notice it fly by me, making us look for a place to drop off Naugh-T's bike so she could not drive to Don's on her own, would be my fault ? WE lost Naugh-T's license plate and HAl phoned his sister so that store her bike for the weekend, bothering Carl and Wizard to drive 30 miles back to pick up one of my daughters. SO Naugh't had to with me and she was not happy. (Carl maybe she should have rode with you.) NOw how could this be my Fault Maybe I should have used real bolts. . I love you so Much ! BRad
  15. Bob, hope for a speedy Recovery. JGorom glad you are able to help, and for the update. Brad and Rhonda
  16. That would not be fair we like to talk about you while your here. It's more fun that way:sign20: BRad
  17. Haha it may be easy to tease a Canadian, but it just as simple to throw it back, however we can take what we dish BTW how would you pronounce the city/town you live.? Brad
  18. HAHA Better looking model And that one is Brown Should have continued past the Sault, for the next 150 miles that is one nice ride. Brad
  19. Like a screwdriver has been used for many things, a door opener, chisel, pry bar, hammer and many other uses. Go ahead and admit that you only use it as Screwdriver,then we can call you lier Yes please on the last statement above. Brad
  20. And Do not forget one of the more Famous places in Ontario, Now called New Tecumseth, previously called Alliston. This little town may be on our route as we head North to the Muskokas. In the past few years this town has grown and big business has moved here, such as Honda's engine building plant and they even have a hospital now. BUT this town is most known for it Citizens and our very own Mr. Owl. We still consider you Canadian Eh ! BRad
  21. You needed a hair cut anyway, but the numbers added up. You just ran out of fingers and toes. Besides it was the other Brad that started the ranting. Brad
  22. Can't help but maybe some others will jump in. Figured it would break loose with the impact. BRad
  23. I was thinking the same thing, but it sure is blue. Looks pretty good fora Blue one. Actually very clean. BRad
  24. It maybe blinking, but you just can't see it. Oh if the VCR is Black try electrical tape it will blend in better. Brad
  25. Just curious is your VCR blinking 12:00:sign20: Seriously I have a problem with my card reader as well (I did something to it), and can not fix it, have to use the cord Brad
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