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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Reiny said it was 6:45 to 8 am and it is down by the trailer. Brad
  2. Glad you decided to stay put that does not look good. I have a old Brigstone here that I got from a member when I picked up a bad split. BUT I am too far a away, hope you make it home safely for that meeting. BRad
  3. The International Rally has started. First of all Thanks to Reiny Rooster, and all that are helping and all that are here and coming. Just a few snap shots of our day. Reiny is my First Pic, A couple hard at work, and of course headquarters. Brad
  4. I agree with flb, mine was leaking for a short while before I replaced mine, just made sure there was air in it. I have a 99 and it went out at about 40,000 miles. Got a good deal on a Used 03 shock. Brad
  5. Welcome to Canada Don and Daughter. (maybe you should have introduced her before you left) Brad
  6. From the pictures it looks like a shock, but it could be from the spray back. Clean it up a little and see where it is coming from. "0" was the front shocks, back shocks should have some air or it will bottom out. Shock can leak and hold air. Brad
  7. HAL, us younger Brothers have to have to look out, for the older ones yah know. Hey guys Naugh-T looks at this as site as well and you are bringing up old wounds. Stop getting me in trouble. BRad
  8. Just to add you are setting up on Sunday Morning, Correct ! Brad
  9. I replaced mine WWW Dunlop at 12,500 It had the B on it as well. I replaced it with another one with the B on it. I ride like I always do, but a lot of these miles were pulling a trailer, in 100 + temp to Colorado and back Brad
  10. She never said it was pulled by a 2nd gen, just said they "never use it", so it should bring top bucks to all the first gens, that need to bring the spare parts with them. Brad
  11. BradT

    Safe travels

    Here is the weather report (I put it in F degrees for you all) Looking decent right up to Tuesday, but I am sure this will change as time gets closer BRad http://www.theweathernetwork.com/index.php?product=weather&placecode=CAON0356&switchto=f
  12. BradT

    Safe travels

    The ones you promised us all if we showed up ! Brad
  13. Brad
  14. By the sounds of it, it aint going anywhere, even if you wanted it too. Hope you enjoy it. BRad
  15. Alot of work that is going to be, but I am sure you will enjoy the rewards. Also think of how muc hit would cost if you paid someone. It was my understanding that you do not need to fill the four foot hole with concrete. Thought someone told me all you need is less than 2 feet of conrete and fill the rest with dirt. Does not matter anymore as your done. BRad BRad
  16. That was one of the error messages that I had. There is very little that I can change on the firewall. IT is locked up by the IT department. Can't turn it off or delete the temp files. Same thing on the Microsft Office 2007, has a bunch of special file formats that I can not change, colour, layout, headers etc... Man those IT people are really making things difficult. They think they run the company. BRad
  17. BradT

    Safe travels

    You know what he was riding right ? so you are correct once again Carl AND Yes safe travels for all to and From BRad
  18. You will get a deal in the US compared to looking local, however the warranty is not transferable to Canada. BUT you can always bring it back across the border for the Warranty. Good luck BRad
  19. I think you have to take the left side off so that you can get to that little black plastic piece that sides up side the frame, This piece is where all the cables go too, from the throttle and back then to the Carbs and back. It's a bit of a pain BRad
  20. And you were saying it was just me with the Problem Eh! Hey Buddy this is why he did not want to that Section you mentioned as he would be in it all the time. Don just blame it on the Mobile Photobucket. My Firefox still won't load HAHA BRad
  21. Just a comment I believe one of the days ride was to the Falls. And would we say anything bad to her, doubt it but maybe you BRad
  22. Absolutley true, travel the Maritimes for business many times, also had to ride come back with the bike and ride the cabot trail a few years back. Nice place but the roads were a little bumy but well worth the ride. Spend a lot time in Bedford, Dartmouth, and Mirimichi. Brad
  23. Deleted all cookies and it works now. Could not find away to delete certain cookies. Oh well needed to clean it up anyway. Thanks for the help guys. Do either of you know how that happened so it does not happen again ? BRad
  24. Thats what it was there for to keep and eye on the trouble makers or maybe to sneak up on someone not quite sure ! BRad
  25. Uhm hate to say it but they probably all could, with left overs Brad
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