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Everything posted by BradT

  1. How much extra do you pan on putting at that dealership ? Should be able to buy a few t-shirts and pair of boots Congrats on selling it, Sort of Brad
  2. BradT


    I do not think so as Chaos had the links and avons and his was as high as mine, actually a little taller. Brad
  3. Sure leave it to you to break the rules, No Pictures Brad
  4. Interesting. I too have found my speedo is out approx 7-8% but on a recent check I noticed the odometer was lower as you stated, to about 3-4%. This surprised me as I thought they would be equally out. I compared these to the GPS. I have hit 200 miles on a tank but only a couple of times but that was running 50-55 Miles per hour on a group ride. I normally get 150 miles when I need to hit reserve, amd can easily run 170 miles. I have only seen the the trip counter come on about three times. This counter came on when the gauge showed one blink. I normally calculate based on a Cdn gallon but as stated the numbers can be all over the place. Again very interesting Brad
  5. I know but vacation time is the week before, can't help that one. Would be nice to make it but right now it is not gonna happen. So maybe I can do the rides the week before and tell you how great they are Brad
  6. We were thinking of heading down to this area and the last week of July. We were at Vogel a couple years back and really liked the area, but I am not really familiar with the MOuntain area and was wondering what is a must see or do. Just an idea but was thinking of heading down 75 to the knovillle area then heading home thru West virgina and PA. With a couple days of free time in the mountain areas. Anyone in the area have any suggestions it would be appreciated. Brad
  7. We have the same problem in Canada the westerners think I am in the east and that easterners think we are in the West, and we are in the middle. Also I had to work all week as well but was able to take one day off, only for the Muskoka ride. BUt we were around in the evenings Brad
  8. So how did you remember where all the parts went while putting the bike back together. Guess you took lots of pictures. BRad
  9. So delivery is out of the question Hugh ! Assume that is US funds as well Eh ! Good luck selling it, looks like a good deal. Guess you need some gas for the new truck, BRad
  10. Not sure majority are from the east coast, guess it depends on where east coast starts . If you ride like V7 Goose no distance is too far, 700 + miles per day WOW. Understand what your saying though it is tough to make some of these events due to the distance that is why I am happy to see repeated meets in a particular area. I too watch through pictures for some of the meets down south and in the West Brad Brad
  11. I thought you already posted this. BUT maybe I am going senile like you BRad
  12. I use 20W-50 all the time and I do not think any of it is energy conserving but I double check each time. Have not had problems. Personally I think changing regularly is the key, no matter what you use. Some will say it shifts better, quieter, runs smoother, etc... JUST Turn the MP3 player up and keep the revs up high, no problem. Brad
  13. Dogman it was great meeting you and your wife. Glad you two had a good time and maybe the dealer will send you one, I would try calling him with the info here and maybe he will send it to you Brad
  14. BradT


    I agree this was the second 2nd gen I rode and I really liked the tack, as well. Mine is a lot harder to turn that is for sure. When entering a corner his bike seemed to want to make the turn and fall right into the corner, mine seems to have to push it into the corner (I am talking slow speeds only.) Pegscraper actually did lift the floor board looking for scrapes. Pegscraper I guess you could not get enough speed on the round-about should have been able to scrap on those dam things. Maybe it was because the first couple of miles you were just getting used to it, or the lead was going too slow. Brad
  15. Don it was our pleasure to meet you and Sara. I am glad you stopped at the falls. I am sure Sara will have some great story's to tell her friends when she is back at home. I am glad you two had a good time. Brad
  16. BradT


    Well Pegscraper and his wife Lorie stopped by this morning, and they were off about 9:30, with Steve, Irene and the bike. I believe they were going straight to Bummers place. I am sure it is going to be a long ride, but they will all feel much better once they are home. Take care Steve. Brad and Rhonda
  17. I thought the Nuvi250W as the same case as the 200W. If they are the same, is there a mount for the 250W. I thought the only differences is that the 200 only has the States or Canada but not both countries. BRad
  18. Gary it was our Pleasure. Hope to see you back soon. Thanks Brad and Rhonda
  19. Lonna, I agree ! Don, Brad
  20. Bike is in my garage, and Bummer can decide how to get it home. He obviously has lots of options, one was the offer to come back up and we will take him on the ride Mrs. Bummer wanted to go on to the Muskokas:cool10:. I have an open trailer and we can start the relay. Take Care Steve and hope your feeling much better soon. Brad and RHonda
  21. BradT

    It's over....

    This says it all, IT was suppose to be the Good, the Bad and the U..... (as Ramblingman said it). Brad
  22. Now that the Cat is out of the Bag here you go. (hope you don't mind Brad) Brad
  23. BradT


    I did but it was an old Pontiac with 4 wheel drum brakes and I tried stopping it at 80 MPH, there was nothing there ran right thru the intersection and never hit anything. Brake Fade ! It was my understanding that you are not allowed to enter the intersction and sit out in the open while turning left Even on the green. (i know everyone does it). I was once told that you are not allowed in the intersection untill the way is clear or you have the right away. The reason was because you could be in the intersection when the light turns red waiting for the cars travelling through the yellow. By waiting for the red you are in fact impeding traffic. Not sure there was any truth to it. Brad
  24. One sign is backfiring, unless you have plugged the AIS. Mine will backfire when I am in need of a sync. Normally I notice it with the choke on, then eventually it will back fire with the choke off BRad
  25. No and yes sort of. No the U joint does not have to come out, and yes it slides out the right side after you pick it up high enough to clear the tabs (motor mount) where the motor bolts go through. It is not an easy job as there is little room to lift and pull out the right side. I pulled the rear valve cover and that gave you a little extra room. Have fun PS That little V4 is heavy BRad
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