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Everything posted by BradT

  1. You already have it done but all you have to remove is the Right side trunk off then you can get at the top bolt. Raise the bike, the higher the better to get at the bottom bolt. The lower bolt goes into some block (not sure what it is called) which is loaded with needle brgs. The lower shock bolt, leveling links and the where this mounts to the bike all have needle brgs and should be greased. These can seize up if they get dry. BRad
  2. Must be make you look kinda small BRad
  3. Glad to hear, so now go off and enjoy the Vacation, Guess you deserve it after being off work for the last few weeks, at least BEcky does deserve it, after catering to you Brad
  4. Starting to forget alot lately, must have a lot on the go or Brad
  5. Congrats on the great trip. Glad you had a good time. My wife and I are also from the Sault but the Canadian side. Not sure if you crossed over the border but some real nice riding north on Hwy 17, out of Sault Canada. Brad
  6. IS that sort of the average people are getting ? I changed my Dunlop at 12,000 miles and there was just over 1/16" left on the tire. I changed it before the ride to Maintanace day, which was about 700 miles and I was pulling a trailer and riding two up. Did not want to take the chance. BRad
  7. I was thinking along this line as well, but maybe a stuck ring as well. Are you sure it is not 112k ? Pulling the plugs should tell which one is burning oil, this Could/should narrow it done to which cylinder if not more than one. BRad
  8. Peter glad you made it home safely. How was Ottawa and the rest of the trip home ? You are more than welcome for the room, and it was our pleasure. BRad
  9. Yup and so did Cindy. HAHA Think it is an inside joke.
  10. I went with teh Garmin as well, and the customer service has been great. Never dealt with Tom Tom but If I was replacing mine it would be another Garmin. Brad
  11. DAY After Labour day for the kids but I thought the teachers go back a week earlier or at least a couple days before. Brad
  12. Had the 86 apart before. Didn't take any measurements. BRad
  13. NOt nice promising then making us wait two yrs. Brad
  14. Not sure the plastic (UHMW ?) wear bar would wear out. Chain could loosen and be out of adjustment but not sure that is common either. Brad
  15. Does not have the Car adapter either. The 550 does. Made my car adapter fairy easy. Brad
  16. Helped take one off a 99 a few weeks back and it was toast. I think the mileage is in the 140,000 km Brad
  17. Your right Carl at my age I don't need more than one. By the way she is younger than me Who is this Rhona person not too mention why is her last name so close to mine. Brad
  18. Agree Harley's are okay even not bored out, just a tad deeper sound. THen you can drill them so it is just a tad louder, but if you want nice sound the Bubs are my favorite but these can geta little loud, if your on it. Brad
  19. MAybe I am not thinking to quick, can you help me I never noticed the difference Brad
  20. Honestly, do you think they would last that long ? Brad
  21. Looks like a roofing (shingle) nail. Lucky it went flat in the garage and not on the road. Too bad the ride on did not work Brad
  22. Correct and absolutley you can notice and feel the difference. I did not like the short ones so I had a pair made up in between and I like this hieght. Brad
  23. Not too but ever see some CT tires underinflated on the roads, the sidewalls seem to take a lot of abuse, expecially a underinflated front tire. You can see the wear marks on the side of the tire Brad
  24. Airlines are getting to be a pain. Lighters of any kind are not allowed but they do not always find them if they are buried in the suitcase. Most airlines will give each passenger a small zip lock bag that you have to keep your deoderants, shaving cream etc... in. In Canada each item is limited to 100 mililiters (ml) for liquids (eg aftershave). I belive this is about 3.5 oz. Basically travel size. I always bring a light jacket and put your smokes, change keys, etc.. Take it off and send it through xray machine in a plastic bucket. Carry on baggage is limited in size has to fit in a small area and if you check there website it will tell you how large this can be. Enjoy the trip Brad
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