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Everything posted by BradT

  1. And you say Woodstock is long ways away. Not fussy on eating supper at 8 o'clock at night (or morning for that matter). Brad
  2. Alliston would never be the same if Mr. Owl visited. With the Honda plant there not sure you can buy chips and gravy in Alliston Brad
  3. May be interested, have to see closer to the date, maybe for now. Brad
  4. BradT

    U P

    Originally from the Sault (Canadian side), but we spent a lot of time in Michigan. Played many hockey tournaments on Marquette and Houghton. Cousins played for Michigan Tech So to answer your question no but I once was very close. Now live in Southern Ontario BRad
  5. What in the hell is KMH Brad
  6. Careful who you let out of the corner. Swifty, Boomer, Charlie and a few others may think it is time to come out as well. Brad
  7. Sorry we missed you Phil. Not sure what time you came by, think we were only gone for a short time during the day. Brad
  8. Sorry to hear this news. Never a good time but at Christmas I just could not imagine. All the best to the Family Brad
  9. BradT


    Phil all the best, thinking of you and his family and friends Brad
  10. Not sure I understand are you thinking you could have sent your wife to Germany too... Ben have a great time and you can't change the spelling in the title can yah Brad
  11. Can't help never needed to take any pictures and sold the bike. Good luck Brad
  12. Firstly I do not like loud pipes, but then what is loud. The problem is what they believe is loud and how the testing is performed which bugs me even more. Crotch rockets screaming and a loud Diesel in full throttle can be much louder than most bikes with straight pipes. Bigger problem is the one ahole with loud pipes on a residental street who thinks its cool. Did not read the article and not worth the reading same ole one sided comments. Brad
  13. Have the floor drain, and the water bib. Soft water is next and then heat but not for a while. Unless Eddy if coming over to install one cheap. Brad
  14. I use only the new post button and honestly never look to see the forum it is in. Just saying, that would be hard habit to break. Brad
  15. There is a hidden warranty on the fuel pumps. Northern vehicles can have snow and salt sit on top of the tank right at the fuel lines. The lines rust from the salt and start a leak on the lines that are part of the fuel pump. GM will replace it free, they do not replace the gasket so if your dealer does not give it to you pay the 18 dollars for a new one. I was not offered and they used the old gasket, three months later it leaked when the tank was full. Took the dealer a long time to find the leak. cost me a little but made them eat most of it you should changed the friggin gasket. Fuel eats asphalt, when it drips, that is why I new it was leaking Brad
  16. Me too not going out to get a clean bike dirty just for a ride. At least not in December. Brad
  17. Have a electronic manual fpr a 1100 Virago that is about 17 megs. About 9 pages on cable routing. Would be glad to email it but too large for my works server. Maybe able to send it through a different source or via CD if it helps. Your postal service is not too fast so that may take a while Brad
  18. Don't see why anyone would flame you, can't disagree at all. Brad
  19. 04 Trailblazer with less than 70,000 miles. AS Sarge say nice ride fuel sucks, and Brad that 18 is not pulling your trailer, drop like a rock. So does driving it above 70 mph, but it rides nice and smooth. Have fun as the problems are not hard to fix most of the time but annoying. Electrical is not GM's best qualities. BCM is definetly an issue on a lot of GM's. 03 Impala will work fine shut it of and it does not turn on for 30 minutes or so. Sort of needs to reset itself. Good thing it does not happen often. Brad
  20. I always enjoyed Michigan and most likely will continue to visit and help their economy. Unions may have helped Michigan be what it is today. Brad
  21. Not at all, but wait until he has an electrical gremlin. Very Nice Swifty, so how much does the mileage drop pulling a trailor ? Brad
  22. Abdul Having one of those days. So where are the pictures of it pulling the new trailor. I am sure that one will do it. Why Red Brad
  23. Gald to be able to read your story. Not a fun ride Brad
  24. Was at Giant Tiger they had about 10 boxes on the shelf. Big city of Woodstock Expiry date was March 8th 2013. Brad
  25. Is it going to be harder than posting a picture of somewhere, then a random machine to pick a number. We know your math is no Better than Mr. Owl's Brad
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