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Everything posted by BradT

  1. We would not be able to make it either, but who says we can not have labour day ride the following weekend Not sure if I can make the next weekend either but would have a better chance Enjoy the weekend camping Carl and MArca. BRad
  2. WOW 8.5 hours you trying to catch some Beauty Rest Brad
  3. Hope all is okay. See you (here) when you get back. Brad
  4. Bring some warm clothes if your heading to Nova Scotia, getting into the low 50 at night, and lately the days do not seem to be any better. In Nova Scotia you can see Peggys cove and Cobot trail Nice places. GLAD To hear Brad
  5. I have been there before. Not a nice parking lot Brad
  6. Nice pool, just about time to put it away for winter, or at least up here I am sure a few are thinking about it. Just have to go outside to get WET these days. Gary be sure to give us a call before you pass by. Brad
  7. Only ever used 20W-50 and never synthetics and also never had any problems. Just not sold on Synthetics, expecially on a new engine, older engine maybe. True believer of letting them break in by running them hard, as per the piston ring manufacturers advise. Brad
  8. For some reason I think I have a Shock and I think I may also have some valve shims and a tool for removing them. Reiny when you coming to get your shock, and Mother maybe after that big ride you need your valve tool ? BRad
  9. BradT

    35 mpg

    Thought of that but and had it for a the first day, but figured the speed, road conditions, would have much more of an effect. Temperature differences would have to be compared while travelling fairly consistent road and speeds. Besides it was hotter than I was used too anyway Brad
  10. If you are refering to the switch in the photos, and if it was wired the way it was shown it would still require the key to make the ignition fire over. IN other words if you flipped the switch it would crank over but not start, without the key turned on. Some people have commented about adding the switch but hide it under the seat, just in case. Brad
  11. BradT

    35 mpg

    Here is some info for you, (see attachment) which I just finished. Not saying it is good or bad, but I was not disappointed. This is a pretty good average based on total distance and fuel used. This was riding two up, pulling a Piggy backer, loaded quite heavy. Large Cooler, full of liquids and ice each day. I think a wider trailer will reduce the fuel mileage as it seems to catch the wind more. Note the mileages are per the Odometer, but the lower section has the actual mileage as per the GPS. All the speeds were per the GPS not speedo. I did not comment on the wind which can play havoc with fuel mileage, but each day was a slight breeze some headwinds and some tail winds but this was too hard to record. Also attached is an approx routing of where we went. Brad
  12. Swifty and I both slowed for yah :rotf:But now you do not have to worry It was not me that helped pick up the bike there was no room to help out, to many got there first. Brad
  13. Mitchell is only 45 minutes West from here. Never met them, aybe they will post up Brad
  14. Trailer comes in handy for the shoes HAHA. LASt year we rode from Ontario to black hills, to yellow stone, to the Colorado ralley and home, that was our biggest ride, but for the last few years we take a week and go. BRad
  15. This is the second time it was mentioned did you guys get a screen name and province ? Canada is kinda of vague as the country is kinda big. Brad
  16. Congrats to you sounds like you enjoyed it. IT gets easier the more you do ride, funny thing though on a long distance trip some days your back and butt hurts and the next day it is fine. Few weeks back we left on Sunday noonish and came back friday afternoon and punded off 2400 miles pulling the cargo trailer the whole time. BRad
  17. Congrats to you, About time you took care of Sue and let her ride with some comfort. PS. Now I wont have to slow down and wait for you, like the last time we were escorting you home. Brad
  18. There is a little leather punch that can be purchased that slips over the gas cap. HAs to be removed each time you want to fill. BRad
  19. SO what are you saying when we come down for a visit we are going out for supper Brad
  20. That Sucks, but glad you did not get hurt. Hope all works out with the insurance. Also hope that guy that helped was not pissed at you for yelling at him. BRad
  21. Only a couple of bolts, to remove the side bags then only two bolts to slip the pipes off (about 15 minutes) Then if you start it up in your garage and reff it a little it will sure shake his windows. But it will annoy almost everybody else within a close distance. I can add a couple kids 16 and 13 girls, which would definitly get the neighbors. Brad
  22. Redneck do you have one if these in your collection. ? Now my wife would like one of those. Brad
  23. Those security bolts have lock tight on them as well. I was told to die grind slot in them and useing a bg screw driver. IT did not help much but if you had an impact screwdriver you may break it free. I ground the bolt that is welded to the frame off and then just used a lock bolts. I did the temp fix a few years back if you wanted to call me and we could go through it. Phone numbers in my profile. BRad
  24. I think he was talking about my old 86 that ran close to the red, but not in the red. Anyway I know which wires your refering to and I had checked them. Also had to pinch the female end to make it a tight connection. Brad
  25. Congratulations, welcome and you can post pictures in the threads as well. I would run a another tank of gas with Seafoam, it won'd hurt. Brad
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