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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Did not make it any easier that is for sure. Thanks alot, but I am sure you wern't talking about me eh You home already ? Brad
  2. Did not need this comment either. You were just trying to get me in trouble Right ? Brad
  3. Missed this post, as we were busy before we left for Maintenace day. Steve we will catch up with you soon. BRad
  4. US Side. Squidley was pretty ticked and was calling someone to complain, but could not find a number. Brad was going to get me the persons name, and then I thinking of calling someone. BRad
  5. Always nice to learn and Practice on someones elses bike before working on your own:rotf: Glad you got it working better.. BRad
  6. Okay now there is a few tricks when trying to cross the CDN - US border, which some of this applies to other border crossings as well. Firstly make sure you have a license plate, for some reason they want to see one to determine what Country you live. This past weekend we were heading off to Squidleys then to Floyds for the Maintenance BBQ. AS I was getting things ready, I grabbed my wifes ID and mine, packed the bike and we were off. We get to the Ferry with about 15 minutes before it stopped for the evening. While crossing and I grabbed the ID's, and looking at it I realized I grabbed the kids ID not Rhonda's. Oh know. Well the border guy advises us what we already knew, that you have to have ID. After being puled over the fellow brought Rhonda into the customs and asked her a bunch of questions. He was very abrupt and not nice at all actually called her stupid twice, but then let us carry on. Had great evening and day today and when we got to Canada the lady crossing guard wondered how we got into the states, and let us go. I guess the main point is to always carry you ID. By the way I was not in the dog house too long. Brad
  7. Another simple thing to check is the Air filter. May not be getting enough air. You could always replace the fuel filter as well. Brad
  8. Only ever used the Carbtune and I am completely happy with it. Easy to work with Brad
  9. Thought you said you never torque any bolts ? BRad
  10. Seems like it has been a couple of weeks what you waiting for ! Seriously hope your having some fun with it. Looking forward to seeing some pictures Brad
  11. Thought you knew the rules, wheres the pictures of your new found hobby. Brad
  12. I had 86 idling about 1,000 and would get close to 14 volts on the meter at the battery, pull the brake lever and it would be 12 volts. On a members 99 the stator was bad, actually burnt inside. It would boil dry the battery, but he also changed rectifier so maybe this is why it boiled dry BRad
  13. Not really, just not had the time to sitting around looking for it Actually just bumping it for him Brad
  14. Your a brave man, With all these ladies out here. (eg. Naugh-T, Cinderella, Sweet Nothing etc............) PJ Thanks for the idea now Rhonda wants to try it but not with her bike, she wants to try to lift the RSV, which would mean it would have to lay down (I don't like this idea) Brad
  15. No Link to the Ad ? You mean we have to go and look for it Brad
  16. Been there and did that, on the way to Colorado. Temps were over 100 and it started to act up on the highway, then when we hit the mountains it would not shift. When we got to the top in second gear, we bleed the old crap out with some nice new stuff, and it worked great ever since. Best part was I made it to the top where it was about 70 degrees, what a relief Brad
  17. Considering I sent you the reminder, we will definetly try and be there. May just shoot over in the morning, like the last time. Brad
  18. Might as well order it now, it is that easy BRad
  19. If you take the new one apart you can use the upper piece of the old one and lower of the new one and use the same key as your trunks and gas cap. If not you will need to carry two keys BRad
  20. If you went North you could cross into Canada at the Sault. The ride North on the Transcanada is a nice ride. They also have the Agawa canyon tour (TrainRide) The UP only has Casinos every few miles Have a great trip. BRad
  21. If Naddie is the GPS, I think there is a setting inthere to avoid certain roads. Hats of to Marca and you for taking up a new sport Dirt bikeing. If I took some of those roads Rhonda may have had a few words that are not allowed on the this site Brad
  22. We will be in the Sault for that weekend, so we will not be able to make it. To Bad as we can't seem to make it over this year. Hoping to get to Floyds, next weekend though BRad
  23. Few weeks back, a little over 2300 miles, in 5 days, felt fine after that. We have done quite a few long days around 500 mark and a few 600. I have the backrest and pillow top seats. The backrest helps quite a bit, as it would get pretty tiring when I did not have it. I find that some parts of the ride you just can not get comfortable and the next time you get on it is fine. All depends on how you sit, and you have to change positions often. Brad
  24. By the looks of some of the those roads, you may want to get that NEW GPS checked out ! Glad you two had a good time and time away from Work. Brad
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