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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Read an article a couple years ago about belt drive breaking. The person replaced the original after many miles and then the new belt kept breaking in less than a third of the original. The answer to his problems was that the pulley needed to be changed as it was worn out as well. Not sure if this is normal or how that would add up on the maintenance costs. Just thought I would mention it. Brad
  2. There was trunk re locating kit available years ago but these are not sold anymore, but occasionally they pop up. I think E-fishin-C used a couple pieces of a hockey stick that worked well. BRad
  3. BradT


    Just so your not totally dissapointed, the First comment above is so true. and the second you would not have as many miles if you shut the engine off while it was hung up (see pic) BRad
  4. BradT


    Hey Squeeze this comment I sure hurts more but Funny. You just have know Swifty to understand. Eck second pic is very nice should have been in the calendar, along side of the first pic if you removed the person. Nice pics. Brad
  5. BradT


    Another member, close to here had the same mileage as Swifty but on his 99, so what your excuse as we only have about 6 good months to ride. :rotf:Swifty has only had his bike for a 3 or 4 years. Brad
  6. BradT


    So within two minutes them yanks figured it out. So were you impressed or did they surprise you ? That brown one still lifts the tire with a crack of the throttle. HEy Dan does the Blue ones do that as well ? Careful how you answer the miss' maybe looking over your shoulder BRad PS wheres the pictures to prove it you should know the rules
  7. I doubt plug and play are available, but most just splice into the existing wiring. Not that hard BRad
  8. You had to remind us ! With the weather we have been having it seems more like summer here. Upper 70's yesterday with the sun shinning. Today cooler but still very nice. Forecast is mid to low 70's all week. I can tell you when the sun goes down which is early it gets cold fast. Almost to a point for me where it is not worth bundling up like the Pillsbury Do boy, just for a hour ride. BRad
  9. Not sure of the advantages as I have pretty much ran Dunlops and I like the White walls. From what I hear the grooved highways are much easier with Avons. Seems like the Avons in general last a little longer but this of course depends on the rider. Michelin's are used by a few others who like them. I think the tread design is very similar to Dunlops. South West Moto has a very good reputation and I have purchased a couple sets from them without a problem. Good luck with your decision Brad
  10. Not bad looking, for the most part I like it. Looks like they borrowed ideas from almost every touring machine out there. I am not fussy on fairing something is just not right, but maybe a different angle would make it look better. I do like the large instruments. Also not a fan of V twins Brad
  11. Now that is funny ! BRad
  12. I had a first gen before I saw the light, you guys must still be in the dark ! Darren missed the post about driver vs. speed Eh ! Brad
  13. Just make sure the lobes are not touching when you check clearance. It does not matter where the timing is ! Good luck Brad
  14. Steve check your email ! Brad
  15. I believe that they both expand but cool differently so it breaks the crap that is holding the threads together. Depending on the crap the heat helps loosen it up. Why do you need to get in there, can't adjust much. BRad
  16. :mo money:Darren, that is not me it's Swifty, you know he is a Teacher. Yeah but you have to have ride a V-Max to get any type of thrill when you go for a ride. Brad
  17. :mo money:
  18. Agree and that is the only reason I have not tried the Avons. I like the Michilen which are on my Wifes Virago. BRad
  19. Take it your a little upset, but I do not blame you. Good luck on getting the parts back soon. BRad
  20. Would recomend tearing the carbs apart and cleaning piece by piece. Good carb cleaner and away you go. Replace or clean the fuel lines and remove and clean the petcock, in the same manner. That gunk will cause you problems later. While putting it back together get some Seafoam from the auto parts store and poor a can into the tank of fuel and then fire it up. There was a place up here that would acid bath the inside of the tank, then it was coated with a small layer of rubber. Cost me about 80 bucks on the first bike which sat for four years and it haunted me for awhile. BRad
  21. BradT


    I am guilty as well. The garage is below our bedroom and I assume it was quite loud up there as I was asked not to do that again. Brad
  22. Ouch 9 hours, you would think they would air lift him, at least closer. Hopefully he will not be too uncomfortable. Very good news to hear he is able to travel. I am also happy for you as you will be closer to home as well (thanks for the updates) BRad
  23. So did it pop out on yah yet ? BRad
  24. Have almost 30,000 miles on the ones that came with the bike. Both on the front and the rear, it is on the list of things to change this winter. BRad
  25. BradT

    S.E MI

    Eugene how would you know is that not about the time you head South for the winter Brad
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