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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Been cross it many times in the car but never on the Bike. Not sure what I would do if Rhonda was on her bike as I doubt she would want to ride on the grate. I am not kidding she wouldn't. I would have to walk back and get her bike. Or get a ride with someone. Brad
  2. Yes it was a very good weekend, close to 1,600 km. Thanks, Steve and Marion for the hospitality and great ride, and for the others that made it. Sorry you missed it Carl, steve even had a couple raods piced out Just for you (Gravel). My hands are warm ! And some 2nd gens can go when you want them too. And for the driving lessons, that Southern rider was just showing some of his wild side. (remember we won't tell certain people Gary). At Least you got the Truck to pull out of the fast lane. BRad
  3. I could not get past the ball in the centre and you had to jump to the other side. BRad
  4. I think specifically Dodge for some reason are running lights are just the markers, this must satisfy the daytime running light laws. BRad
  5. Just like we all understand YOU Right ? Brad
  6. The only teacher I know is hiding out somewhere ! BRad
  7. Is he there yet I lost count, figured there will be post #2 coming up with more money Man that sucks. BRad
  8. http://www.riv.ca is where the info is. US requires bill of sale 72 hours at the border. A bit of work but not that bad. There is one way you can get it licensed but warning it is not legal. Go to Ontaro's motor vehicle tell them you built a trailer. They ask how many axles, what colour, what weight (in kg's). After you pay 25 bucks they give you the ownership and plate. Just go get it and come home. I am not recomending this option. If it has a S/N plate or manufactures plate on it they will know. Brad
  9. Sunman I know it is harder to find the oils up here that most recomend, and if you do you will pay big for it. Personally I use a 20W-50 all the time in my bikes, but do not run in weather that is real cold and the bike is garage stored ad it is warm in there. PS No expert either Brad
  10. Well I will be the first to say that I am not fussy on it. Guess you will have to figure if it will fit. But if you like, then go for it, it's your bike and your opinion (not trying to be rude) BRad
  11. That is when you are suppose to check them, but I bet if you do you will Nothing wrong with them. Checked a couple with more than double that without a problem. GAS mileage is most likely a different issue. Could be just a the air outside and colder temperatures. BRad
  12. Working tonight. HEy Buddy bet you just fix it and then tell us there is no problem. Thanks for fixing it BRad
  13. That may be a bit much with the kids at home all, too many nights to leave them alone (at least this year). We are almost 100 miles from Buffalo. Thanks for the offer, and maybe next summer it would be easier. Brad
  14. NO I can not see your pics, but never could and I could see the pop ups before. This dam thing is always acting up. Can not get a new one as this one is not three years old yet. The laptop is a company computer and is only about 18 months old. HArd disk is about full and is a pain in the butt. Brad
  15. So was your editing. Skid must have typed faster than I and he may have been more accurate as well but you got it done Brad
  16. To the left select User CP then select your profile change
  17. When I move the cursour over a post it normally opens a little block that lets me see the first couple lines of a post. It does not seem to work anymore. IS it the site or my computer ? If my ciomputer what do I do to fix Brad
  18. Can someone tell me how many miles from Niagara Falls or Buffalo ? BRad
  19. Yes that is exactly what I saw as well. Brad
  20. We send the crappy stuff to you guys Brad
  21. Long shot but if you figured it coming from the water pump is it possible the pump is cavitating ? From my old school days I think it is when the water does not flow properly and causes a void, which creates different pressures. The difference in pressure will cause the water droplets to explode. I know this can be a very loud knocking sound. I have seen a few large water pumps (2,000 plus gallons per minute) tear apart the rotors/impellars and cause major damage to the casing walls. Not sure exactly what causes it but may be worth a call to some pump experts. Our company sells pumps but I do not know anyone in that division, but I believe our York PA. office handles pumps. Company is Metso Minerals and the phone to that office is 717 843-8671. Good luck Brad
  22. BradT


    BUt the picture just does not do it justice. You should have seen it first hand. BTW Dave Remember to give me a call before you try and put it away this year ! Could not help myself. Brad
  23. Excuse me You should say takes a while to get too Garson, Not Canada. Brad
  24. "Sorry Charlie" Did you ever catch that Tuna Fish. ? Anyway glad to see that you have time enough to stop by once in a while, must be busy getting the Ice shack ready, so is next month you get to put that out on the ice ? Take care buddy BRad
  25. I would go with the back rest it really helps out. AS far as more air flow I would suggest removing the lower wind deflectors, that eventually break anyway. Brad
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