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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Agree with the above statements. But I can not believe the people that over tighten them. When I bought the 99 I had to buy a oil filter wrench to get it off and it collapsed the metal while trying. Also recently on a car I just picked up same thing, but this time I borrowed a wrench. Man that pisses me off. Brad
  2. I was told for a stabilizer and clean 1 oz per gallon, and to really clean use 2oz per gallon. I use a half can for the bike tank, a lot of others use a full can, per tank. Brad
  3. Wow 25 years for the Mystery woman and you just started bringing her out to meet your friends Congrats. Brad
  4. Mr. Black Owl was making these little socks that fit over the exposed tubes to keep them clean. Not sure he still has them or not, or how much he was selling them for. BRad
  5. Hey Lonna maybe you two can get your annual October ride over here yet. Heres hoping the weather man keeps co-operating. Brad
  6. IF you go to Crappy Tire pick up Stebel I think it is better than the others. IT is a little more but worth it. Yes Seafoam is a stabilizer. Hey Dan I take the other approach remove the battery and let it sit all winter without firing it up. I normally Drain the carbs as well. If you start it make sure you run it long enough to get everything hot so condensation does not build up in the pipes. Brad
  7. Got out for a great ride today. Last weekends colour ride was nice but cool, so with the warm temps we decided to trace some of the roads we were on. Definetly ONE of the best rides for the 08 riding season. Sun was shinning bright and the colours were much Brighter than last weekend. Started out a tad cool with a little fog (on the highway) but warmed up quickly. After 745 km we got home just as it was getting dark. I am afraid to say that this may be one of the last big rides for this year but had a great day with just Rhonda and I will remember this one. PS yes I forgot the camera but I will remember with out photos. Brad
  8. Saw it under a buck a litre today for the first time in a while. BUT i also saw 1.25/litre as well, what a crook. Brad
  9. :rotf:Rhonda Jumped, then the cat, she must of startled him Brad
  10. Come on Dan, I know I can't, do you think you could.......... Brad
  11. My 450 freezes up sometimes not often but when it does I just pull the battery and a way it goes. Sharing routes is not the cause of mine as I rarely did that. Assume you pulled the battery and nothing. ? First I heard of this one. BRad
  12. Enjoy what ever you are doing. Had the Turkey Dinner this evening now to go riding tomorrow as the Weather could not get any better. Brad
  13. Check the wiring of the modulite on the bike. Make sure all wires are connected well and to the correct wires. If it works well on the truck it most likely comeing from the bike, probably the modulite Brad
  14. Heard it does not last long in your house Brad
  15. Ouch Lou saw the picture you posted in Photo bucket. That looks lke it hurts. Take it easy will yah Brad
  16. I did not even waste my time, Somebody (you) screwed up a good Picture. Brad
  17. Yeh More than once ! Brad
  18. Good to hear, maybe we can get you out to one of the Ontario rides or meets. BRad
  19. Possible you have two problems with the wiring. Both related to hooking up the coorect wire at the bulb. Maybe you have them connected to the wrong side of the bulb. Brad
  20. Just playing around and not sure if this worked or not but there should be a short Video somewhere [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GOjw6cKi4U][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GOjw6cKi4U]YouTube - VentureRider Fall Colour Ride 2008 1[/ame][/url] Maybe this one http://www.youtube.com/user/Rhnbt Brad
  21. Sorry I do not have time right now to tell everyone have to figure it out for you later. BRad
  22. HAHA on the cheese grater. I think Rhonda has the trust in me but I was refering to her riding her own across the bridge. WE have wanted to ride the bikes to visist the family in the Sault and talked about it many times as we cross the bridge. It is not the bridge but those grates. Brad
  23. Here is a couple Pics Brad
  24. BradT

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    Can't you also add a Tag to it for easier finding later ? BRAd
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