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Everything posted by BradT

  1. EASY, I am not as old as E-Fishin-C or Squidly. Hey you had a few road trips I remember. But I can not remember my original number but know it was not a very big number BRad
  2. My 4 wheel drive Trailblazer needed one at 40,000 miles. It took 45 minutes to change including pulling the tire. Had the use of a impact gun, which made it simple. The bearing unit is sealed, and is held on with three bolts. All you had to remove was the tire, caliper and rotor. It should easily last a coule of days if you want to bring it in. Bearing should go for a long time from when you first start hearing it, and will get real loud, before it craps out. They will probably charge 1.5 hour labour, but will try and get you for a bunch of other things. Brad
  3. Sorry Mammo I could not follow that one. Congratulations are in order anyways. Brad
  4. I do mine at the beginning of the year, and it never seems to be far off. I average about 10,000 miles per year, if that helps. When I bought mine I had two bikes that both needed it done, and it was cheaper than bringing both to the dealers. THe site was quite new and there was not many people around that had one. Brad
  5. Sarge, I am sure you can at least run it for a few hundred miles before you start to get a little chilly. Congrats to you that is a good deal, and sorry to hear you (heatonmt) are parting with it, hope all is well. PS. Sarge Not bad for a guy that joins a site without a bike, then picks ups a few bikes on the site. Brad
  6. Traitor. Your suppose to enjoy Winter just like the rest of us. We have a few inches on the ground and I do not think it is going away, till next year BRad
  7. Agree so let us know how they work out for you BRad
  8. You got that right. That would cost you at least 500 bucks for the year of course but you can not ride year round. Winter is a good thing as we would never get anything done around the house if we could ride all year.. BRad
  9. I have a copy that was sent to me by and friend who reads the site. It is too large to post 1.2 Megs. I will send it to Don and maybe he can post it. If you want a copy in the mean time send me an Email or PM with your email Thanks Leo ! Brad
  10. BradT


    Hi Eck Rhonda said they were pretty cool looking. She wanted to know if she had to wear something under them ? :rotf:Then she specified another pair of jeans or something Brad
  11. BradT


    Wow Thanks for the comments. I forgot to mention these are for Naugh-T. We are looking for a pair that does NOT have a Buckle and I did see a few links to what I was looking for Thanks. Abdul that was not nice but Very Funny. Darrin I think the border control would laugh at you if you crossed with your chaps. Is that why you won't cross ? Ponch (and a couple others) that is whay I was looking for thanks again. Carl and Wayne a little ride is fine (too bad we have snow on the ground here now) and that may work out well may be they can modify the ones that she has now. Thanks again for the links I will call these companies. Brad
  12. If it runs with the choke on I would try a heavy dose of sea foam with new clean gas, and take it for a nice hard ride. Bring a plug wrench and a wire brush in case you foul the plugs. After riding for a while try to SLOWLY reduce the amount of choke. If it does not fix it then I would pull the carbs and clean them manually. Sounds like something is clogged. BRad
  13. Jeepers couldn't you find one closer, those may be too far away. BRad
  14. Now that looks like a fun. BRad
  15. BradT


    I was looking for a pair of Chaps, but these do not have a belt. They have a loop that goes around your belt and may be called Leggings. Saw them for 200 bucks today and was thinking I could get them a little cheaper. Any suggestions where to find a pair ? Thanks Brad
  16. You will always be Mr. Owl. Besides I could not even pronounce this name. Brad
  17. Try this first. Or you can remove the fuel line and do the same thing, but will actually get right to the seat area of teh float. BRad
  18. Still have frosty mugs here, but they do not bring it to your car anymore. BRad
  19. Told you, In reality, you ARE older than me and it is must be creeping up on you FAST, it has never taken that long to get you babbling If you don't believe me just ask Lonna Brad
  20. No Carl manages to get two or three storys into one little statement, you just have to read between the lines. The problem is that this was a one liner BRad
  21. Only issue is the tips of the bubs, the painted chrome tip has a tendacy to flake off. Others have gotten new ones under warranty, or changed the tips to something else, but can not beat the sound Brad
  22. Interesting note, which I never knew. I also found this an interesting article in this post which sure makes you wonder what a single person is capable of. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28659 Article Link http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2008/10/18/7131506-cp.html
  23. I got a set of Harley pipes on my 99, but would like to have a set of bubs. Like the sound, sounds like a small block. BRad
  24. Rhonda Said too far for her to go for a tatoo, so I guess she is not getting one. (She wants one but she is too chicken). BRad
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