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Everything posted by BradT

  1. I hope you guys get away for some needed relaxing. Even a day or two late is still fine, so take your time and figure out which is the best course of action. Let us know what you two decide. BRad
  2. I doubt this is your problem and hoping this is not. BUt worth a check, but a Venture van has the 3.4 litre same which is the same as the 3.1 and they are horrible on Intake gaskets. When they antifreeze leaks into the cylinders they will spit and sputter intermittently, not normally continuously. The can also leak into the oil and this is worse, but you normally will notice white sludge, under the oil filler cap. Not sure the mileage on your van, but normally these act up any where from 30,000 to 50,000 miles. If you get lucky it will get 60,000 miles, before it needs to be fixed. Guaranteed it will need to be done someday, there is no getting around it. If it is leaking the coolant container will start to get low. Good luck Brad
  3. Thought they were all the same, Park the car, take the shuttle to Airport then enjoy your vacation. Oh but when you try to leave, they want Money. Have a great trip and bring this weather with yah would you please. OR at least bring some nice weather back. See you when you get home and have a great Christmas. Brad
  4. Teach is not the right words, I like these better. Always told them not to touch as it could fall on them and there is no way for them to pick it up. They could get hurt real bad, I think it scared them. Brad
  5. Want to add a little to this comment ? My wife has a 97, 1100 Virago that she has been riding for about 3 years now. She rode it to Vogel and to the Colorado International meet via the Blackhills and Yellowstone. Nice bike, and fun to ride. Brad
  6. Hey and someone said they met a lot of good friends on this site. He/she did not mention that these friends stand a longggg way behind you. Everyone knows I do not drive that fast, Right Brad, she just likes to get home faaster than I do. Mr. Owl you are right I was on your side all the way but could not help the fact that you ran out of fingers and toes to count. What was that bet anyway ? Double the membership and half the members had to make 5 posts or something like that. Remember you lost on a technicality (I think I may have a bag of white hair somewhere). Kevin that American stuff evaporates very quickly:think:. And Gary, my Friend you be nice. Thanks Lonna and Brad, guess I know who my friends are. Swifty before you get your two cents in, it is not needed Brad
  7. BradT


    Then Why are you sending it this way, as you did a couple of days ago. Brad
  8. I am now 578 was away during the crash (so i was not the blame), but was under a hundred the first time around. I can not even remember when this site originally started. Was it July 2004 ? Brad
  9. The link says it is an 2006. Nice looking Dan, best of luck selling it. BRad
  10. So you have met Swifty ! Brad
  11. Where do I start, BradT BradT what am I going to do with him ??? First - He said I was not allowed to post under his screen name. (I do not have my own screen name because he said I have to go to the basement computer, while he sits up in our room with his laptop, in our nice warm bed.) Second - He gets a hefty speeding ticket today and has the nerve to complain. Oh yes did I mention this was the second one this year, first one on the bike Third - We go to mail a parcel to my ex-inlaws, cost just over 20 bucks, and he complained about that too, but all I said was at least it was not $ 118.00 (cost of the second point above) and boy did he look at me strangley. Fourth - I show up at work early and he says what are you doing here, and his co-worker had to give him sh... I had better stop here but I still remember my license plate and him taking the wrong ID, while we try to cross the border. I hope next year is better for him. Boy it feels good to vent ! NaughT
  12. Finally got a tree and got it decorated. Also a couple of pictures of 4 month old Charlie (got him 2 weeks ago), who is trouble. Tied the tree to the wall just in case. Do not mind picking up a few decorations but not the whole tree. (bin there done that before) Brad
  13. YUP !
  14. Not going to be able to go for a ride till at least March (even then we would be lucky). Most likely take you up on your suggestion of moving the levers once in a while. They will be 10 years old soon. Thanks, Now I just have to Remember to do it Brad
  15. It is also our turn to upgrade our old TV in our bedroom. Most likely get a 32" Sony, always liked the service from the Sony Store. Still not sure about which is best. Sony was a good price and never had many troubles with there other products. The guy at the store is very helpful and very knowledgable which makes it nice to deal with. Brad
  16. I always turn off the fuel and run the carbs dry, then pull the battery and keep it charged. Park it on rubber mat and cover it up. Stays like that untill April Brad
  17. Good for you. If your hapy with your job and like the company you are working for that is great. Bet there is a lot of others that wish they can say that. I can not say everyday I ove my job that is for sure. Rhonda had an excellent job at a Nursing home, full time, days, and decent money but hated the co-workers, was not happy. She quit went back to Factory work and came home happy again. Brad
  18. Yup now there is a third page when there it says so. There is even a 5 posts now on page 3. I think you computer people just break things so you have something to do. :rotf:Or maybe Don breaks it so you guys earn your paycheck Thanks BRad
  19. Looks good. We have not got one yet. We always buy real ones, but getting tired of the mess. We have been looking for a fake one that looks good but is not expensive, may not find one. Brad
  20. My second gen has two different keys but that is because I had too change the switch. Brad
  21. Well We sure know that you would know the year of that Colour, without checking the history. Brad
  22. Sorry to hear about that pile up but it happens too often up here. Ice is a lt worse than snow, unless there is a few feet covering the road. At least you have other roads to travel, up here on a major road and when it happens here we have little choices to go around. And if you find a road it is not any better than the one you just left. Brad
  23. Wow he did not waste any time getting that one. Guess he did not want you to change your mind Brad
  24. If you are that concerned you can hook a switch up and hide it under the seat like the attached link. Or just bring the necessary tools with you. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=512 You will still need the key before it will start. Brad
  25. Eck I think I still have my switch somewhere. I think it would be cheaper to bring some 10 gauge wire, electrical tape and a Toggle switch, than buying a switch that you may not need. Brad
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