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Everything posted by BradT

  1. Yeh Right ! When I retire. Rhonda
  2. Welcome back it is always nice to spend time with family,to bad about Dale but its the season. naugh-t
  3. After meeting Swifty for lunch (Thanks Dave) he told Rhonda she had to post a picture. this is how she got up today, and it was not like that yesterday, and this was a bit of a surprise this morning. Brad
  4. Well that kinda answers that question, blunt and to the point. Brad
  5. Hey I was beginning to like you, then you go ahead and post this sort of thing What a way to make a good post go south real fast. Brad
  6. Thanks for the well wishes. Rhonda managed to find some grey and purple eye liner for her left eye to match the right eye she banged which is swollen, happens to match my Purple bike. The bump on her fore head is a pretty blue, like her eyes. Again thanks Brad
  7. Bob you sure you got that one right. ? BRad
  8. Cut him some slack, did you see this one post #20, nice guy offers an injured lady a cot. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=30364&page=2 Police said he had to give the ticket when people get hurt. ? Thanks Brad
  9. Thanks Goodness Well I boo-booed again and I am very sorry. Today we went for ride, actually heading down to Carl's with Rhonda, my mother in law, sister on law and 4 yr old niece. The fog was horrible, and we never made it. The fog was so bad at times it was tough to see the end of the hood. As I was driving south I was looking for the stop sign as I was familiar with the road, and by the time I saw the sign it was too late, car would not stop, and I entered the intersection. We collided with the another car. Our right front corner hit the left front of his car, and he ended up in a ditch which dropped about 5 feet, and I was spun around. Rhonda, my mother in law and myself were all put in ambulances and sent to the hospital for xrays. Rhonda hit her head on the side window and has a good goose egg on her head also pretty sore in the chest. Her sister also banged her head, not that bad but is also sore. Rhonda's mom has a sprained wrist, and some muscle aches as she is 70 yrs old, but you would never know it. I have a cracked rib and some sore muscles. MY niece got a nice teddy bear from the fireman and she is fine. Even the 4 people in the other car are okay. Thanks to Brick (Darryl and Rhonda) for coming to get us at the hospital and getting to the accident scene quickly to remove some of our valuables. And I am very glad no one was seriously hurt. Pics of my car attached and this is the one I got only 3 months ago and have managed over 12,000 km on it, dam I liked that car. Also one pic of the car we hit. BRad PS: And Swifty when offering my wife a place to stay safe, do you think she deserves more than the cot. Oh yah another bloody ticket for running a stop sign.
  10. Your right Swifty the surprises are not over, thank god the other car was speeding or Rhonda might not be here today,but she is doing ok. Brad
  11. I do not believe our Best Buy Future shop or just about any other charge a restocking fee. NOW That is a good one. Nice move though trying to get here to turn it on. Not sure what text to voice is that you are refering. I thought the only difference was XM and Blue Tooth. I have the 450 for 2.5 years without troubles, the 08 map update added some nice features that I never had in the 07 version. Not fussy on Map Source but never use that much anyway. I too did not want the XM and I just did not want to be bothered with the phone while on the bike (that is one reason I get on the bike). Oh 550 model has a car adapter, where the 450 does not. I had a Ram mount Suction cup that sticks to the car window and I made an adapter for the cigerette lighter, and I had a FM modulater so I can listen to the MP3 while in the car or Truck. Hate that person talking to me all the time. Good luck Brad
  12. Thats a dry cold, not the same as the cold we get here, it's a damp bitter cold. But it is nice to see the west coast getting some of that nice white stuff, you have to have some snow for Christmas. BRad
  13. Been shovelling as long as I can remember, and I have had enough this year already. Three decent storms in less than a week. If I was able to ride year round I would never get anything done. Brad
  14. He/She is cute, but a little tiny. Looks like a mini Ben (our Newf) BRad
  15. Deb, one mistake in a life time is not bad. All men make them daily. Naugh-T
  16. Your Point is ? It should have a two tone tank as well but this one doesn't Brad
  17. Just the ones that answer ! Brad
  18. Dan I think you missed the point it was the thought that counted. It is not the gift, but can not agree more with you. BRad
  19. I believe this is the site you will need to determine if you can import it (reistrar of Imported vehicles) http://www.riv.ca/english/html/how_to_import.html There is a link here to the same Transport Canada as above which states which vehilcels can or can not be imported. Brad
  20. Jeepers the usual smart A$$'s did not jump on this one, must be Christmas or something as they seem to be taking it easy on you. Brad
  21. We were thinking about heading down, possible Saturday. Brad
  22. You can not delete this post and those moderators Normally leave these up for a few days just so people can see when you make a mistake. BRad
  23. Pm Sent BRad
  24. Pull the cover and push (hard) the centre push rod back into position, it should slowly slide back into position. Then check the pressure plate is lined up properly. The splines have to lined up, keeping it all together. This is assuming all the other parts are back together properly. Good luck BRad
  25. I think in 04 they changed to a 3.5 litre but not sure what differences were. The 3.1 were the same problems. I had to change the intake gaskets on the Malibou twice each time after 100,000 km. I also had to change the Montana van (3.4) at 105,000 km this was a lot harder to do as you can not see many of the bolts on the back side. Redneck pulling the rear valve covers is also a big job. But I agree with you on the heat issue this normally low coolant or an air lock which can easily happen on these vehicles, when the coolant gets a little low. Dale how many miles on the van Cindy said you changed this gasket at 80,000 miles hoping it is not the same problem again. BRad
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