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Everything posted by BradT

  1. NO riding here. Got up late due to the time change, started some laundry, ran out for a bit, came home started painting and some paperwork (income tax), and then the fridge crapped out. Called the repair man and he came over and fixed it cost 180 bucks. Rained late in the day but was a warm 30 degree this morning and may have got to 32. I think it will be a couple weeks before we get any decent weather. Besides still do not have the work inside the house done yet. Need to get this done before riding season gets here or else nothing gets done. And Naugh-T says no riding till things get done ! BRad
  2. Don't Blame you ! Good for you Reiny, seems like a good deal. Swifty can drive over and save himself 5 bucks Brad
  3. Carl that one is next, They have an Office just North of me, so maybe they will transfer him to Canada. Brad
  4. Dan, sure hope it turns around for you two. Sorry to hear about you selling. Brad
  5. I am sure Mr. Owl would argue that one ! Brad
  6. If You could get it turned on, EH Freebird ! BRad
  7. Agree this has to be checked. So what if it is too tight or too loose how do you adjust it. The lower have of the cap is part of the head, and the cap bolts to the head, and I am not sure about adjusting it anyhow ?? Brad
  8. Long term storage, more than three months you are suppose to put a tablesppon of oil in the cylinders, and let them sit, with the battery removed. I just let them sit with the battery removed and charge it up. Actually depressing to start it up and listen to it run them open the garage door to see 5 feet of snow. BRad
  9. BradT

    New Trailer

    The modulite was easy to install and I found them at the Travel Trailer company fairly cheap. Brad
  10. No you don't ! Just different work that you don't get paid for, working around the house. Brad
  11. Agree with this comment. The people over there sure know how to ship stuff. I got mine in about 9 days as well and it was at the beginning of December right in the busy postal season. Real easy to use as well. BRad
  12. Glad to hear your okay Gary. Brad
  13. Roy, I have to agree with Brad, bring it in and let them at least look at it. I am not a real fan of the Colortune although I never owned one. All the best in finding the problem. Never did the floats on these but you should be able to do it. I think there is a couple good tech Bulletins on the site. Brad
  14. BradT


    I agree with Squid on the Carb Sync, but 81,000 km is slightly over 50,000 miles. Hey Brad you better look at those little numbers on your speedo a little more often. No wonder it takes you so long to get here. Brad
  15. All the best luck, but you will have to do your homework. Finds ones for sale close to your area and do the comparisons on each one. Just went through this with a car, but a little work helped me get a few bucks more. Brad
  16. I believe they are covered and I think Stardbog had one go out on him. Brad
  17. On my 86 I had a fouled plug and I was running on three cylinders it ran fine at 70-75 but did it ever suck back the fuel. I too had some troubles maintaning speed in 5th pulling a trailer in Colorado but dropped to 4th and it was a bit better. Thought I had a plugged fuel filter, seemed to be starving for fuel. BRad
  18. Seen a few bikes heading South today, any idea how many went today ? Just Curious as it turned out to be a pretty nice day at least around here, Brad
  19. Sounds like a cry for HELP ! Brad
  20. Good for you Boomer. Don I was there as well, I don't recall that much snow. ? A 2.5 hour drive only took 4.5 hours to get home, Brad
  21. Agree it is not that good for games like that. M61 you can get a wireless mouse, the receiver connects to the USB drive. Brad
  22. We stopped in that area on our way to Colorado and we stayed in Deadwood. What a cool little town, almost like going back in time. If you get there drive up to the cemetery one of the steepest rodes I was ever on. If interested in the history this is where Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane rest. The whole area was very interesting. Brad
  23. I know this is my opinion only, but I have been using the mouse pad on the laptop for at least three years. I find it a lot faster than a mouse and less strainful on the wrist. It does take some getting used too. Also requires some set-up so that it is not so sensitive. Brad
  24. All the best, and hoping for a full and speedy recovery BRad
  25. They are not Northerners, and it will be about 6 more weeks before us Northerners get out. Actually been raining here and the snow has dropped big time and we are starting to see some grass probably in time for another Snow storm. Brad
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