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Everything posted by BradT

  1. First gen owners have not seen the post yet must be using the tools. Brad
  2. Assume your address is now Woodstock. Mine went up as well, they say there is more accidents in the Rural area. I say that is BS Brad
  3. Mid May, you better have a decent coat, gloves, and gear to keep dry. Can be warm or cold. Most likely you could see both warm days cool/cold evenings. Lets face it it's Canada and early in the year, be prepared, should not have to worry about snow. Sounds like a nice ride, enjoy. Brad
  4. BradT

    Tough Call

    Wow Wish you all the best. Tough decision to move on. Been dealing with a similar situation myself. Decided against it, stuck with the place I have been for over 23 years. Again, I hope your decision work out the best for you. BRad
  5. You forgot which way it turns when looking from the top or sitting on the seat. Boy must be getting old. Brad
  6. Did You mean "Edit your details" ? Down to VR assistance Brad
  7. Yah but Mr. Owl can not even remember the bet to which he lost. Maybe his reading is better than his counting, Seems to me Don's counting was not much better. See pic for the Famous Tail Feathers, Pretty sure some of this hair is spread all over the country and I even think a small bag was smuggled into Canada, almost back to where it started a long time ago. Brad
  8. BradT

    Thank You

    You can't be alright your here. Boomer has had Pygmies chasing him for more than a few years. They found him a long time ago, think it had something to do with his work. Brad
  9. Had three Ventures all had it but were not bad as some I have heard. Recently my 08 started getting louder and it got real annoying. Dealer changed the basket, but he said all baskets can whine just have to swap it out and see. Also believe there is 3 different baskets but not sure on that. Dealer changed the basket under warranty and was still loud, so they changed the rear end and it is definetly quieter. I change oil at 3,000 miles or less and use 20W-50 Castrol. Works for me. Good luck with your search. If your looking for a big bike you will be happy. Some 07's had an issue with head gasket bolts being loose but was covered under warranty. Brad
  10. Have not seen it in years. Maybe with a bag of dirt. Brad
  11. BradT


    Figured you and Swifty would like this one. Brad
  12. WE get across quite often. Have a had a few chats with border patrol about why I cross so often. Sometimes they ask some of the wall questions. Brad
  13. Carl has the trailer hanging in his garage like a piece of Beef. Go figure Brad
  14. What No Canada visit this year. Brad
  15. Garson not Carson Sudbury has a least 4 corners. Garson does not have corners it has little yellow houses. Brad
  16. Yup Construction all over. Somewhere between the hospital and 4 corners. Pretty sure it was May 2005, Brad
  17. Yup you dissappeared, deleted your email account, moved into the big city, changed your phone number and dissappeared. Just took a while to find yah,. Sheesh, someone drives through and you don't have time for a coffee. Brad
  18. Mothers were similar to the ones on the rear of the Kawi. Looked quite good. But his was an 86. Brad
  19. BradT


    All the best with the move. BRad
  20. Agree For fun looked up what 20,000 was in 1998 and it worked out to about 14,300. Normal inflation has increased the price, not because Yami wants more money. Still agree why pay top buck for an old, new, bike. save a lot of money find a good deal on almost new and you will have a great deal. Had an 86, 1999 and 2008, guess I like them. Brad
  21. What a review for pegboard. You mention a few points that make perfect sense. My last garage had particle board and it needed some paint just never did it. THis garage is drywalled and looks Okay, proobably need paint in the future. Brad
  22. What does Cold have to do with having a nice fire. Talking about posting a picture does not get you off the hook for the pictures So where are they ??? BRad
  23. Congrats and enjoy. Brad
  24. You mean works in Odessa and the redneck said he was retired. HAHA BRad
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