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Black Ice

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Everything posted by Black Ice

  1. Ah Yes! A giant salt lick.
  2. I'll throw my hat in with it being the tires. Only difference is I would describe the noise more like a howl and it went away when I replaced my Bridgestones with Avons. The noise would start as I leaned into a corner and went away when I straightened up. My dry splines caused more of a clicking or grinding sound than a moan but each could be different.
  3. Its only specific because of the clutch which is a wet clutch on these bikes. The engine oil also lubs the clutch and oils that are energy conserving because of the additives will over time make your clutch slip. Thats the simplified explanation. Someone with better automotive skills than me can elaborate. Some people don't think it makes any difference but I don't want to take the chance.
  4. If its the RSV Millenium edition, the easiest thing I can suggest, is for you to go to the 2nd Generation Tech section in this forum and look at the section about Splitting the Fairing. Its a great section of info anyway and one you'll want to explore. Its a pretty simple procedure but well written there.
  5. I know you aren't the only one in here thats done that so you're probably in good company. But I haven't done that..........yet!
  6. Ron and Linda, There is little we can say to ease the pain of your loss but know that you are in our thoughts. Hopefully you can draw strength from all the good memories of your sister because those will always be with you. Gary and Karen
  7. Well, keeping in mind that mine is older and doesn't have the fancy technology of the newer ones, I use it on long trips. I don't use mine on day rides usually. We plot our route and use it instead of a map. Its helpful letting you know you're going the right way for one. It lets you know how far to your next stop and how long it will take. Helps find things in an unfamiliar city or town and several other useful functions. When on trips in the US which is frequent, I switch it to miles and MPH cause the bike is in KPH and kilometers which makes it easier in towns especially to know I'm not speeding. And GPS is much more accurate than the bikes speedo. Other useful functions but these are just a few for me.
  8. Its where the pipe from the rear cylinder joins the pipe from the front. Most of them that had the problem were on the right hand side but I think I heard of some on the left. Mine was on the right. The weld in the pipe under the chrome had a tiny hole in it and it became obvious when the chrome started to blue a bit. Yamaha covered it as a warranty item.
  9. Typical media garbage. No offence to anyone involved in the media here on an individual basis but in general I think the media has caused a lot more problems than they fix. We live in a world where it seems that no one is responsible for their own actions, but of course we are.
  10. I see you're a photographer. The terrific quality of your pics shows it. Nice job!
  11. I keep both my bikes on battery tenders all the time too and no problem. A regular charger will cook the battery cause it doesn't know they are charged but you probably knew that.
  12. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with you. Like some of the others, we have not met but I cannot imagine what a loss this must be. Be strong.
  13. That is really a beautiful trike. Any chance you're coming to Fort Collins? I'd love to see it in person.
  14. I seem to recall that some folks had problems with certain makes failing to vibration but not positive. It might be helpful to know what make and model he is offering you. I use a Megellan Gold, which is now technologically outdated, but no problems with vibration.
  15. Great job. I love seeing what people's imagination can create.
  16. Was just looking at the J&M catalogue and I think the problem you will have is that the mic arm runs on the outside of the helmet rather than the inside. You might be able to bend the mic arm to go under the flip front when it comes down. I really doubt it would work with a solid full face. Sorry, I know you wanted to hear from someone that had done it and I haven't but maybe someone else has.
  17. And even if dry rot did occur over time, how many of us keep the same tires on long enough to see the results? I go through at least 1 rear tire per season and the front might last 2 seasons for me. I'll bet there aren't many among us that keep a tire long enough to see any kind of rot.
  18. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Rick. This is a sad thing to have happen at any time but the time of year seems to make it that much more difficult for his family and friends.
  19. Crash is right, it should be covered under warranty. Having said that, I have an 05 too and did the speed nut repair exactly as the tech section says. (That was pre site crash but assume the same directions) The fix worked like a charm. The chrome strip is a little snug to fit back on but not too bad. I've had it on and off a few times with no problem. The chrome strip fits better with the fix than it ever did when the tabs were plastic and as such I decided not to bother with using the warranty figuring the tabs would probably break on the new one anyway. You probably have already done this but maybe just go back through what you did and make sure everything was done correctly. I know others have done this fix and it works. Good luck.
  20. I don't recall seeing any aftermarket grab handles for the TD. Maybe someone has made some and will chime in. Your partner will probably not feel the need for them after some time on the bike.
  21. Yes, we have one that is very similar and was concerned about it coming off. We have now used it on some pretty long trips at Interstate speed. The only additional precaution we took is using some webbing and quick connect buckles that go around the handle on the bag and the raised portion of the luggage rack right behind the passenger backrest. Doubt we need that but its a quick and easy safeguard. Nothing moves back there.
  22. With only 11k miles I wouldn't have thought your steering would have loosened up but it could. What are the condition of your tires? Are they the original tires or new ones? Often tire condition will translate into how your steering feels. Front or rear can make for a bit of a loose feel if there is some cupping and that can be hard to see sometimes. That's been my experience anyway. If you have a lift, follow the info in the tech area and see if the steering feels loose. Cheers
  23. Thanks for the replies folks. Surprised a liitle, that not many people seem to have done this change or at least not much indication if the change was noticable. Thanks rsstar for letting me know Rick H has them. I should contact him and find out cost etc. Cheers, Gary B
  24. I was thinking about putting SS brake lines on my 05 RSV. For those of you that have done this, how much difference did you notice from the OEM brake lines to the SS? Since Yamaha doesn't seem to offer them for the rear, I presume its because the rear line is so short there wouldn't be a noticable improvement. Am I thinking right on the reason for no rear SS line? Just wonder if there is enough improvement to justify doing it. Cheers, Gary B
  25. I don't know what the warranty period is on the sets other than J&M. J&M is 2 years and I have used it. They honoured it as they should and every thing was done quickly and with no hassle. To me, that is worth something.
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