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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 RSTD S
  1. Anybody else have a large gap between their saddlebad lid and the saddlebag? My left one does not close tight in the rear back part. I can't see how to adjust it. Any experience with this problem?
  2. Very cool. Have fun with it.
  3. ROYAL STAR TOUR DELUXE PASSING LAMPS I want to put the passing lamps on my 2009 RSTD. I figure I need these two part numbers: STR-4NK35-10-01 Lamps STR-1D635-40-00 Mounts I can't figure out whether I re-use the flashers that are already on the bike when putting the passing lamps and mounts on the bike. Do the mounts or passing lamps come with new flashers that replace the stock ones? I assume I will not be re-using the old stock bar. Does a new bar come with these items? The pictures on Yamaha's site don't show what is included at all. Where does the new switch mount? Where does the wiring harness hook up to? The head light? Is there any way to hook them up so they stay on with the high beams on? I cannot understand why they should go off when the high beam is on. Any help / answers / pictures would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I lucked out and my friend gave me two 2003 stock Roadking pipes with the plugs already knocked out so they were clear through! I cut a couple pieces off the crome pipe covers from my old parts bin from the Electra Glide stock exhaust and used them to cover the gaps between the slip ons and the stock headers and bang - it's awesome! Looks fine and sounds like a Hot Rod now. I love it. Also finally got the Mustang seat and oooooooh she's nice. No more aching butt. Thanks to all for the help and advice so far. This is a great board. Now all I need is to find a luggage rack which seems to be impossible as they are all on back order. Oh well, patience . . . .
  5. Thanks for the great feedback - everyone. I am worried about uneven flow with using Road King slip on mufflers. But I think that may not be a problem as the ones I have are from 2003 and they are partially drilled out. I will definitely check to see if there is any problem with uneven flow before leaving them on for long. I have a set of cheapo Vtwin slip ons I can get for about $230 at my local store and I may try them once I get the money. Does anyone know if I will need to re-jet the carbs with medium flow slip ons? But for now it is life on the cheap until I recover from all the bucks I have spent on the bike, seat. luggage rack, smooth end muffler clamps, muffler adapter brackets, highway pegs, oil filters and such. And to think this was my idea of how to save money!
  6. Riders come from far away to ride the roads of Northwest Connecticut. Routes 4, 7, 63, 44 and a whole bunch in between are lined with forest, rivers, gardens and quaint houses. And right over the state line to New York is Route 22, another great ride. http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/gibletdyckout/th_NWCTmap.jpg Here is the view from the top of Mohawk Mountain just down the road: http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/stateparks/forests/mohawk2.jpg And for you geezers it's helmets optional here. Come on over and check it out!
  7. Everyone says it is a great bike as to the fairing. It is the same as the RK and EG otherwise. I don't see many out there and HD is stopping making them next year so I have to wonder if they did not sell well for a reason.
  8. They are the same as the Road King mufflers.
  9. I had a lot of fun on that Harley, but the attitude thing did get a little old. The real reason I traded over to the RSTD was the money and the power. I like wrenching some, but the cost of keeping the Harley healthy and sharp was too high, even with me doing most of the work. Basically, to ride a Harley I have to pay double and work double - or more. At this point I am getting long in the tooth and I just want to ride. It had 65K on it, so it was starting to get too needy. So my mileage is normal. Good. The throttle grip was a little sloppy. It slid side to side in my hand a little so I put a rubber band in the lower groove before the end cap and that tightned it up fine. Put highway pegs on but they need adjustment. Hard to find the right place for them. The mirrors are way out there to the sides. That takes getting used to. So why did they use carbs on this bike? That is so old school isn't it? They work fine, but getting used to turning that fuel switch on and off takes time. I think I am going to put some louder pipes on it. I have some stock Road King pipes from a 2006 and I will try them first. If they are not louder I will try some cheap slip ons from Vtwin that I had on my Electra Glide. They are about mid-loud so they may be nice. They are only $225 and my local guy stocks them. I need the muffler adapter brackets so if anyone has some for sale let me know. Well, it's day three and I am up to about 550 miles. Time to go ride it again!
  10. Did about 200 miles today, half highway and half two up. I rode it the way everyone said and it was great. That bike is no slouch. I would say I am getting around 37 mpg. Is that normal?
  11. I just spent my first day with this system and it was good. I mounted the amp behind the left leg lower. The speaker brackets needed to be re-drilled to fit the mirror post because the master cylinder is too close, but I made it work. Compared to my Electraglide it is not quite as good sound, but for what I paid it is fine. Installation was not bad otherwise and the manual was adequate. All around I am happy with it.
  12. Nope, they're fine. I was lugging it. Tonight I went out and stayed in third most of the time and it was smooth as a baby's bum. Now I can ride and forget wrenching for a while. Yeah!
  13. Mine is brand new 2009 and I did that too. I was lugging it. Try shifting later and revving higher. That was it for me!
  14. OMG! Those RPMs scare the hell out of me! But as said here several times, I have to get used to it. I rarely ever went over four on the Harley, ever. Routinely running over five freaks me out a little, but as everyone knows these bikes are made to run that way. Thanks for the info and reassurance everyone. It is great to have the benefit of others' experience. Here is a pic from today and pic of the old ride. http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/gibletdyckout/2009RSTD.jpghttp://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/gibletdyckout/bikepicsmall.jpg
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