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Judes Dude

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About Judes Dude

  • Birthday 03/21/1949

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  • Location
    Monson, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Prayers sent, good luck:fingers-crossed-emo
  2. Hi I too, had trouble with the bike at rest more than any other time. I made and installed the leveling links and that made the world of difference in slow speed handling, but still did not like the bike at a stop especially, like you, with a lean to the left. The bike seemed like it was just pulling the steering to the stops. When I was doing the oil I checked the slop in the headstock bearing and found that it was very loose and fell to the stops and bounced back. Loosy-goosey. I found the thread on how to adjust this(don't over tighten) and it made a huge difference in the way the bike acts at a stop as well as on the road. The bike now seems to hold the front wheel position and not want to just snap to the stop. I have no idea if this will work and there are many guys who have more experience than I have that may have ideas on this. I can only post and express what seemed to work for me. The bike is heavy and the more you ride the better it will feel especially if everything is in proper working order. Good Luck:322:
  3. Hi all I HAVE ADDED SOME PHOTOS It has been one year and 2 days since I injured my back at work and now I am facing surgery and the end of my riding carreer. I wanted to give the members here an opportunity to let friends or someone they know who is interested in these bikes to get a great deal. The bike is 2005 royal star tour deluxe with 19200 miles. It has a Voyager Trike kit that I just installed in August hoping that would make it able for me to ride but the pain won out again. I am not sure how to download pictures or what is policy of forum about selling bikes but wanted to let members know about it before I put it on EBAY. Bike has pipes, Mustang seat with drivers rest, new highway pegs, kuryakin grips. rador detedtor holder, fast lane pass holder, second tall windshield (one on bike is 4" lower than stock), kuryakyn travel bag. I will include 20-50 amsoil and new filter. I also have carbon one stand for bike if the trike kit is taken off. I am pricing the bike and basically throwing in the trike kit for free so that it could be sold if taken off the bike. I am asking $7000 firm for the bilke and all accessories and will store for winter with $5500 deposit for pickup in spring. Will miss riding and the forum Thanks Dan:95::95::95:
  4. Hi to all I hesitated to post this but thought it might be of interest to some RSTD owners. I have posted about the whine and the help I got from using Motorkote in the engine and the post on this topic has many interesting comments. Now to my latest adventure..... Several weeks ago I was riding to work early am and the windshield completly fogged and misted over. I could not see anything in front of the bike. Yikes! I started doing some internet and forum searches and found that having a windshield as tall as the RSTD is can be dangerous in these conditions. I KNOW THIS IS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE AND I AM JUST POSTING MY OPINION! Everyone has to make their own minds up. How and when you ride will effect your preferences. I purchased a windshield off ebay for $24.50 that was supposedly damaged and was pleasantly surprised that it only had very minor scratches on it. This gave me a cheap backup to have in case I did not like the modification to the height of the existing stock shield. I determined for me that cutting off 4" gave me what I was looking for. It turns out that height was perfect and I am happy with the modification I did. (there are posts on how to do this and was very easy to do) When I took it for a long ride I immediately noticed that I had to really concentrate to hear the whine. It appears that the changes in the aerodynamics of the shield also acted as a buffer against the noise. Don't get me wrong the whine is still there but is now more of a normal engine mechanical sound that just seems to get swallowed up in the other ambient noises of air, engine and the pipes. I am amazed that there could be this much change from just lowering the shield. I can now see over the shield and don't experience much difference in the ride on the highway as far as buffeting is concerned. It is not the coccoon that it was but I feel as if I am still getting the benefits of the shield. This combined with the Motorkote has changed the annoyance of this terrific machine into something that I know is there but will be able to accept and deal with. Again, I am not trying to force my opinions on any of you and there is no garantee that any will experience the changes I got from this modification. I do believe that seeing over the shield offers a level of safety in certain conditions (which my New England climate gives me in both the early fall and spring each year) that can not be achieved with the stock height windshield. The bonus of the noise changing was completely unexpected! Just some ideas to throw in the cat box, it will either just lie there, get covered up or watch out the litter will fly! Have a great fall and be safe Dan
  5. I have added some more miles and still am a Motorkote suporter. Added to my truck and it has made improvements there also. From reading all the posts it is appearing that the results are very similar to the problem itself, which is, it varies from bike to bike. The motorkote will not eliminate the whine and there are some good posts reflecting that information. For those of us that had the whine that went to chirping to something of a high pitched scream, it appears that it has helped. As I posted earlier my whine is there but the length it lasts is shorter allowing to easily get out of the annoying range very easily. Whine is more noticable in a putzing style around town than it is when I am either riding the twisties on some back roads or on the highway cruising. (no sounds at all at highway speeds. Third gear is loudest for me followed by fourth but fourth is getting better the more I ride. The pitch and volume are much less and it is now more of just an operating noise of the engine at certain rpms that fades into the pipes and other noises. The smoothness is impressive and overall engine noises have diminished. Clutch and shifting are very smooth. It appears that those who have seen little or no difference may not have had the problems that others had been experiencing to begin with. I have been impressed with the results and it will be going into all my equipment that has oil in it. I look forward to seeing if anyone that has had positive results has a set back or any other problems in the future. It is nice to know that what I have experienced was not just my imagination and that others saw and are seeing the same results for the most part. This site and the information contained and shared is a blessing especially for those of us who are just learning and experiencing the total experience of this machine. Until something hits the forum to shake my confidence motorkote is in my machine. Thanks for posting and giving me the confidence that there will always be help just a post away. Thanks again Dan:draming: one less thing to keep me awake GONE!
  6. I want to thank everyone for the info and posts. Very interesting....... I have more miles now and each time I ride there is a subtle difference in the amplitude of the noise and the duration band before it goes away. I started with terrible whine in third that lasted about 10mph on the speedo and in fourth the range was from just over 40 to drive you nuts at 55 to 60. Now the noise just starts to increase to a level of noticing it and you brace for the SCREAM and it never comes. Third gear is stronger and bike is so quiet I can be doing 60 and not realize it. fourth is still my noisiest gear but only lasts from just over 50 to about 55 if that. I am always looking for the noise and in all honesty feel that if I had never heard and read about it would not think what I have now is really anymor annoying than any Yamahhhaaa I have owned from the early 80's to today. I think in another month this noise will just be background and blend in with the pipes and other noises. I am surprised about the Rotella being quieter than Amsoil and will have to investigate this next oil change. Jeff, Where do you get the Rot syn? any news on cluth basket??? I will be adding Motorkote to my truck and lawn mower next delivery. The results for the gentleman that hears no difference may appear when he gets to the 500 mile plus level. Havea good weekend and keep the info coming. We will be getting into the more interesting area of long tme use and continued results. Thanks to all who are posting Dan:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. I use Amsoil 20-50 as I have had the best luck with this oil and use their micro filter. I drained some oil off before adding the motorkote. At first I went with about 8oz and then added the rest of the 10oz bottle. I am at top line on site glass now. I got more dramatic results after adding the full bottle. I would be careful about overfilling as I have read other posts on other forums that even dealers will over fill bikes with site glasses. In past bikes the motor got noiser when the oil was too high. (thanks to dealer) when drained to correct level bike was better and quieter. I think we are dealing with harmonics of the gearing, clearences etc and the coating with Motorkote is changing this. I will post more as the miles increase
  8. I have read with interest the comments posted so far. I have held off on mine since I wanted to hear what others were experiencing which is why I started the thread. My noises were very much linked to temp and humidity. The hotter the temp the louder the bike. When the outside temp cooled the noise was still there but in a narrower RPM speed zone. added Amsoil 20-50 and the noise became much less annoying but still showed up in 4th and at the speed I usually cruise the local roads around here which is 50mph to 55. The noise changed from a whine to the chirp that was really loud at times in this range and in 3rd at about the same RPM. I added Motorkote and within the first 100 miles I started to feel a change in the overall smoothness of the engine and the noise appeared to be getting quieter but thought I may be just wishful thinking. I think the posts using the numbers is a very adequate way to giving a visual to the results I am now getting which are improving each time I ride the bike. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This was before motorkote 9 and 10 were highway no noise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The range of sound had just about disappeared and if I was not aware of the problem would think it sounded like my Virago did when the rpm's were winding up. I have no noise at 50 and just a little whine at 55 and it is gone by 58. third gear is the noisiest now and the range is getting less and less each time I ride. I think in a matter of days I will just accept this a "normal" and have the complete enjoyment of this bike. the half helmet will be gone with the fall weather and with the full helmet there will be no annoying noises at all. I am amazed with this product Will post more as the miles build up. Thanks for all your input and keep it coming! Gas MPG up about 2 gallons so far with no fuel additive. No ear plugs
  9. I found motorkote on amazon with free shipping but you don't get fuel stuff and have to spend $25 to get free shipping. they have the larger size which qualifies for the free shipping. I got my first batch from Motorkote web site mentioned earlier.
  10. Thought It would be interesting to start a thread for the brave ones who are using Motorkote in our bikes. I would hope that this will be input from actual users and a place to track results or lack of them with this product. I hope we don't get the nasayers who know of a second cousin on their great grandmother's side that put the stuff in his bike before he went to prison and by the time he got paroled the stuff had turned to acid and melted his bike. I have heard the stories and warnings about the damage to the clutch but when I press the mechanic or fellow rider as to WHO this happened to it is always "well, I heard from a friend or a friend or read something somewhere that this can happen. I am not sure in the past but this product has no hesitation in recommending it to be used in motorcycles. I just put mine in and have about 150 miles on the bike. will post my findings after a few more miles I am wondering if any one wants to comment who is using one any of the following: 1. Whine better. worse or no change? 2. clutch better less jump when putting in gear, no change or worse any problems at all? 3. Gas mileage better worse or same? 4. overall engine sound. Smoother, no change? 5. Rpm speed range of noise tighter, same or shift as to duration on start and when it goes away? Does it go away? General comments about bike after using. I thought this could bring a place to get all input in one thread. Look forward to hearing from others using Motorkote.
  11. This noise is really strange for me. I finally got some miles on the bike this weekend and went to the beach on Friday. Very Hot and Humid and half way there the noise really started to get loud. I thought that I suddenly had me a "screamer" and was not happy. Got stuck in traffic stop and go for about 25 miles (thankful for water cooled) and finally got to the beach. On the way home noise was unbearable, played with RPM and gears to no avail. On second fill up when I left the station the noise had suddenly faded. Barely noticable and in a very short RPM speed range. Just that quick! Thought maybe the full tank was muffling the sound. I have gone through a second complete tank and the noise in there but not bothersome at all. I had switched to Amsoil 20w-50w and have about 500 miles on the new oil. Have no idea if it is the oil finally getting into every nook and grannie but the change is remarkable. On a cold engine I have no noise at all until everything gets warm. I have ordered some Motorkoat and will let all know if there is another improvement when I have some miles on it. I have no idea where the noise went but after the long start stop trek to the beach and the heat it just vanished from the annoying to acceptable after the fillup on the way home. I rode the highways 55 to 90 mph in 4th and 5th and the bike purred on the way to work. Just thought I would share this as I have no idea what has happened but:Cool_cool36:happy I am. will update if this changes. If I think about this much more I will 2005 RSTD with 16,700 miles Good luck to all Dan
  12. Hi Paul I too, have just recently purchased a 2005 RSTD and am in the process of getting to know the ins and outs of the bike. The noise may be the classic Yamaha whine. I have had a Virago, vstar1100 and now the RSTD. They all had various noises that came from within. If you read the posts you will see many on this subject. There are some suggested fixes but most it appears just live with it. I have it at a certain RPM so it is noticable in all gears. It is especially noticable in 3rd and 4th. In fourth it comes on strong at just under 50 and goes away if I accelerate a little faster. since we don't have radios on the RSTD we can't drown it out. I really noticed mine after reading posts and at first it annoyed me but now I use it as a audible speed sense and know about how fast I am going by the pitch of the whine. The other thing I want to mention is that the v4's like to run at higher RPMs than a V-twin. I too, don't notice the noise on the highway and with a little experimenting have found ways to minimize it when cruising around town. I would have it checked out and hopefully it is just the "normal" whine. Small price in my opinion to pay for a great bike. Good luck Dan:grandpa: Ear Plugs???
  13. I checked the front brakes today and had new pads on hand just in case. The dealer had replaced the pads with Tokico Toyo pads that I am guessing are stock for Yamaha. The shims were installed with one on piston side the other side was away from pistons. I coated the pads with disc brake quiet and bled them. Was able to take a 10 minute ride befor the skies opened up again (19 days in a row) and just got home before getting soaked. The brakes now feel exactly like the silverado did which makes me . No more noise or grabbing as I think the right caliper was air bound. This forum is a lifesaver and I appreciate all the replies and help. Love the bike and now if I could convert it into an ark maybe I could get in some miles and really find out what the bike is about. Thanks for all the input and if I have any problems will post again. Dan
  14. I have had good luck with both my truck and past bikes with the iridium plugs. On my Virago and vstar silverado I was doubling plus my mileage with no loss of performance and gas mileage. Both bikes started easier with the iridium plugs. The silverado would start crapping out under 4000 miles with regular plugs. Ran the last set or iridium 16000 before I traded the bike for the RSTD. I have not checked what is in the bike yet but I am getting 45mpg running the highway to work with the cruise set at 70! As far as the brakes they have just a completely different feel than the 2003 silverado. Maybe having two different kinds of brands of pads my be causing this. New pads will be here tomorrow and hope to have them on by the weekend.
  15. I am new to the RSTD and have had my 2005 for about a month and due to the crappy weather in New England have not put on as many miles as I had hoped before asking questions and commenting on the bike. I am grateful for the forums as coming from a V twin silverado I had forgotten how different the 4s are compared to the twins. I had a c550 v4 honda that loved the rpms but had gotten used to babing the vtwin. It was reading the forum that I found the information about keeping rpm's up and the bike is much smoother. thanks I am having trouble getting used to the front brakes being so grabby. I am planning to change them out as it appears the previous owner has two different brands of pads on the front. I hope that putting FA179 HH will at least give me some consistancy to get used to. I had no noise from the brakes for the first 1000 miles but cleaned the bike with S100 and the next day the sqeeling began. I will not understand the whys of this but saw some other post that mentioned the same thing. I cleaned the rotors with Brake Clean and the noise has diminished until the last few feet of the stop. Do others find the brakes very touchy in the final stages of the stop? I have started using the rear the last few feet and barely touching the fronts and it seems to help. The dealer or previous owner had installed a Met on the rear and Dunlop elite in the front. I am coming off Mich commanders and I seem to feel the tires working against each other in turns. Is this possible or just my imagination. The information is great and it is the best $12 I have spent on the bike. One final item. Are iridium plugs the way to go?? Thanks in advance:backinmyday:
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