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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. Actually what Bubber said got me to thinking. It does not have to be an antenna perhaps I'll put a couple of "flag" mounts there instead. I just have to determine what size screw in I need and see if I can find something to use. If I put in flag mounts of some sort I'll just move the flags from the luggage rack down there. Then I will not have to remove the flags when I put the tour bag on the rack.
  2. A plugged hole looks like a plugged hole Replacements look like they belong there.
  3. Thanks, I'll ride to one of the local HD dealers and take a look. I just want something that gives a more "modern" look and does not require folding up/down when I get a trike cover.
  4. My first taste of biking was on a Cushman. It was red and I was pretty sure I was the cat's meow on that thing! On really steep hills I had to give it a little leg power assistance sometime. That little scooter was the beginning of a lifelong love of bikes and trikes for me.
  5. I have a 2009 Venture with a Hannigan kit installed. I do not use the radios. Neither CB nor AM/FM. I would like to remove the OEM antenna and replace them both with shorter antenna that do not extend above the trunk/rack height. It will not matter if they work or not or at least I hope not. I will keep the OEM shafts/whips in case I sell/trade at some point. Now for the details: I want something that will simply screw into the stock bases on the trike. I am hoping I can find something that will not require any "Modifications" as my aim is as I stated simply screw in and ride off. Is there anything like that available?
  6. Congrats to the young man!!
  7. Similar problem on a new 2013 Hyundai Elantra. Parked it one night in an enclosed garage. Next morning one tire is completely flat. Used the kit to air it up and drove it to the nearest Hyundai dealer (we were visiting in Columbia, SC). The tire was tested and no leaks were found. It has remained trouble free ever since and currently has almost 10K on the tire(s). :confused:
  8. The side stand needs to remain on the trike because of the switch built in. I assume you could rewire the switch and remove the side stand however. I had the same question when I had my RSV triked.
  9. Usually (usually, not always) if you use the logo/design/symbol on a one-off item it will not be a problem. But if you start selling those items containing the material they will issue a cease and desist notice. STAR can be very particular (and they should be) about how their logos and symbols are used. I believe our chapter president had some small problems with them when he was designing our chapter flag patch. Apparently the height/width had to be exact and it required a couple of resubmissions.
  10. JFI, I don't have a problem with the extra effort it takes to steer the trike. Simply commenting that it does take a noticeable amount of effort. New comers to the trike experience might want to (if possible) try a short test ride so they can see for themselves what effort it takes. Hannah and I thoroughly enjoy our trike and feel very comfortable riding it.
  11. Just my opinion (we all know what that's worth ) There is no way any trike conversion or sidecar is going to steer anywhere near as easily as a two wheeler. There is a no comparison between simply rolling my Venture over thru the turns and having to physically push/pull the handle bars to steer the trike. By the time I have ridden from our house in Rockwood, TN to Deals Gap I'm definitely ready to take a break and have a cuppa coffee! I have the Hannigan Easy Steer installed and it may require somewhat less effort to steer but it simply ain't true that it is like power steering for the bike.
  12. I suppose I'm a bit of an oddball.....I find golf exciting and fun to watch on TV, along with football. I find basketball and tennis to be about as flat and dull as an unleavened pancake.
  13. The only "problem" I've had with my 2009 RSV is the audio/stereo. I must have taken that back to the dealer half a dozen times with complaints. It would go to CB and nothing you could do would change it. The volume would go to maximum and would refuse to be adjusted. Sitting at a red light with the CB on maximum volume while truckers used profanity that would make a sailor blush (and I'm a retired sailor!!) was enough to make me want to buy a Harley! They split the fairing and supposedly found bad connections every time. They replaced the control unit once. Nothing seemed to help. It would work fine for a day or a week and then it would go to heck again. I considered cutting the wires to the speakers it was so bad. It was all so random. It would just suddenly go wonky and just as sudden return to normal. Then....I had the bike triked with a Hannigan kit at Volunteer Cycles and Tikes. When I went to pick it up and ride it home Randy (owner of VC&T) asked if I ever had trouble with the system. He said when he had the bike apart and the fairing split that he found all of the connections extremely corroded and some simply twisted together. He cleaned, and fixed the wiring and I've been trouble free ever since....knock on wood!
  14. I use (and prefer) a half cover for my RSV trike. It packs a bit smaller and is just easier to put on/take off.
  15. That part number is RAM-B-246U It is of course useable on either side of the bike (clutch or brake) Take a look at www.rammount.com
  16. This is how I have my Ram Mount devices installed on my RSV. They are mounted on top of the clutch and brake reservoirs. They mount with a very short spacer included in the Ram Mount kit (approx. 1/4 inch or less) between the OEM reservoir cover and the Ram Mount. Notice that I made a GPS rain cover from a plastic index card box. I also drilled a small hole thru the cassette deck cover (measure VERY CAREFULLY to ensure proper position) and I drilled a hole thru the side of the rain cover also. I mount my GoPro video on the clutch side mount.
  17. I really don't see what all the Win 8.1 fuss is about. All you have to do is click on the desktop icon and voila, it looks and works just like XP/ME/Versa/Win 7.
  18. The shorter the arm the less vibration you'll have. I use 3" for both my GPS and my GoPro. I have mine mounted on top of my brake and clutch reservoirs. The photo (taken on my midnight ride from 2013 to 2014 ) shows the mounts. The large black box on the right is where I place my GPS. I made the GPS rain cover from a plastic index card box.
  19. That works for most of us I think!!
  20. I believe I have heard of the Retreads, but don't think I've ever met any of their riders.
  21. Really easy to install, worth every penny and I would not hit the road with it!!
  22. I step my left foot on the left footboard (drivers or passengers) and throw my leg over the seat/backrest (I have a trike) but I also did the same before I had it triked. The 2-3 second hastle of getting a leg over the backrest is more than offset by the comfort and longer distances the back rest allows me.
  23. My Hannigan triple tree Easy Steer has the words "Easy Steer" etched into the top piece in large letters curved around the center nut and is clearly visible when you look at the top piece. Since those photo's do not show that etched in on the top piece then I assume that it is an older unit?
  24. You probably have already checked this but are you sure that the trike does not have the Easy Steer already installed? It will say so etched right across the top as you look at the tree across the gas cap. Even with the easy steer the trike still needs good bit of power in corners.
  25. Returning home from Oak Ridge, TN about a month or so ago at the intersection of 58 and 327 the Google camera car turned left from 327 (Blair Rd) onto 58 in front of me.
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