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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. JMO: Running 85/90 into a headwind. I would think 27.14 mpg might be about normal.
  2. Something else to check. Pull the front fairing off and check all your wiring. My '09 Venture had the worst factory wiring under the fairing I've ever seen. Some of the wires were actually simply twisted together, no solder, no connectors. I had trouble with the audio for almost two years. Dealer replaced the handlebar unit. I had it to the dealer at least half a dozen times with no fix. When I had the bike "triked" the trike shop noticed the abysmal wiring, and they cut, cleaned, soldered and connected the wires. I have had no trouble since. Now JFI, the dealer had the fairing off several times when doing their "repairs" and apparently were not able to see the problem!!
  3. New fuel pump installed. Fairly easy to do. Shut off the fuel at the petcock. I removed both side covers and the center connector cover was loosened to allow me to get my hand squeezed into the space for hose removal/connection. Pay attention to the hose connections and have rag to soak up the small amount of fuel that the hose and the pump will spill out. The new fuel pump does have one connector tube marked inlet. After the hoses are connected, reattach the unit to the mounting point, connect the power and test. Tested successfully so I did a short test ride. Redid the center and side covers. Took less than an hour for me.
  4. I believe we have it narrowed down to the fuel pump. When the pump makes the chatter, bike starts and runs. When the pump makes a single click and no chatter the bike starts, idles and dies on throttle. I have the old pump removed. Hope to have the new one recvd and installed this afternoon.
  5. Fuel Pump gets power, it makes one click and then nothing. Whacking it did not help. I'll be shopping for a fuel pump tomorrow. Thanks for the input, I'm gonna start with auto parts, take a look and if nothing I'll break down and make an offering to the great God Yamaha for one of their GROSSLY over priced pumps. Gotta have it installed and working before Saturday!! Big PGR event in Pigeon Forge.
  6. Bike ran good a couple of days ago. Parked (rainy) until this morning. It starts right up and idles normally but at the slightest throttle use it immediately dies. I've tried to find a fuse for the fuel pump but from what I can find the fuel pump is on the main fuse. Lights, stereo & everything seems to be working as normal. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need this bike on the coming Saturday (Aug 29th). Does anyone have any suggestions to check for? I'm guessing fuel pump. My dealer quoted me $333 this morning! (yikes).
  7. I'm rather surprised no one has responded to this. I have an '09 RSV Hannigan. I am NOT a mechanic but I would take that to a dealer/repair for immediate check.
  8. Uh....No!
  9. When that commercial comes on and she asks that question....I always just raise my hand...."I Do".
  10. I believe I can send you a couple of PDF files for the wiring diagrams if you provide me your email. PM me that if you want them.
  11. Let me put in my cheers for the folks at Hannigan. They are friendly, helpful and they do a good conversion! My vote for trike kits....Hannigan!!
  12. Too technical for me, I'll ask someone else.
  13. What's a Sirius? I thought it was a satellite radio receiver.
  14. Coming up on 72, still riding. We sometimes relax an extra day when we get back home from a long 2-3+ day ride however.
  15. Is this magazine still in publication??
  16. I cannot provide any input of the Voyager outrigger type kit but.... I have two friends (acquaintances actually) and a PGR rider that I see now and then. They all have said pretty much the same thing. 1. The ability to go from two wheels to four wheels was a selling point. 2. They never actually remove the kit an go two wheeling. 3. They all had problems getting and keeping the kit aligned. If you can arrange it, I would strongly suggest a test ride and include a removal of the kit and reinstall to see how you might like the handling and how easily it really is to drop the kit and go to two wheels. I have a STAR friend who arranged to drive a pretty good distance to test ride my Hannigan trike before he committed to having the conversion down on his RSV. Try asking on the forum(s) if anyone would allow you the opportunity to try theirs.
  17. I should have posted this much sooner but....The axle flange nuts arrived, installed and all is right with the trike. Thanks to all who responded. Big thanks to Ed's Cycles in Cleveland, TN also.
  18. Wheel bearings installed, just waiting for the axle flange nut to arrive.
  19. Let me hasten to add that I assume this is a fairly recent loss. The trike is 3+ years old so I don't believe it was left off by the conversion installer. I assume it has just over time come loose. BOTTOM LINE: Check those nuts and bolts boys and girls!! This is the 2nd big missing nut/bolt problem for me!!
  20. I just gotta put my two cents in.... Our filter works the same way. About a year ago the icemaker quit. I assumed it was going to be a big $$ job. At the same time I noticed that the water had quit. It would give a little squirt then nothing. Eventually we called in a friend who is a major dept store appliance tech. He took a quick look and said the icemaker is working (trying to work) it just isn't getting water. Turns out that there is a small plastic/nylon "thingie" that the filter plugs into and it has a diverter valve. That "thingie" was bad. He ordered a new one and it took him about 15 minutes to remove the old one and install the new one. Everything works great.
  21. Wow! Major update to this thread. The dealer did the master cylinder kit install yesterday which of course required yet another brake bleed (full flush?). When he was putting the wheels back on, one of the techs asked the other if there was a flange nut on the axle on his side. There was not! I have no idea when or how long that axle flange nut has been missing. The trike has not exhibited any handling problems but the entire right rear wheel/brake/rotor was in danger of coming off. The tech contacted Jim Gooch at Hannigan, explained everything, and was told to inspect the wheel bearings that they would most likely need replaced. The tech did, they do, and so he has ordered all the parts. Hopefully it will be ready on Friday. I'm scheduled for a Memorial Day event at Dollywood on Monday. I keep having visions of doing about 75 down I-40 and having that assembly suddenly detach. Scrape me up and pour me in a bag!
  22. Took the trike to dealer this morning (reputable and reliable dealer mechanics). Did a thorough brake bleed. Darrell the tech/mech responded with almost exactly the same words about which side to bleed first! Darrell took the trike for a test and there was no change. Still needs a quick brake pump about half the time or more. Did another brake bleed, much pumping and holding! Darrell took it for another test ride and came back saying he had full brakes all the time and could lock up both rear wheels when braked hard. I have about an hour and twenty minute ride home. Great brakes for a while but as the trip progressed they slowly went back to requiring a pump and then they take and hold. Both Darrel and Lucas did a complete line check for leaks and found nothing. When I got home I pressed the brake pedal as far as it would go, tucked in a 2x4 to hold it down and let it sit for 35 mins. Then I went out and checked for leaks. There are no leaks in the lines. Now it seems to me that all the indications are that there is a leak somewhere. All the techs are saying it just does not seem likely that it is the master cylinder. Still I am taking it back down in the morning to have a master cylinder kit installed. If there are any other possibilities, I (we) would surely like to hear about them.
  23. As a matter of fact I believe we did bleed the right (facing forward) side first both times. Why would that make a difference?
  24. I have a friend who just bought a 2001 RSV. It's in very good shape but..... 1. It has a noticeable vibration in all gears when pulling hard. Any suggestions as to the cause? 2. He needs the paint codes to repaint the fairing. The colors are (my words) kinda dark red with purple red as the second color. Thanks.
  25. On a completely different situation... I just replaced the wheels on my Hannigan trike conversion and put new tires on the new wheels. The OEM tires that came with the Hannigan kit (Kumho tires) still have almost half their wear left and the trike has about 20K on those tires! Sure wish I could have gotten that mileage on the "two wheeler" RSV.
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