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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. Possibly a new bike converted by the Hannigan/Motor Trike "factory"??
  2. My T-Handle trunk lock no longer locks/unlocks. It is now a simple turn to open device. I have tried to find the original supplier but have not found it. Carbon one was testing out several designs at one time. Has it been narrowed down to one yet? I can find lots of T-Handle locks but almost everyone of them requires drilling two holes, one on either side of the shaft. I DO NOT want to do that.
  3. Yes I know that outlet is not the same, I said that in my post. I assume that the person who wrote the review I read had it wrong when he/she wrote "Separate cigarette lighter-type DC outlets for both rider and passenger." I was just wondering if possibly the outlet was removed in later model years or ??? I went out and looked all over my 2009 RSV and found nothing. I do have a USB and cigarette lighter type unit mounted on the left passenger grab rail. I suppose it was just a simple mistake by the reviewer.
  4. This morning while I was reading through some Venture information I found a bit of info I was unfamiliar with. It said that the Venture had cigarette lighter style electrical outlets for both rider and passenger. Sometime later I was thinking about that on a ride to my FRA meeting and realized that I have never noticed/found a cigarette lighter style outlet for the passenger. Where might that outlet be located? I know there is an outlet under the seat but it is a different type and I use it to pigtail my Battery Tender and an auxillary USB outlet.
  5. It isn't the chrome strip across the fairing face. It really sounds to me as though it is coming from the speakers.
  6. I never use the CB, never have. I prefer Bluetooth to the wired communicators simple because sooner or later I'm gonna step off the bike and break the cable. Bluetooth does not have that problem.
  7. How I prepped for the spray job. I removed the two lower pieces because they are easy to remove. I laid them face down and put about three light coats of a spray gloss black paint on them, about 15 minutes apart. I used a plastic safe paint and I do not recall the brand, but I am sure it was purchased at Wal-Mart. The two pieces that are attached to the fairing, I left in place because I did not want to split the fairing. I took newspaper and masking tape and VERY carefully masked off the pieces ensuring I had a large overspray area covered. I used the same spray gloss black and of course only covered the back side (facing the engine). I did three light coats on those two pieces also.It was a fairly simple operation, just ensuring it was masked off carefully took about 20 minutes. Basically I formed sort of a large funnel for each piece and sprayed them that way.I have not had any chipping off and it's been about two years. I really think it looks much better than the clear pieces. I am not a chrome type fanatic, the trike has plenty of shiny glaring in the sun places already (smile).
  8. Where do I look in order to see the radiator fan? Can it be see while sitting on the bike? We were stuck in bumper to bumper stop and go traffic yesterday and the engine heat was VERY noticeable as we sat there. I did not have a dash light come on.
  9. Can't help with that but what I did was spray painted the back sides of mine along with the lowers a glossy black to match the RSV red/black paint scheme. I painted the back sides so bugs/debris would not chip the paint.
  10. Very pretty. Looks good...what isn't finished?
  11. Having a great day down here in east Tennessee. Blessing of the Bikes at the Outreach Across America worship center. Just about to drive up to Ciderville to celebrate a friends fathers 89th birthday. He's 89 and an active member of the Patriot Guard.
  12. The painted the backsides of my 2009 RSV fairing/wind deflectors black to match the red/black OEM color scheme. No one even notices until I mention it and then they say it really looks and blends in so much better.
  13. I agree with the Commander II rear tire suggestion. I use the 150 (OEM size) mounted in normal rotation to displace rain/water as it is supposed to. Mileage for me is very good, holds a line very good.... Rode the Devils Triangle April 24th. I keep 42psi front, 32psi rear.
  14. cglofland, let me know if you received the email with the three PDF files attached.
  15. When I had my 2009 RSV triked I considered moving the trunk back. I never did it but am now planning to get moving on that. The problems I see are that when I loosened the truck to check it out I find that on my Hannigan conversion I have no way (at least no easy way), to reinsert the two rearmost bolts. I can't reach up under the conversion to the two holes. How do I get the nuts back on the bolts? Once I move the trunk back and put the two bolts thru the holes I then have no way to get to the nuts and hold them when I tight the bolts. Also what riser spacers do I need to raise the rear of the trunk so that it does not rest on the fiberglass molding that encircles the bottom of the trunk? I found a entry in the help section that indicated he had included photos, but there are no photos and no apparent link to photos.
  16. I used the line from my weed wacker to gently "saw" it off. It was probably a bit thicker than most fishing line but it worked very well. It leaves a bit of residue that I worked off with peanut butter (creamy of course! (smile)).
  17. alwrmcusn


    There is no "country" music anymore. The only difference in Rock/rap/hip hop/country is that there is no difference!
  18. Really like the Farmhouse Restaurant in Etowah, TN.
  19. There are devices that you may use instead of Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi to connect also. They plug into your wall electrical outlets and use house wiring to transmit/receive much like an Ethernet cable. They are safe and apparently are very reliable. Myself, when we had new carpet installed I crawled under the house (I'd rather eat liver than crawl under there! (smile)) and strung an Ethernet cable to the living room. I was too cheap to spring for the power outlet devices. They are not too expensive. Google for them or perhaps find someone here would might testify for them. Sounds/reads like there are number of forum members here who are better than me for help on your setup.
  20. My two cents worth: (I am on Comcast/Xfinity) You will be charged for two devices most likely, and might be charged for two connections. My router/modem is dual band and supplies Wi-Fi that covers the entire house and the surrounding lawn. Max distance roughly about 100-150 feet from the router/modem itself. We sit on the deck and porch with the laptop and her iPad frequently. The router/modem also has our phone lines and they are usable over the entire lawn area. I do not think you can use both devices as a single connection, but you seem to indicate that one is being used as a relay to expand the coverage?? Comcast explained to me....the dual band allowed whichever band was free/clear of interference to be selected used without having to specify manually. I have two desk top computers connected via Ethernet cable, a third Ethernet for various machines I might be working on or repairing. The laptop, TV, PS4 and iPad are Wi-Fi and the cell phones also connect via Wi-Fi at home. My current download speeds are about 125mpps so speed is not usually a problem for downloads since of course the speed is dependent upon the senders capabilities. Perhaps someone from your area might provide more accurate input.
  21. Not sure if this would help but the wiring inside the fairing seems to be a common problem on the RSV's. The audio system on my 2009 RSV has been the only thing that has been problematic. It would go to "CB" and stay there. It would go to maximum volume and stay there. It would not turn off no matter what I did until the key was turned off. It would go to "FM" at maximum volume, with "CB" cutting in when a signal was received and the volume could not be lowered. All I could do was put up with it till I turned it off at the ignition. Those things were random, not all the time. I took it back to the dealer about 3-4 times and of course they could never duplicate the problem. I finally was able to get it to them when it happened so they could check it. They said they found bad connections. It worked for about two weeks and started up again. More trips to the dealer, finally they replaced the control head. It worked great for about a month and the problems returned. They said they found more bad connections. Yamaha must have a "bad connection" installation point on the assembly line! Bottom line....when the bike was triked, the installer found a mass of corroded connections when he was doing the CB/trunk move. He cleaned and resoldered them and (knock on wood), it's been trouble free ever since. Four years later, still no problems.
  22. Tried UCLEARS for a while. Gave them to friends of ours. They seemed to not play nice with my wife's hearing aids. Caused a high pitched squeal in the aids. I have SCALA in our modular helmets and SENA in our 3/4 helmets. I also hear a lot of folks comment that they have no wind noise, just like talking on the phone etc. We have wind noise on all of the brands that we have or have had. Is there some setting on them that I'm getting wrong??
  23. Bypassing the windows password in Win 10 is the same as bypassing it in other Windows versions. This link will provide the instructions....read and follow carefully. http://www.tekrevue.com/tip/bypass-windows-8-password-screen/
  24. If you are in the Rockwood/Crossville/Cleveland area give me a call for more info also.
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