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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=DSCN0541.jpg http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=DSCN0540.jpg http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=DSCN0539.jpg http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/alwrmc/?action=view&current=DSCN0551.jpg
  2. Hmmmmmm, BBQ gets my vote!!
  3. Give some strong consideration to having an easy steer conversion installed also.
  4. Take care and hope things work well with the move and the claim
  5. I'm just gonna come right out and ask....."What is it?"
  6. We have experienced that pain and we extend our condolences
  7. Sheep skin..... Bought sheepskins in Australia when we were stationed there because so many Aussie riders used them. You do think they would increase the heat but not so. They are comfortable in summer and warmer in winter. The heat in the summer in Exmouth would practically melt the seat on my bike! We are still using the very same sheep skin that we bought there in 1984 BTW! They do have one drawback however, they are not all that comfy sitting on them wet if you're not wearing a rainsuit .
  8. .....If they added fuel injection, a GPS, suspension and styling changes this year and the price was $25,999, How many people here would be inline to buy one today? ( need a separate poll thread for this) In terms of Technological advancement, the Yamaha carbureted V4 still meets emissions requirements without a catalytic converter. Can't be that outdated. The HD with FI and all its Tech advancements, needs a catalystic converter and they need to shut down a cylinder at idle to keep it from overheating. That's change I don't need...... And my 2 cents worth and this is NOT trying to start a flame war The cost of FI vs Carb is negligible. Suspension and styling can stay pretty much along the same lines. With the exception of the GW all the big touring bikes are basically carbon copies. Having to shut down a cylinder to prevent overheating...air cooled (and design) vs water cooled. GPS would be a very nice touring device but buying your own provides personal choices. Eliminating the cassette deck and making it into a storage area would only save a couple of $$ perhaps but would be a nice "feature" I do think that without some "major" updates the Venture is falling too far back to catch up. It will require a complete new design. Having said all that, I love my Venture and it's gonna be in my carport for several more years
  9. I used Goo Gone to remove the residue left on my tank when I removed the government warning sticker. I also used it on my fair to remove the gummy residue when I removed the eye brows. It has not hurt the paint or finish. .....Note in the photo below that the government warning stick is on the tank, it has been removed for about two years now.
  10. East Tennessee/western North Carolina mountains are supposedly going to be displaying peak colors the first half of October. I'll "guesstimate" most all of October however.
  11. I believe our STAR chapter president and his daughter rode that highway on their way back to Tennessee after STAR Days in Reno/Sparks. His daughter did a GoPro Hero video of the ride down.
  12. pmelah: ..... Isaac is messin' up your trip with all the rain, you may need that snorkel for sure 'course ya could leave a few days early (like right now) here in east Tennessee the sun is currently shining. 'sposed to have some rain showers starting tomorrow afternoon though.
  13. Rode out to Lowes this morning. When I came out to get on the trike and put on my helmet, the button on top to raise/low the sun screen had fallen off. I looked but did not find it. Came home and examined the helmet and decided to call Gmax to see what sort of $$ it would cost to repair the helmet. A very nice gentleman took the helmet model info, said he would have the entire mechanism to replace the slider in the mail this afternoon, NO CHARGE! Just want to give a thumbs up to Gmax and their customer service!!
  14. A friend of mine showed me his .75cent emergency brake. He took a piece of Velcro...the kind that will stick to itself when you fold it around itself. His wife sewed one end into a loop that easily slips over the throttle hand grip. He puts the loop on the handgrip, compresses the brake lever then runs the Velcro strip out around the brake lever and back onto the backside of the same strip. To visualize the arrangement just take about a 12-14 inch strip of Velcro and stitch a loop on one end so that it looks sort of like a figure 6 or 9 except the tail of the numeral is about 10 to 12 inchs long. The loop that he has on his is large enough to slide it down over his brake reservoir and the tail wraps snuggly enough around to hold it in place for traveling. The same thing effect could be had with a hefty rubber strip as someone also mentioned.
  15. Welcome back home to your sons.
  16. That has been a constant problem with my Venture for over two years. I think it is finally rectified after the Hannigan installation. Check every connector on the bike for the stereo, CB etc. They were corroded and very poorly made and were the cause of most of the problems for me. Also the dealer had to replace the head unit (left handlebar). It's been working fine for three months now.....knock on wood!
  17. Big thumbs up for that Utopia backrest! Love mine!
  18. Rick, I love the photo of the camera in the mirror with the line of bikes coming up behind.
  19. Just pick one? No way! Gotta try'em all!
  20. I test rode one last year at Alcoa Good Times in Knoxville. Talk about a different ride!! Still, I'm thinking that it will be at/near the top on my very short list for a next bike! I do agree with the tall driver and the riding position. They for sure need to give some leg room and handlebar adjustment options.
  21. I removed the "eyebrows" from my venture about two weeks ago and this is what it looks like.
  22. I've seen those ads for the wicking type of undergarments and wondered how they worked. We did a four day ride down the Natchez Trace about two months ago. The daily temps went up to the very hight 90's and even into the 100 degrees and over range. As each day went on my butt became more and more uncomfortable. Now I understand what "monkey butt" is. I think I'll try a pair of the riding ungarments and give them a test.
  23. alwrmcusn

    Lost Key

    I had an extra key made at my local WalMart. I keep a spare inside my driver backrest.
  24. Keep them K's a addin' up!!
  25. I do appreciate the replies but... I don't use the CB, never will. I don't use the AM/FM, never will. All I want are short replacement antennas, if they really work without any alterations that would be great, if not...oh well. Yes I do understand that I can just remove the OEM antennas, paint a wooden dowel silver and duct tape them to the mounts , but I'd really prefer real genuine antennas.
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