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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. Does anyone have photos of this movement arrangement? 1.5-2 inch washers sure seems like a rather tall stack. Do I need to remove the trunk in order to determine if mine is in the front or the rearmost location? I am not that mechanically inclined and I sure don't want to screw something up!
  2. I believe I have now "seen everything"
  3. 43 must be a lucky number Hannah and I have 43 years married also! Congratulations to you both (and to us also).
  4. I put a new Barnett clutch in my 2009 trike a couple of months ago. Do you mean I could have only replaced the pressure plate?
  5. Can anyone simply show up and do the Thursday rides? If so how much $$ and where/time to meet??
  6. Hannah and I use those cheap reusable "fabric" type shopping bags. Very inexpensive, soft and can be pushed into corners, around odd shapes etc.
  7. I use that APP. It works very well. It is not just for this site. You have a wide selection of sites including lots of none motorcycling sites. One of the drawbacks for some of those APPs is that the iPad does not work with some video sources. Not a major problem, it will tell you that it is not recognized as a usable source. On the iPad/iTunes store, under APPs look for FORUM RUNNER and download and install it.
  8. A riding friend of mine uses his regular video camera mounted on the handlebar. It is a very small handheld unit (don't know the brand/model). A plus is that he can flip out the little LCD screen and get it lined up just right. He shoots thru the windscreen and the results are surprising good! Wind noise can be edited/dubbed over later on their computer.
  9. Oh, just for info for those who are unaware....it's a U-joint for "universal" joint, meaning it can function in a very wide circle of positions. But also both pieces also have a rather U shape to them. I asked a mechanic friend and that is the explanation he gave. Well almost, he's a rather long winded individual, so I shortened the description somewhat
  10. ragtop69gs......You are indeed correct! I just went out and snapped a few photos of the underneath. There is that brace/pass through. I was remembering the longer silver sleeve that the shaft runs through to the differential. Also the bolts seem to be firmly seated so I should be safe riding it 87 miles to Sevierville tomorrow. I do want to get the proper bolts installed. The quick fix replacements were too long and we had to use two lock washers on each one. I will be asking him to use Loctite (blue/medium ??) when he replaces the bolts. I want to thank each of you for your replies and help, this site is for sure well worth the cost of admission. I just renewed for two years, $$ well spent!
  11. From two wheels to three is not for everyone for sure. Cornering on a trike does require exertion that a two wheeler does not. Riding a curvy road (we just did the "Dragon") will give you pretty good work out. But my left knee is no longer a problem if it decides not to click into place as I stand up or come to a stop sign/red light. Gravel parking lots and roads are easier to maneuver on. Would I revert to the Venture as I originally purchased it if I felt I could do so safely...yes I would. But I have no regrets with the trike. You either like them or you don't. The way I see it when I'm riding the trike it looks exactly like it did before the conversion from the drivers point of view. It becomes a trike as I approach a gas pump or pull in between parked cars at Wal-Mart. I'm used to it handling differently, and I have noticed that I seem to be much more visible to those who would say "Officer, I never even saw that bike". I'm still in the wind, I'm still enjoying the 360 degree views and I still wave at every two/three wheeler I pass. Ride what you want and enjoy it.
  12. The bolts heads are (to me) odd looking. The heads have a more grooved surface than your usual 4 or 6 sided heads. You can clearly see them in both photos that Marcarl included. However neither of those two photos look exactly like the Hannigan kit on my bike. Those photos show a mount/brace that the shaft passes through. My Hannigan does not have that, the shaft itself goes to the differential without a brace. Is that a different maker trike kit in the photos? I have an appointment to take it to Sevierville, TN to the installer on Thursday. Hopefully I will get him to show/tell me of the things I need to keep check on in the future. I'm guessing a torque wrench purchase may be in my future. The one I have is 40+ years old!
  13. That had to take a LOT of rehearsal and practice!!
  14. What do you mean "yoke"? I'm not very mechanical and I want to make sure I know what to tell them when I have it checked.
  15. Don't know if it really matters or not but there are only about 15K miles on the bike as a "trike". I believe the Hannigan warranty is two years. I'll be contacting the installer tomorrow to arrange a fix and a full check up.
  16. This is just for info to any trikers out there. Saturday May 25th on a STAR chapter 424 ride to Little River Canyon near Fort Payne, AL I had a potential major problem with my trike. We stopped for soft drinks and comfort calls at a small mini-mart near Dogtown (that's what the lady behind the counter said). As we left my wife and I hear a clunk clunk sound. As we decelerated to turn onto the roadway we hear it again. I thought it might be a fender strut that was loose. About a 100 yds later we decelerated to turn onto another highway and we again heard it and I could feel an accompanying bump (very minor). I told a fellow rider we needed to stop and check it out. Fortunately there was an old unused service station almost directly across from the stop. We pulled in, I checked the fender struts and they were solid. I lay down and started looking under the bike and found the problem. The U-joint! Of the four bolts making the connection only one remained! It was about a turn and a half from being completely gone also. A fellow chapter rider came back and shortly afterward the rest of our chapter missed us and came back. Mr Bill, our chapter VP, took a look at the problem, said he could get us home. He rode to a nearby Lowes, got replacement bolts and shortly we had the trike ready for a test ride. The rest of the ride home was uneventful. I periodically check the bike as we all should, but I never even considered checking for that possibility! Hopefully the Hannigan warranty will replace the temporary bolts and we'll be ready for our next ride!
  17. Hey you got yourself a really nice looking ride there!!
  18. Oh that's terrific! I'm going to have to use that myself!!
  19. Seat fasteners? What are those?
  20. OKay, my two cents worth of "Dropped it" stories Two weeks after buying my brand new 2009 Venture I stopped at a five way country intersection that has a SEVERE slope before turning right. As I sat there I swear I've no idea what or how..we simply tipped over to the right and off we go into the grass and gravel. Scuffed the fairing slightly and no other damage except my ego. I bought from Big # 1 in Birmingham (cheapest location I could find) a new fairing outer piece and put it on. That was about $600 and that was the cheapest. I had no idea that Loctite came in several formulas and therefore some of those formulas should NOT be used on plastic types. In my infinite wisdom I loctited the bejeepers outta the fairing replacement. After all who wants their windshield to come flying off at speed/ Now about 3 months later my sound system control head need work which of course requires separating the fairing. In order to remove the fairing the shop broke every mount point on the new fairing. $600 and a round trip to Big # 1 shot to $%^@. Luckily I still had the old scuffed fairing and used it as a replacement. I've since had the bike "triked" and I deliberatly kept the scuffed fairing. I call it my "P.A.R" (Pay Attention Reminder) and I've received several queries as to how I managed to scuff a fairing on a trike. After we triked the Venture we rode around that road, stopped at that intersection and did not tip over....$15K vindication I guess
  21. That does not help. I get to the site, I click on things but there is no map, there is a blurb about a family who shot someone. That blurb is where the map should be I believe. Clicking on "Filter by gun laws" does nothing at all. No matter where I click or what I click I do not get a map. I'm assuming that it may require some older form of graphic plug-in.
  22. I don't get the map. When I click, it says to roll the mouse over a state. But there is no map. Do I need a different browser or some off the wall plug-in?
  23. You know people still stick gum all over the bottom of tables??? Yes, but it's usually too dry and is very hard to chew!
  24. I currently own three GPS units and one that is OEM in the car. None of them will allow me to easily select a specific route. Each of them can "avoid" the expressway/interstate routes but avoid is not the same to them as "stay the heck completely 100% off"! I wish, and I'm sure there are millions of like minded individuals, that were was a way or a GPS model that would allow me to input the route number/name along with appropriate info for turns, stops, vias etc. All of my GPS units can and do vocalize the route number/name even down to the streets names. It seems to me that it would be feasible to give me a GPS that I could program by saying something like..... "Start at Cherokee, NC ride the Blue Ridge Parkway to NC 421 and stop". As it is now for a ride along that route of the BRP, every GPS and mapping program that I have or am familiar with requires that I redirect at every possible exit or else it defaults to one of two possible routing methods that it finds more acceptable. I do love my GPS devices for their ability to find things along the way such as food, gas, shopping, attractions and motels BUT! it's best feature is the "Go Home" button. Harley Davidson and Honda both have mapping apps on their websites that allow you to plan a route and save it as a GPX file for importing to your GPS (if the GPS accepts GPX files, not all do). However try telling the app to take you from Cherokee, NC to Boone, NC along the BRP and you will spend hours overriding its route selection as it takes you off the parkway and on to a more direct route. Of course simply riding the BRP is easy enough, just get on and stay on it. The point is I use my GPS to give me verbals and to help me keep my eyes on the road itself. I'd like the #$%@ thing to allow me to tell it what to do, not vice versa!
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