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Everything posted by alwrmcusn

  1. About half or better of the emails I get are purporting to need my USAA info reset, my USAA ATM card is ready, my USAA pre-paid credit card is ready for delivery.
  2. Hannah and I (rider/passenger) have Bell Mag9's with the Sena SMH10 units installed. They basically work well, but..... 1. On two different Mag9 helmets (traded trikes, different colors so we needed different color helmets of course! (smile)) I have had one of the speakers fail (or drop to an unhearable level). Both times it was the left speaker. 2. Wind noise can be a problem, but I usually simply use the tap to talk method. 3. Tried plugging my MP3 into the Sena but was not happy with the sound reproduction so I use the Wing's system thru the trikes speakers. The Goldwing is quiet enough for that to sound pretty good. 4. Would like to try the Goldwing and J&M headsets but investing in new helmets and new headsets when we already have these is a bit more than I want to spend at this time. If J&M had a system than would fit the Mag9's I'd snap 'em up I think!
  3. It has reopened. Our chapter rides have made that area a destination the last two years with lunch stops there. Their burgers were some of the best! Sitting on the porch chatting with other riders after lunch is a great way to spend an hour or so.
  4. I have not been able to access the Triketalk site for a couple of days, does anyone know what the problem might be?
  5. Anyone have a guestimate on the price of replacement coolant plugs for a 2009 RSV? I've seen the "fix" suggested that a dime double side taped to the plug can stop the drip, but would prefer to do a complete replacement.
  6. This is what I carry on the trike. It requires a battery but works very well, is quick and not really all that large. Meter is built in.
  7. Bought our (real) sheepskin in 1984 in Exmouth, W Australia. Still using it today. Only change I made was to cut a slit in it for the driver backrest to mount thru. Only problem: Don't ride on it wet.
  8. My wife (Hannah) picked up her nickname the first day we rode our new "triked" Venture to our STAR chapter meeting. Someone asked if it had reverse and someone else said "yes, Hannah pushes it backward, she is 'Reverse'".
  9. Hannah and I bought Mag 9's from Motorcycle Super Store when we were at the Louisville STAR-B-Q a year or so ago. I liked the style/look and they allowed us to use our SENA communicators. My head style is a bit more oval than round and the Mag 9 fits us both perfectly. At one time I had 5 helmets and everyone of them put pressure on my forehead that made rides over an hour or so uncomfortable. My recommendation is try the helmet (any brand) on and if possible wear it for at least a few minutes or an hour if possible.
  10. Just my personal opinion: bicycles should not be allowed on public roadways that do not have a dedicated bike lane.
  11. The fact that you can't fall over......Before I had my Venture triked and while I was mulling over my options, two friends and I went for a restaurant ride down on the far western side of Sparta, TN. I led the way, because we had never been there before and I had the address in my GPS. Off the main road, up a winding road and bingo there it was just behind the tree line. I turned left off the road into the parking lot.....the parking lot had just been freshly graveled and it must have been 3-5 inches deep! Hannah and I plowed thru about 20 feet before I got it stopped and under control. After lunch I wrestled that big top heavy RSV thru the thick gravel and back onto the pavement. Hundreds of riders will snicker at that event but I simply hate HATE HATE gravel that thick! Now I roll thru there on my trike and do donuts!!
  12. DblTrbl is correct on the MPG statement as one would expect. My mileage dropped from (two up, weekend luggage) about 45-47mpg to about 30-32mpg. That is why I recommend the auxiliary fuel tank be installed. That is a significant drop. I have found that our comfort levels and a few other little differences have more than made up for that for Hannah and I. I have also noticed that drivers seem to pay a bit more attention to the trike. No hard ad fast proof but I have had far fewer cars pull out in front of us.
  13. I considered trying a similar approach. I cannot see my Moto E phone or my Galaxy Tab in sunlight and I could not see my iPad either. So I abandoned the idea. My GPS is viewable but barely. Don't know why the manufacturers require such indirect light to view their products.
  14. The auxiliary gas tank is located (Hannigan) high between the rear wheels. It holds about 4.5 gallons of fuel. It includes a fuel pump and a switch to transfer the fuel from the aux tank to the main tank. The transfer can be done as you are riding. It takes about 8 minutes to transfer the tank. This is how I do it. 1. Riding: Press the transfer switch when I notice the "F" indicator on the dash display. Not sure what to call it, it just shows up as an "F" and the miles to the right of that. I assume that is indicating low "F"uel, and how many miles I have traveled after that "F" appeared. I reset the display and keep a close eye on the fuel level. When it indicates completely full. Turn the switch off to cease transfer. The Hannigan does not have an automatic shut off and will continue pumping fuel until it overflows and soaks your crotch in gasoline. You will make that error only once probably (smile). I have the switch mounted on top of my tank just next to the ignition cover. You can position it where you desire. 2. If you are stopped, you can remove the gas cap, begin the transfer and keep an eye on the transfer that way. I have only used my OEM reserve switch once since I bought the bike. On my RSV there remains about 1.5 gallons when the "F" light appears, so I feel very safe should I ever need to stretch my mileage to the limits. I currently get about 260 miles using both tanks and possibly even a bit more and then I have the reserve after that. We travel from Rockwood, TN to Columbia, SC and usually refuel in Newberry, SC as a precaution. If Hannigan or one of it's authorized dealer installers does the installation everything is done in the installation. If you add the tank afterward, or another aftermarket tank, I assume you would need to partially disassemble the trike inorder to make the addition. I would definitely recommend the aux tank which every trike conversion you select.
  15. The Hannigan rake option called Easy Steer is a replacement for the fork yoke/triple tree. The OEM forks are used they simply replace the top. Even with the Easy Steer it still requires a bit of effort to steer. I would also suggest the addition of the auxiliary fuel tank.
  16. I agree with mirider in that of the people I know (only 3) who have or have had the outrigger type setup, none of them switch back and forth between two-four wheels. I considered that option along with other when I had my Venture triked. One consideration that seemed very logical to me...two rear car tires much less expensive than two car tires and a motorcycle tire. Also the trike steering effort is very noticeable either way you go, but the true trike easy steering/rake option does lessen that effort. For long distance touring the added trunk space is most welcome. The true trike (Hannigan for me) just seemed to me to be the best of all the choices. Whichever way you elect to go, enjoy and ride on safely.
  17. I may have the same mirrors bongobobny. They were pretty inexpensive, noticeably larger viewing area and have proven worth the money. Had them on my '09 trike for about 3 years.
  18. Did mine a couple of years back. Simply painted the back sides of both the upper (fairing mounted) and the lower (fork mounted). I truly do think they look and match the trike better than the clear OEM's.
  19. Love this reply!!
  20. ALWRMCUSN - ALW (initials), RMC my Navy rate/rating, USN (23 years Navy)
  21. Huh? Cougar is that a Hannigan part nr? Is there a price available? I have at least one friend who might be interested.
  22. Black would have been fine with me. JFI, Oreilly, Napa, Advance, Lowes, Home Depot, Auto Zone nor Walmart had the lock needed.
  23. Lock problem solved by a fellow forum user, cecdoo. Sent my (gratis) an exact duplicate. I installed, tested and a big thank you goes to cecdoo. Coffee always available here BTW (smile).
  24. Those are NOT the same lock. As I said I DO NOT want the lock that requires drilling two mounting holes (one on either side of the shaft).
  25. Key goes in, does not turn. The handle turns and opens as though the key had "unlocked" it. The mounted shaft does not turn....it should not anyway. My only problem with it is that it simply does not lock. I tried two Lowes, a Home Depot, and Pattersons RV/mobile home parts but did not find the same style device. I can find the ones that require mounting holes on either side of the shaft, but I do not want that style. I tried K & K locks and he wanted me to leave it but could/would not tell me if he could fix it. This was a very inexpensive lock, about $8 including shipping if I remember correctly. I would like to try to find a couple more. One for me and one for a friend.
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