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About Guindalf

  • Birthday 10/22/1958

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Toccoa, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '03 Royal Star Midnight Venture
  1. Thanks, guys. We spent the day running two pressure washers and got a lot of it off. Of course, in 90 degree heat, we couldn't get it all before it baked in to the door and siding, but at least we managed to get the "F-U" off the garage door and the same plus a phalic drawing off the hood of the car! I think we may be able to buff the car and save a repaint and additional expense (I hope, anyway). The siding and front door will have to be replaced, but we can paint the other garage door entrance and the main garage door. Everything came off of the deck so we just have to reseal that, but may have to do the whole deck (three sides wraparound) to make everything match again. Turns out that some other mailboxes along the street had paint poured over them so at least we weren't targeted. They even wrote a name on a stop sign and the cops are looking into that. All I can say is it's lucky for them that they didn't go INTO the garage and damage the bike - or I'd have hunted them down and done some SERIOUS damage to their ability to reproduce!! Security lights and cameras are in our future.
  2. Open your web browser and go to mail.google.com You should then be able to enter your email address and password, remain logged in and read your mail.
  3. My house was vandalized last night. This is the cleanest pic I can post - all the others include obscene drawings or words in pink latex paint on the house and car. Cleanup was no fun and I still am going to have to replace all the siding, maybe the front door, paint the side and garage doors, re-seal the deck after pressure-washing it and more. The deputy that came estimated the damage at $10,000. We live in a semi-rural areaa not known for crime or mindless acts like this. Time to go to Walmart and buy a 12 gauge and/or a baseball bat. http://i45.tinypic.com/nyy5tu.jpg
  4. I didn't even look at the 1300T as I fell for the Honda as soon as I saw it. It's not a "vanilla"-looking bike. I've owned both Honda and Yamaha (obviously) in the past and, while they are both great companies, I think the Honda products just slightly have the edge - especially with the 1300 Custom series. As for accessories, the bike is new on the market, but everything is available for order. I got my engine guard within a week or so of getting the bike. Almost 1000 miles later and I have no sore tailbone stories and I love it!
  5. Yes, the Sabre is brand new too. It's almost the same as mine (without the tour package and chrome front forks) but has the larger diameter, skinnier front wheel.
  6. Are you looking at the VTX? 'Cos the new 1300 Custom line is FI amd has a 4.4 gal fuel tank. And yes, it is awesomely easy to handle!
  7. Nope. Wifey has her own (2) wheels! It'll work in a pinch, but it's 99.999% solo riding on this baby.
  8. thanks, guys You know what, Dan? I DID notice it was blue! That's why I bought it Thanks to a broken water pipe at the house yesterday, I wasn't able to ride much, but I still managed to put over 100 miles on the odo. Getting used to it is fun. It's SOOOO much easier to handle, especially at maneuvering speeds, and just backing it out of the garage doesn't come with that "I'm going to drop it" fear. Have to get used to not having a fuel cutoff/reserve switch though. I feel sure I'm going to run out of gas sometime. I'm still on the first tank, so I haven't even filled her up yet! The book says 52MPG, so that could be a couple days. Of course, there's less protection from the elements, but that's a real advantage in 90+ degree weather. Can you tell I'm lovin' it? As for still being a VentureRider, notice the thread title is "No longer a Venture rider", not "No longer a VentureRider"!!!
  9. Well, I did it. I traded my Venture. I never toured, so it was just too big and heavy for jumping on and cruising. What did I replace it with? A 2010 Honda 1300 Custom Interstate... http://i43.tinypic.com/2eeaa1c.jpg It's a lot lower, lighter and easier to handle. I coudn't give up the shield, floorboards and bags and I have an engine guard on order to take the Kuryakyn highway pegs. I'm also ordering a sound system, so I won't miss too many of the extras the Venture offered (never used the CB or cruise anyway).
  10. Actually, Badend, something lighter! I don't get to tour and my wife has her Burgman, so I need something for shorter trips that's not so top-heavy. I'm thinking VTX 1800, Stratoliner or something like that. Terry, Tybee is the other end of the state for me - six hours by cage - so I won't be able to make it. Come up to Helen or something and I may be able to meet with some more of you like I did when you lunched at Mickey Pigg's!
  11. Hi y'all, I'm back on the board after a few months' absence. I got laid off and even the $12 membership was a stretch to me, but I'm happy to report that I'm working again! Did anyone miss me? (BTW, my bike is for sale and can be found in the Classified section).
  12. If I had a job...
  13. Well, yesterday I got called into the conference room and, after seven and a half years (and being the third longest employee), was told my position no longer existed. I had survived a pay cut of 33% a couple months ago and now I'm unemployed Guess the Venture may be the first casualty if nothing comes up quickly.
  14. Have never done Disney, but my wife & I love to cruise. As Keith said, no casino on the Disney ships but I hear nothing but good things about them and again, as Keith mentioned, make sure they know about son's medical condition. Disney cruises are generally considerably more expensive than other cruise lines, but I do know they do things right - like the restaurant that goes from black and white to color as you complete your meal! You will have a great time. They have their own island, as most cruise lines do, but they "manufactured" it, Disney style so it's the only one that's dockable (the others run tenders - small boats from the ship to the island) and also wired so you can use your key card to make purchases while on the island. Check out all the information on Cruisecritic.com for reviews and loads of tips on how to book and what to see and do. Register on the forum and make friends and plan meets before you go. Many cruise lines recognize members of cruisecritic an may have a party and gifts for you when you sail.
  15. Monday at 3:00pm Eastern according to the website.
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