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Everything posted by kyle

  1. alaska leather sheepskin is a must, cupholder also helps. good mp3 with a good charge.
  2. As far as the 1000 rpm idle thing goes i have done this with same results, synced at 1000 rpm idles smooth runs smooth , synced at 2500 rpm runs a tad smoother on the hiway . trying it at a higher rpm where the engine is running seems to make it run better. IMHO i still get about 40 mpg a gal. but it runs so smooth.
  3. thats what harleys ride in.
  4. don't forget that if it hasn't rained some lately the roads will be slick as snot after a light rain. oil, dirt and crud builds up and the water just makes it worse until it all gets washed off. here in indiana it hasn't rained for a month and the roads are looking a little shiny already.
  5. looks just like the one we blew by at ky. dam this week... we were pulling a trailer too... hhmmmmm does LOOK good though
  6. kyle

    new trailer

    monty, were staying at moors marina. about 10 miles south of gilbertsville, ky. looking forward to riding the trace, heard good things about it.
  7. kyle

    new trailer

    hair dryer ?? the girl has two, one for each hand.... lol don't forget the face paint too.
  8. kyle

    new trailer

    its the americas best xl... some guy named road kill pawned it off on me...lol. we like it alot, a little fine tuning and add-ons its ready for the labor day kentucky lake trip. as far as the model in the pic, she's trying to figure out how much clothes and shoes it will hold. i still get to wear the same jeans for a week.
  9. kyle

    new trailer

    finally got some pics of the new trailer "to me" . pulls real well and looks good too. If ya do some traveling like we do i highly recomend it. see ya on the hiway !!!
  10. All i can say, i'm so jealous... rode one 2 years ago and loved it.... the girlfriend not so much....
  11. can clearance lights "led" be wired to act as run/turn signal only ?? want to put some on side of trailer but only as run/turn, no brake. have 4 wire set up with 5 to 4 conversion on bike. any thoughts??
  12. The one the only " nebraska cornhuskers" the 2011 big ten champs... Go big red....
  13. i can't believe all the miles on that bike!! gives me hope for mine, i only have 30,000 but were sure trying to put on more.....
  14. sorry caveman: grunt grunt ooohhhh eeerrrr grunt.... got it now ??
  15. bought it at our local farm supply store "thrifty supply" but i'm sure they stock them at similiar stores. its a farm thing...lol
  16. I finally got my new to me trailer "thanks roadkill" wired up tonite and i'll say it was real easy. However when i started reading howto's by other members i thought it would be difficult. Some of ya made it way to complicated and intimidating but after a while i said screw it and did it this way... bought a "CALTERM" # 08079 tailight converter 5 wire to 4 wire spliced them in under the seat by the battery and wala i got lights. the beauty of the calterm is the converter is in the plug in where the the trailer plug goes so you don't need to get all fancy with splices and sh%& like that. so easy a caveman could do it....... "me" oh ya only $13.99 !!!!
  17. I finally drilled 4- 3/8" holes in cone tonight and really like the sound. I went thru 3 sets of harley muffs never liking the way they sounded. they would either sound good at idle and crappy at speed or visa versa. took 20 min. to drill both muffs and i do like the way they sound and letting off the gas they sound like an old flathead ford, gotta love it....
  18. gill or gel who the hell cares, the dogs the one stink'n !!! lol i be a produkt of pubic skool...
  19. hey mel, where did ya get the coupon ??? thats a great deal
  20. here is the cure for skunked dog: "MASSENGEL DOUCHE" , no kidding, if i'm lying i'm dying. my old dog was a skunk magnet, first time we took her to a groomer and came out fresh as a daisy, i asked the groomer and she told me thats the secret. I t has to be massengel , generic or otherwise does not work. buy a 6 pack soak the dog for 10-20 min and shampoo as normal. the looks from the cashier are worth the price alone,lol...
  21. too damn funny, i thought i was the only one who can'tdo it, "fat hands". i ended up taking fairing off and taking out the whole headlight. aarrrggggghhhhhhh
  22. that would be inches kitesquid, she thinks its feet, ssshhhhhhhh
  23. I want one
  24. where can a guy get a 6x9 flag that says star, royal star, royal star venture or something along those lines. old glory needs a pal for those long rode trips.
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