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Everything posted by kyle

  1. i have a 2005 venture with 35,000k on it and i think my rotor maybe getting warped. pulses at slow speeds when slowing down. #1 is it possible to get warped during tire change?? #2 will grease from the rear hub find its way onto the rotor?? i cleaned it real good with brake clean and did good for about 600 miles and then started pulsing again... any thoughts
  2. great investment....
  3. I think i'll push it to 50,000 and then check. we ride pretty easy and do reg maint. plugs oil filters ect...... probably have a different scoot by then who knows. and has anyone had the yamaha joint in seymour,in. do there work?? i think it might be pauls yamaha... "dans yamaha" sounds more like it
  4. just curious how many miles some of you have gone with no valve adjust... my 2005 with 35,000 miles is running better than ever and really hate to tear into it if i don't need to. i had an 2006 suzuki c50T and had valves adjusted twice and never really ran the same but cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I'm a believer in don't fix it if it aint broke.
  5. same here... i see at as i have 3 lanes l-c-r....all mine...lol
  6. hey mel, where are the idle mixture screws on this bike ?? i looked up under the tank and did not see alot to adjust. to be clear, i started the sync at 1,000 rpm had it dead on and then kicked it up to about2,300 and the final adjustmant was fairly small but made a huge difference.
  7. I know what ya mean about the vibration in the right handlebar. i noticed also if you touch the gas tank while cruising it almost has no buzz feel to it, when synced at idle it buzzed pretty good. who knows whats right and whats wrong......
  8. the verdict is in on carb sync rpm's... i usually set mine at fast rpm 2000-2500 and it always ran great and got good mpg's 39-43. so after reading some threads about doing it at 1000 rpm i tried that and well my mpg's kinda sucked, 35-38 was all i could get. so i went back to hi rpm sync and went back to 42mpg on the first tank. i figure 90% of my riding is hiway at 65 mph so why not set carbs to that.. i will admit the throttle response was a bit better at 1000 rpm but top end and fuel mileage suffered. anywho for what its worth those are my results. all thats on 89 octane.
  9. rev'em hi, my friends always say i'm gonna blow that thing up cause i don't shift till it really needs it. plus it has that psuedo v-8 sound to it, not the chugga chugga tractor sound. flying past 90 mph when leaving 3rd.....love it.
  10. just pull my trailer out of storage "not heated" and now the 3bulb led lights I added last year are extremely dim. i added these little lights to just the brake light so they act like an extra brake light. worked great all last year and now nutt'n. I checked the connections to the original led brake light wire and it looks good. these were $8.00 truck stop specials so my ?? is can they just go capute. its odd they both took a dump but the origianal brake lights work just fine. any ideas???
  11. my girl wants one too... look'n for a 2005-08 with lo miles and an automatic "don't ask why"... I'm on my 5th mazda and have never had a problem..
  12. no havent noticed. only at about 15 mph or faster. could it be the new sharper edges on the tire grooves or all the rubber whiskers.
  13. anybody know what the little hose under water pump is for and should it be hooked to anything?? it heads toward the oil filter and just dangles there. another thing is just put on a newn front tire "avon" and now i have the slightest "ticking, zzzzzzz, faint card in the spokes sound, slows down when i do and doesnt change under braking or weaving back and forth. I check bearings when wheell was off and seemed ok and torqued to specs, what the @#$% gives.
  14. kyle


    just wondering if anyone else here uses " boats.net" to buy OEM parts ??? I have bought some stuff this winter and thought the price was good and shipping real reasonable. shipping only takes a few days. just curious.
  15. avon venoms are good too. I got 15,000 miles outta the last set with maybe 2,000 still left on them. 2 up riding and pulling a trailer, not bad.... 42psi in back and 38 psi up front.
  16. Mine just broke the other day, of course i was fiddling with it and snap, oh well. just ordered fact. replacements from boats.net with new bumpers for twenty something.
  17. Heres something new to me, went to have my new avon venom rear mounted today and the beads were so close together that they couldn't get the beads on the rim and to accept air. make sense?? plus being about 40 degrees didn't help, we even tried the starting fluid trick to no avail. sooooo the tire is now in the garage for a couple days with 3 1/4" blocks spreading the beads apart. never happened before and will never happen again...
  18. I set mine at a hi rpm every time, maybe around 2000 2500 and it seems to make it easier. It also seems to run smoother at speed. how often do you cruise at idle???
  19. I went ahead and bought the ebc organics from the superstore. name brand brings peace of mind.
  20. anyone out there ever buy the emgo brake kit listed on ebay?? need new brakes and want to but the kit for all 3 calipers and not spend a fortune. thanx brake kit is around $$60.00
  21. most of my riding is 2 up and recently started pulling a trailer, out here in the flat lands the middle seems to wear a little quicker.
  22. thanks for the replies, however after checking paper work and maint sched. I figured this set has about 15,ooo miles on them.. hard to believe that many miles but its close to that. lets here it for proper air pressure and good maint. anywho orderinf front and rears next week and fursure sticking with the avons. i guess the miles fly by when your having fun....
  23. just wondering when to change avon venom, i'm not sure how many miles i have on mine but they are down to the wear bars but still an 1/8" away from being a slick. i hate to change too soon but also don't want go to the edge either.
  24. I figure when its time to do all that crap, time to buy a new bike.
  25. anyone ever ride or stay in paradise, mich?? were heading up there in summer of 2011 for a week and that looked like a cool place. It would be nice to have a heads up of what to see and what to avoid. thanx in advance.
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