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Everything posted by kyle

  1. well I finally after 25 yrs of riding I finally got a nail in my back tire. I went ahead and put in a plug and I'm thinking it should get me to the end of the year. I plan on new tires next spring so the 1,000 miles or so left in this season seems like no big deal. I have plugged car tires with good results so hoping this should be the same. what sez all you wise people.
  2. where is the powerband on these bikes 3500-5500 ?? / 2500-3500?? seems like you would want to run right at the beginning of it so you can hammer down to get around slower moving objects without having to down shift.
  3. kyle

    New Ride

    sweet, thats my next toy. A porsche panty dropper...lol
  4. I'm taking it to obermyer yamaha in jasper,Indiana.
  5. during our conversation he said it should be no more than $300, we'll see. being a yamaha only dealer and working on 1st gen,vmax, and 2nd gen. I trust'em.
  6. well I'm finally gonna do a valve adjustment at 45,000 miles. Taking the bike to a yamaha only dealer in southern indiana next week "120 miles away". Were dropping the bike off thurs. afternoon so thay can get started and picking it up sat. morning. went ahead and got a hotel for a couple days while they do the work, even getting a loaner bike for the 2 days "he said it sure won't be a venture lol". they seem like great folks and hopefully won't cost too much, $175 to check them and a bit more for the ones they have adjust. I could probably do it but don't feel like it. anyway keep ya posted on the results.
  7. buck naked, now what ???
  8. wow what a trip. remeber: summer go north... winter stay home.
  9. anyone know how hwy 212 outta belle fourche S.D. is in late may?? were doing a huge western swing next year and heard this hwy maybe closed sometimes. plan on taking 59 north off the 212. thanks
  10. gotta gotta do that a.s.ap. Night and day difference.
  11. 43,000 miles with no adjustment, runs great, starts right now. only get about 36-39 miles per gal. sync carbs twice a year. it will get valve adj. this fall...maybe...
  12. the good news is, we have very low property tax and income tax, plus in 2 years it will drop to about $50 bucks. what indiana does is tax the value of the bike by man. retail price, not what you paid for it. go figure.
  13. well, I got my plate renewal today and I'm looking at $104 for a 2005 bought for $9,500 back in 2008.. seems a little hi even for indiana, the trailer was only $25. anywho who else is getting screwed and for how much.
  14. WOW, lloks like the trailer wins. we only carry rain gear on the bike and junk in the trunk, the trailer is usually packed full and tows great.
  15. the 2005 silver is the fastest.....
  16. tell bob to hang in there, were sending prayers....
  17. so we went for a ride saturday down to jasper indiana to check out obermyer yamaha and came away impressed. talked to the owner about a valve adjustment this fall and price seemed reasonable to me, evem mentioned a loaner bike since were 130 miles away, won't be a venture but something for the day while they work on the bike. he mentioned a fuel additive yamalube ring free additive, only 1 oz. for every 10 gals so i said why not, just wondering if anyone has tried it and what they thought. just filled tank and added a bit so we'll see. If your in jasper checkout obermyer, yamaha only so they know what there doing.
  18. too dang funny, serves her right
  19. I had the oppurtunity to switch bikes for about 80 miles with a co-worker. his 2011 ultra for my 2005rsv. after 80 miles I wanted mine back but he wanted to stay on the rsv, the smile on his face said it all, even apologized for all the rice burner jokes i never heard him say. go figure.
  20. I hit the deer square on his back half, tossed him about 20' off into the ditch, I should have gone down in the ditch and kick him in the head but way to dark and to many barking dogs...lol what served me well was having a great car with all the safety features and crash avoidance stuff. I don't think I could have done anything different.
  21. what time we leaving ???
  22. well it finally happened, getting ready to go to work friday morning last second decision to take the car instead of the bike"thank god", about a 1/2 mile outta town doing 55mph he jumped right in front of me, I barely had time to hit the brakes. All i could think of is thank god I wasn't on the bike because it would have been real bad.
  23. 2005 silvers look the best and run the best.... I kid cuz I care...lol
  24. looks great, we have a similiar trailer and love it. however the hitch ball was a problem for us, sometimes the trailer felt like it had a shimmy to it, put on a regualr ball and it went away. just my 2 cents. enjoy
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