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Everything posted by kyle

  1. having traded up to the rsv from a C50T I can tell you that the k&N filter on the suzuki was a seemless transition, bike ran great with no problems at all. I will not use them on the rsv for stated issues with rsv but C50 is no problem. Wait for the valve adjustment, now that sucked.
  2. love me some sex, loving my guns "many", love my god and love politics cause I am on the "right" side of it.
  3. I carry a I.O. hellcat .380, great small pocket gun. shoots every time i pull the trigger which is evry 2 weeks just to keep it loose. price should be reasonable, paid $200 for mine. wether you carry a 22 or a 357 just pulling it out will make 99% of anyone duck and run, but hopefully you never need to use it.
  4. thats a great deal, buy it !!!!
  5. Welcome to the site, these guys on here have more bike knowledge than should be allowed and were glad they do. heres the skinny: me i like avon venoms and amsoil 10-40 changed every 5,000 miles but with filter and 1/2 a quart at 2,500 miles. lube and respect and this bike will last a long long time.
  6. thanks for the input. this is my 3rd set of avons and never an issue before. these are great tires and would love to stay with them and I will. this set is good just some funky finish on one side no big deal. i get an average of 13,000 miles outta each set.
  7. my new avon venoms showed up today and well, front tire looks great batch date of "2212" good. back tire "2812" however, one side of tire looks great the other side has what looks like could be cracks but I'm thinking its left over marks from a release agent of some kind. anyway did a light steelwool over a section and seemed to take it off, but rubbing with a rag did nothing, so i'm gonna clean whole tire and run under magnifying glass. should be good just wondering what others might think.
  8. plug and patch, have 2,000 miles on my back tire, finish nail, no big deal. people who poop money will tell you to buy new tire, me i poop more bills and debt...lol
  9. under the comment section when i ordered i said please please check manufacture date and check for cracking. we'll see what i get. shipped within 24 hours.
  10. hey all, just ordered new tires for the bike, got them thru moto-x-outlet at $129 front and rear $25 shipping. I thought that to be a great deal. that is all. total $285. now that is all.
  11. very very cool
  12. at 52,000 miles let us know which valves needed new shims and how much they were outta spec. I did my first at 46,000 and had only one "#2 inside exh." was outta spec. by only .02. amazing how tough these engines are.
  13. welcome to the world of obamanomic$$$$$.
  14. the butler mod with the alaska leather sheepskin and all day long is no problem. I would die without the mod and sheepskin.
  15. these mufflers are harley take offs that the company reworks the insides for more power and sound. they seem like a good deal considering they maintain the stock mufflers. I have stock rk pipes on now but I feel they sound quite weak.
  16. has anyone out there tried the superflow mufflers from B&E. I found them on ebay and also went to the web site. they seem like a descent set up if you like the rk muffler look and sound. any thoughts would be helpful with my desicion.
  17. damn, we hate to hear that. we'll keep him in our thoughts and prayers. yank the learners permit for at least a year !!!!
  18. most comfortable tourer made hands down. 2 up riding all day long and let it rev rev rev. big men ride big bikes...
  19. stick with amsoil, 6,000 miles between changes but do filter at 3,000 miles. I have 46,000 on mine and never a problem and only one valve outta spec after 45,000 miles. use seafoam a couple times a season too.
  20. I had a loaner bike this week a 2008 star raider and let me say this is a great looking bike but thats where the compliments from me end. My girl and i had it for a day and a half and only rode it for 2 hours cause that bike is torture on a old spoiled man like myself. If i was 20 yrs younger I would have been all over it but that day is gone, the forward controls are way too forward feels like i was hanging on a jungle jim and the feet were in a birthing stirrups..lol any way with the girl complaing of a sore butt and my shoulders screaming we parked it and waited for our beloved venture to be finished at the shop. I love that bike "venture".
  21. kyle


    I have 2012 taurus sel and get about 27 mpg. its gray.
  22. well here it is, got home this a.m. from our dealer valve adjustment in southern indiana. Lets start with obermyer yamaha being a first class operation, rolled into town "jasper" on thurs. p.m to drop off bike and get to the hotel. I was told they would have a loaner bike available and they did, a 2008 star raider with only 4500 miles more on that later. any way my 2005 rsv with 45,000 miles was in the shop for its 1ST valve check and it only had "one" valve out of spec. #4 inside intake was tight and swapped a 280 for a 275 and that was it. I was thinking there would be 3 or 4 outta spec but was happy with only one. 4 fresh plugs and new coolant and it was ready to go and only paid $320 which to me is a good deal considering a loaner bike for a day and a half. I usually never go to a dealer mech. but this one just did not sound like a good time and besides we made it a mini vacation, saw some sights and did a train ride, it was all good. If you ever get a chance to stop in jasper i recomend it, nice town with good people and a great yamaha dealer. I'm in the market for a smallish crotch rocket for commuting to work and I will buy it at obermyers !!!
  23. well hot damn the verdict is in, I'm taking it to the shop tomorrow for a prof. patch job. I'm taking the tire in so he will only charge me$25 for a plug and patch. any one ever try the ride-on tire sealant?? thinking of using that next spring when I get new tires. p.s thanx for caring
  24. I'm taking mine in thurs. "dealer" hope it stays under $400. curious to see how many shims and the performance gain. I currently have 45,ooo on the odo. I usedto do my own on other bikes but am low on patience the older i get..lol
  25. well, i rode it the last few days and it looks like its doing good, it was a very small hole and did the glue with sticky rope repair. My dilema is I'm getting a valve adjust next week $300+ , add 2 days hotel while bike gets worked on $175+ and fun money in between, I just don't have the $$$$ for a new tire right now. I don't plan on going much over 65mph between now and winter so there it is. let the piling on commence...lol I will take tire donations...cricket cricket....
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