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Everything posted by pwortham

  1. I think I'll be riding my 07 for a little while longer. And if I get tired of it I'll just have to pull out the 06 Road Star, besides no payments on either it looks to much like the 07 to justify $20,000. Paul W.
  2. Owen, I should be able to make it, if not working that weekend. Paul
  3. I have the Avon's now and will have to be changeing soon. How are the E3's in the rain as I ride most everyday this is important? Thanks' Paul:Venture:
  4. 51 and wife is 43. Do not plan on quitting anytime soon well maybe in 30yrs. or so.
  5. pwortham

    Ft. Hood

    Our prayers go out to all the soldiers and their family's involved in this tragic event. Paul & Beckie Wortham PGR Members
  6. I also think you should wait. If there is a short and thats what it sounds like changeing the box will not fix the problem. And if you do not know for sure what your doing you could get hurt. A good rule of thumb is reset the breaker or change fuse once and if it keeps popping find the problem. I've seen pictures of breakers after they have blown up. Not trying to scare you just don't want to see you get hurt. Wish I could help you more but it's a long commute from Houston. Paul
  7. It does not sat weather it's carbed or injected but it will be the same motor if I'm reading this right. Here is a link to the California Air Resource Board. look down to the bottom of the list for the emissions test and size of the motor http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/onroad/cert/hmc/2010/2010.php
  8. Iagree withOwen this is a good shop. As they do good work And have always treated me fairly. Paul
  9. I also belong to Houston Chapter 221 with Owen. ! Saturday and 1 Sunday Ride every month. It is very much like a family I"m just sorry there not all like this one. And thanks to Owen I now know about Venture Riders. I am a new member here but have already learned a lot on the forums and hope to get out and ride with some of you soon.
  10. I just buy prepaid gas cards with cash and have never had any problem. Also usually get a discount on gas prices. When one is empty I get another just make sure they come from behind the counter Paul
  11. Quote: There is a great difference between seats, i can ride have ridden 700 miles in one day no problem. However on our last long outing, my house to Key West and back in 3 days 1575 mile round trip. We were coming home, and my nephew was ridding my brothers 1500 Goldwing he asked to ride my venture so we switched. If anyone wants to know the true attrabutes of a goldwing ride anything esle 800 miles then get on a wing. You will know just how comfortable a goldwing really is on the factory seat. I felt like I had taken a 2 hour rest stop and could have went on home. My brother's 05 1800 is more comfortable than the 1500. Ok back to the rstd, try an ultimate seat on it, they are the most comfortable seats I have ever rode, Des does not make one for the venture, but they do for RSTD. Never heard of anyone complain about an Ultimate seat. www.ultimateseats.ca If go to a bike event where they are they will let you try one. Gregg Ihave one on my Road Star and have loved every mile on it. Would put one on the Venture if they made it. Paul
  12. Thanks i'll check them both out.
  13. Just got my 07 Venture last weekend, now looking for a drivers backrest. Any suggestions? pwortham
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