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Everything posted by sleepy2

  1. Since my last reply when rally had a date change which Bongo said was changed at a meeting was fine so I booked my holidays end of last month around that date. so I will have to try and change to new dates will see if I can when I go back after holiday. Oh well things happen!!
  2. Was just double checking to see if the Aug. 10 to 13th date is right? Wasn't sure if this was discussed before or not? Won't matter too much as long as I can book those days off. Looking forward to it!!
  3. Happy New Year from Phantom Wife & I to everyone and their families !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. A very Merry Christmas to all members and their family members and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I am in for 2
  6. My stretched ride was not intentional!!! Can't remember if it was last year or the year before but when I left New York rally I stopped in Buffalo NY to see where Harbor Freight was(found it but was closed). So I had supper and started out again for Fort Erie crossing. When I got to off-ramp to border traffic was backed up onto freeway which indicated a very long wait. SO I decided to make my way to the Niagara Falls border crossing. Seemed like a good idea at the time BUT when I started to pass the signs telling wait times it got very discouraging as they were saying 2-3 hour wait. Just found out week before this years rally that I could have gone a bit farther north to another crossing I didn't know about but that was then! So I was committed to the one I knew about and 7 1/2 hours (normally 3 1/2) I finally pulled into lane way. Didn't mind the time or ride as I took it as a enjoyment ride instead of frustrating occurrence.
  7. No it wasn't your leading--there were just a few tight spots(not your fault). Not your old phone--May bee your $35 one! Trailer towed fine but may bee just a little less rear shock pressure(put 40lbs in compared to 30lbs) as it seemed to be a little worse than when going to Pioneer.
  8. First there were a few cars and trucks that don't like us bike riders--mostly coming close beside--behind-and lane changing with no regards to us. Also this was NOTHING to do with ANYONE'S(Don) phone .Remember that one??? Also remember that pickup???
  9. Please tell Robbin that I am very sorry about the no shirt time and hope it didn't cause any vision problems. I hope she just thought about Johnus(sorry about spelling). Yes it is about everyone that shows up but it is also a big part of what you all do to organize everything for us to enjoy. Cannot say it enough THANKS!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till next year!!!!!!!
  10. I don't think it was mine or Don's because we drank American beer and coolers. We also brought back some with us. Forgot all about mp3 but it was pretty busy times so if can't make it maybe next year. Thanks for remembering tho!!! I think I have a long weekend coming up--will check to see if I can make it.
  11. Pulled in just over an hour ago. No bad weather on way. Only had 3 close calls on way back. Found out at Timmies on Canadian side after I turned on my phone that during HEAVY rain storm Thurs(or Fri.)my basement flooded. Luckily my youngest was home and used shop vac to pick up water as it came in. Have to wait to see how many thousands it will cost to repair weeping tile . Had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again for putting on the rally and have me attend. Looking forward to next year already. Will work on Phantom to see if I can talk her into showing up.(don't everyone hold their breath) Thanks also to Pioneer for their help and providing an area and facilities for us to use! Thanks again to the committie for their hard work and organizing. Oh by the way were heard by Don's comitery (I already knew) where his PHONE decided to leave him!!! SORRY Don!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I missed thanking anyone!!!! Had my shirt off when Robbin and Bob showed up this morning but luckily I was almost far enough away that she just thought about Jonnas insted !!! Sorry!!!!
  12. I didn't have anything expensive stolen but someone stole my Canadian flag from my pole last week and I think I know why. I had to check every store in 2 towns and only found a CHEAPLY made flag on a flashing stick.Guess they only stock the size I need around Canada day except the ones with brass rings to go on flag poles with clips Stitching may hold up going to New York rally n I hope. So when I get back I will order one of the flag site.
  13. Try tubes as mentioned. I have just bought a Husquavarna 12hp tractor with the same situation and I have put tubes in all 4 tires.Done this before and worked fine.
  14. Frogg Toggs here. Have used them for years. Sometimes a little floppy but waterproof. Always seems every time I go to put on when it starts to rain and it usually stops or slows enough that they aren't needed and then it is sweat time as they don't seem to breath as well behind fairing when not raining. Just with anything it usually ends up personal preference.
  15. Sorry to say ---we will not be going to Ontario Rally this year (bet you didn't see that coming) A few things that led up to this. Took bike with Phantom -- myself and trailer for test and seemed to be under powered as was hard to get over 80klm. Didn't seem to have any problem last year. Don't know if it was too hot or weight orientated. Tires might be a little under pressured and also had a hard time getting tongue weight under 35lbs. Another reason is Phantom heard it would be around 40deg humidity so she said I should go by myself but would like to find out what is going on first. Could have something to do with humidity and heat. She said to say she was sorry again!!!!! Hopefully I will be bringing it to New York rally again this year. Then she thought about tenting but was to close to be ready in time( I really don't want to tent if I don't have to) She suggested to sell trailer and save up a bit and maybe buy a lighter trailer like some others on here which I have no problem with but they are few and far between and I usually don't get "the deal" Hope every one has a good time and maybe next time!!!!
  16. Back in my 20's I used to be only one with a vehicle and I got volunteered to be designated driver everywhere and one day we tried to go to Toronto and made it halfway there and I dosed off making us drive along the shoulder for 4 miles before I woke and decided to stop in Kitchener Ontario. A couple in the car wanted to wake me but someone stopped them and everything turned out fine and the name stuck. Phantom Wife (Beverly) got here name from my fellow Ontario friends here because whenever I was supposed to bring her to any event she had an excuse and after the first couple years nobody believed I was married or that she even existed at all.I did show up with her one day but they still didn't believe she was my wife(some guesses were my neighbor or I rented here). But Marcarl showed up at my house with Wizzard765 one day they were ridding around and met her here. Marcarl still joked about it though. So the name stuck so I got Jaybird to pinstripe it on the trunk so all could see.
  17. I switched from TD Insurance this year because they jacked my rate up by OVER $400 to almost $1700 so switched to my car insurance and now pay $1200 with FULL coverage. No accidents in last 9 years. Some wouldn't insure unless I switched all my insurance---- some wouldn't because of what bike cost 4 years ago?????????????????? Some said if I had a smaller engine it would be cheaper---daaaaa it's a 900lb Touring bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Unfortunately I will NOT be going to Maintenance Day this year. As I mentioned Phantom Wife sent away our passports to renew them and just got a call that there was a problem with the form she filled out. I told her we should have gone to London instead.!!!!
  19. I forgot to mention that when I placed my reservation he mentioned that they have expanded the number of sites and the picture that he sent to me was the old one but my site is the same as in picture right by trail. So if anyone wants they should get a picture of the NEW map maybe if available.
  20. Time off booked for Phantom Wife(yes!!!!) and myself for that weekend. Site also booked. Camping in trailer.
  21. Phantom & myself send our condolences to the both of you and your family!
  22. Not sure if I was clear on price. That was 2 tires +++++install
  23. I think it cost me around $750 two tires installed last year.
  24. Alright 8-tracks ----- Now I would be able to keep and listen to my 400 tapes on the road and not just at home. Told Phantom Wife I shouldn't get rid of them and but a lot more.
  25. Here is a site map of the campsite for the Canadian Rally July21 I contacted the owner today so we could get an Idea where we could camp
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