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Everything posted by sleepy2

  1. I am still a maybe on calender but it looks like I will be coming because boss has me off Fri. and Mon. but working on Sat. which is mandatory overtime. So he is working on it and I said I probably won't be at work anyways.
  2. Thank's Bob I will try him.
  3. Do you have his call name?
  4. Was wondering if anyone has an extra set of upper(right angle) and lower J/M 8pin to 5pin cables that I could borrow for my trip to WNY rally so I can use C/B. I have tried to get a replacement set but they wouldn't take Debit/Visa card and by the time I got it straitened out they were out of stock and will take 3-5 weeks to get new stock. Contacted company and they said 5-6 weeks. Anyone have one in Ontario? Still checking other outlets on internet to see if I can get them.
  5. Just checked and he is on Facebook on the Ventureriders site. His name is Bob Myers from Kentucky.
  6. Thanks for your comments! Well I thought I was doing a good job at keeping things under control without loosing anything but will keep on trying in the future.I think I was doing a good job at being on time for all the rides and dinners which I usually seem to be a little late. Still hoping to go to the WNY rally.
  7. Got home Sat. night around 8-830pm. Stopped at Supper 8 in Auburn Indiana Fri. night. Hit rain Sat. morning just before Michigan border and then 1 hour later in Michigan. Got to border and only took 5-7min. to cross border. Got to first turnoff with Tim Horton's to have coffee and it started to rain. Lasted about 10 min. then 10min. later hit rain storm for about 50miles. Was not watching fuel gauge and almost ran out of gas. Lucky I was not getting to bad of gas mileage even pulling trailer that I made it to gas station in time. Had a great time at rally and hope to go to more. Everyone made me feel at home and met more new friends. Thanks for the comments on my new trailer which turned out to be very livable and not that bad to tow.. Only problem I had was I lost my white money pouch with a bunch of Canadian money in it.
  8. sleepy2

    Why me

    Yes it was my post and it was this year so he probably had type o. First tried to fix old bracket but too flimsy. Like I said I found one on e-bay but too pricey. Also dealer might take too long. So I tried and after an hour or so I finally bent one out of the flat steel as quoted. As I said after starting to bend it they weird bends in the original were hard to duplicate exactly but it is very close but with a couple stress cracks that look OK and don't look like they will be a problem.If they are they can be welded with no problem.If wanted I could try and post some pics. If you are going to International I could show you in person. Forgot to mention that it isn't as good looking as original but where it is and mounted it is perfectly fine and solid and everything fits where it is supposed to be. If not it can have a brace mounted to be firmer not like original.
  9. just got back from another scale and they were 40lbs heavier than previous scale so now I will have to think a little more. Might have end up taking old trailer and tent it but would really like to use new trailer. Will see.
  10. Just got off phone with Camp ground and I have booked site #6 from Sun.19 till Thurs. night and leave Fri. Looking forward to my first International meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Just got back from weigh scale at recycle yard here and according to them my new to me trailer(Fibco from Quebec manufacturer) weighs 500lbs (was told only around 300lbs) but template on trailer says 400lbs. Is this still not too much to take on camping trip to international? Seemed to pull with no problems from Guelph On.(65klm) to home OK but wondering about longer trips. Seems to me others have pulled around same weight with-out any problems ----Any opinions?????? Was really looking forward to NOT sleep so close to ground as in tenting.
  12. Carl & I had a great ride! Wish we could have had more company as I will be back to working midnights next week so I wont be able to take more Wed. rides for a while. Tried to get Phantom to go but we had just come back from a 250klm ride to Port Stanley and back and she was tired so I went with Carl myself. Her loss!!!!
  13. Thanks Karaboo that was what I thought when I put them on so I made the mistake of tightening them more to be safe but with the slot and NOT putting washer on it broke anyway. Now with my mount that should be avoided. Will see. Thought about welding but haven't set up mig-welder and 220 welder might be too much so tried making new one.
  14. Well I found one on e-bay for $5+$30 shipping so I tried to and did make my own out of 1"wide by 1/8"thick flat steel. It was fun making the different angles that it has to have but it works well. Figured with the thicker metal and no slots just 2 holes for plate should last almost forever!
  15. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Again thanks for inviting us to your special day to celebrate your special day!!! We had a great time and the food was delicious! It turned out to be a great day all around!!!
  17. My license plate mount broke on my 2012 RSV today . Probably because I have the Harley lights mounted on it. Does anyone know if this might be covered under warenty or does anyone have a spare? Checked with cycle salvage here and he just got rid of one. Checked e-bay BUT they want almost $100 shipped to me.
  18. I agree with everyone else NNNNIIIICCCCEEEE bikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Veeerrryyyy nice. Wish I luck and money for that.
  20. Still working on getting time off as more senior people have transferred into our area so couldn't get the days I normally get. Right now I have Friday and Mon. but since we work 6 days I have to find someone to take my Sat. I do have the week off that the international is and working on getting to go to that and still trying for New York rally.Really do look forward to getting to go to both.Crossing fingers.
  21. 60years 7months. Still working 6 days a week. Just bought a Fibco tent trailer so I don't have to get off air mattress on ground and also get dressed standing up not bent over.
  22. Trying to talk brother-in law into going after I get off work.
  23. Just picked up a 2000 Fibco tent trailer from a couple in Guelph Ont. Cant wait to start using it. First will be replacing original tail-light s with led's . Hope wife will use it with me more than the tent.
  24. I wish I hadn't missed this year but I am aiming for next year as I doubt my boys will be leaving any time soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also thank the both of you for putting these on and also for the web site!
  25. Sorry to hear of your mishap and glad that you were not injured!
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