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Everything posted by sleepy2

  1. Great to hear!
  2. I have same year same color! Still waiting to start work on it . Was going to be my retirement project but hasn't happened yet.
  3. Unfortunately I am unable to attend again this year. Mostly because of Covid19 and border closure. Hope things change for next year!
  4. Just got back from 50klm ride today. Started out at 106400klm. Temp was -2(28)deg.
  5. Have a GREAT day Don!!!!!
  6. Got bike going!!! Cleaned every connection around starter relay and tried to jump between pos. cable to solenoid black cable to starter and got sparks so took battery and charged up. When done took tester and checked voltage and was13volts then just after reading it started to go down to 10volts in less than a min. Found a load tester a bought last year and it said it was bad--also checked spare AGM battery I bought 2 years ago that also said it was charged and it read no good(weak). Went to" Battery's Are Us " here in Woodstock and they also checked and said bad cell so bought new AGM ($135can.) Put in bike ,hooked everything back together and bike started! Yeh I know I was told!! So thanks for ALL the advice and @Marcarlfor offering to come here to help! Greatly appreciated!!
  7. Found test in repair manual I will check tomorrow. Also second 30amp fuse I found is a spare also shown in manual
  8. @saddlebumjust had chance to check solenoid and there is not 2 wires but a plug with 4 wires coming out of solenoid and main power wire coming from battery and the other going to starter.So how or which wires to I use to test?
  9. @saddlebum in your test right-up where do you hook up jump wires.I am a little unsure. I had no problems when testing truck but not on bike . Harder to see and get in area.
  10. Put other battery in which has 13volts and have lights back on dash and when hit start switch solenoid under seat buzzes(clicks). Could it be shot? Anyway to check???
  11. @Pro procrastinatorI already buy our lotto tickets so I can afford to buy things we would like but NO luck so far. We don't have power ball here. Flowers don't work! @larrydralready have spade fuses. I think tube fuses were last used on 89 Venture. I also have 87 that I also changed over to spades from tubes. In process of changing out battery then will check switch cables cleaned fuses checked
  12. Done anything and everything nothing works. Says lucky I have one. Said something last year maybe we need Spider but I retired so that went away al-tho she did get new car just before that.
  13. No ignition bypass on bike now but will do the check to see if is the switch. Battery on charger right now. Was at around 12.35vlts. Cleaned terminals and cables. Will also check ground by horn. Oh wife says NOOOO to new bike!!!!!!!!! Have to get going so when my parts come in I can get valves adjusted. I just can't seem to win!!!
  14. Done that and both 30amp fuses are fine.
  15. The front lower fairing has a4 or 5 fuse box and also separate block for audio fuse.When key is turned no lights on dash at all.
  16. @Freebird found main fuses and they are not blown(checked with ohm meter) one pulled out pretty easily other was tight. Still no power to switch.
  17. thanks @Freebird ! just checked fuse holder so I guess there is another there I didn't see!
  18. Also noise came from under seat
  19. Battery seems to be up on voltage. Is there a main fuse I haven't found?
  20. 2012 Royal Star Venture. unplugged trickle charger and it fell and touched bike when I turned key was a small sound like fuse blowing. Lights on dash went out and nothing shows when switch is turned.Before power went off the fuel pump worked then turned key to start bike it made fuse noise and everything went off. Checked fuses under seat and fuses behind right lower fairing and none were blown, Anything else I should check?
  21. Hey uncledj I would think that the safety cone would just be TARGET PRACTICE for most plowers! Also got dumped with around 10" to 12" of snow and freezing cold air. Had to go out after snow plow went by and dumped over a foot of hard snow at end of the12 neighbors I help out!
  22. I got my parts from Pioneer Motor Sports Chaffee NY (check website) with a Venturerider discount (I think it is 10%) I talked to Chad Armstrong.(owners son)
  23. @XV1100SE has same bike. He could tell you. Found this in previous post of his. I'm impressed with Performance Cycle! I didn't realize that there was a difference in parts for the 2012/2013 RSV but apparently there are differences. For "up to 2011"... there is sealing rubbers 5EA-1111G-00-00 @ $16.31 that goes over bolt 90109-066F0-00 (didn't ask for price). Cost of the rubber is $16. For 2012/13 there is 5SL-1119E-00-00 (which are bolts with rubbers). The 2012/2013 bolt/rubber is $5.95 but back ordered. I don't know if these parts are interchangeable as no part numbers are listed as replaced by another. Thru Performance Cycle I have ordered : - sealing rubbers # 5EA-1111G-00-00 up to 2011 $16.31 quantity 16 - valve cover gasket # 4NK-11193-00-00 @ $44.71 quantity 2
  24. I'm with Marcarl! I have 2 sets. Work great! Got caught in many rain storms--worst really hard one coming back from Maintenance Day a couple years ago. Rained really heavy most of way home until I got near border to Canada without any wetness.
  25. I usually just open main door and man door on side and let breeze take out fumes. If its winter I wear snow suit until gone then close when done! Mostly do this to keep Phantom happy because she hates opening house door to smell any fumes at all(my garage)
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