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sleepy2 last won the day on December 28 2024

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About sleepy2

  • Birthday 11/07/1954

Personal Information

  • Name
    Philip Waugh


  • Location
    Woodstock, On, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
    tinkering on cars/upkeep on bike(learning more all the time also work on my lawn trae)/fixing things
  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Venture Royal(off road now) 2012 Venture Royale


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Trailer available Tools garage for repairs ,leave message

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  1. -15cel(5deg F) here in Ontario Canada! Just got in from plowing sidewalks and lane-ways(12) Had snow-suit on but didn't help much!
  2. Happy New Year to all!
  3. Hopefully everyone has a Merry Christmas!!
  4. Very nice write up!!! Reminds me of when @XV1100SE(2009RSV) and I (2012 RSV) did our valve check with the help of @Marcarl!!
  5. Good luck on your surgery!
  6. Yes there is a member(can't remember his handle ) but he offered to loan the kit but we are in Canada but shipping was an issue! So @Marcarl found some and he had a tool anyways!Between my 2012 and @XV1100SE 2009 we had to change 3 shims(1 on mine and2 on his) I was checking mine as I had same leaking valve cover from when a dealer did(supposedly ,can't remember cost but another dealer that I asked said it wasn't done as they didn't have bike long enough and other tell tale signs---based on information I told them) a valve check at recommended(by manual).I lived with cleaning the mess until I heard that @XV1100SEwas going to do his with @Marcarls help so they let me show up(after I ordered the parts)to do both bikes at once! We picked a weekend and made a day of it! KNOCK ON WOOD I haven't had any other major repairs to have done besides oil,filter, tires(general maintenance),head bearings,rotors and exhaust pipes(Y-pipes both sides because it has been ridden over 130,000klms rain and shine!!!)
  7. @N3FOLI agree the V-twin has power! It was mostly the belt drive as I had NO luck with my Road Star 1600 (2000 year) that went thru 3 belts in season and a half at over $800 can each time (parts and labor)was glad to get back on a 2012 Venture that year. As for keeping eye open for a newer one for keeping on good side of the boss ,I think I ALWAYS do but doesn't seem to help over the past 47 years so have NO expectations on any change in the future( was told back when I got this one as my future retirement bike)
  8. Sorry for the luck your having! Get healed up and ride !
  9. Would have thought of buying the new Venture but price in Canada was outrageous! Wouldn't be able to persuade Phantom Wife! Liked power( got to demo it at New York Rally when it came out!Dealer had one in stock for us to try!) Style was good, overall good bike! Mostly didn't like belt drive and V-twin!
  10. @saddlebumI was thinking same thing if I was modifying! Easier to make one than modify then if doesn't work then I can take it back! But it doesn't look like it might not have enough room to fit wheel in place! Will have to see after I get my tractors ready for winter!
  11. Son got his hub replaced $550 after work and hub changed! Car feels much better!
  12. @N3FOLOnly taking back if I don't modify! It is just an option I was thinking of doing!
  13. @N3FOL I agree and we both checked U-Tube and car forum and alot of them had hard time getting hub off. One guy even used oxy/acceteline torches but no luck! @Marcarls tool did work to get hub loosened up but would have taken more parts to take off (spline of front wheel drive was stopping it from comming off) and was worried about getting $220can part to line up. If hub remover from Canadian Tire would have fit we could have gotten it out with slide hammer. Taking to mechanic I know and will cost $100 labor and $200 parts to replace (dropping off tonight after son gets off work) get done Thursday. Son will take other part back to get money back. (Mechanic would put part on but no warranty, his part would have 2 years 40,000klm.)
  14. @saddlebumdon't think mine will fit as picture shows and also distance from front to back mount looks too short to hold tire. Might think about modification to make fit or see if I can get money back. Still have box and receipt. They are pretty good at exchange!
  15. @N3FOLthere is nothing in instructions for that but might be for mounting in trailer! Could also use to stabilize! Would probably only use to check oil levels and maybe change oil!
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