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Everything posted by SledgeHammer

  1. You are right,it does have a good ring. Look forward to meeting you one of these days Switch.
  2. Beer,Beer,Beer. I think you need to go smoke a cigarette and break out a cold one. You are getting too excited. I forfeit. Riderduke can win by forfeit. Now, do you want the winner? We know you already have the tights.
  3. I try to find the good in everyone,but the bad people are making me not trust anyone. Wednesday of this week, a Black Chevy truck ran out of gas near my house. I had a 5 gallon gas can with about 3 gallons of gas left in it from mowing my grass on Tuesday. I let the man, who was about 21-23 years old pour the gas in his truck to get him to a store. There are at least 2 gas stations within 2 miles of me. He took my 5 gallon gas can, as he stated, so he could put my 3 gallons of gas back in it for my lawn mower. Stated he would be back in a few minutes. I have not seen him, my gas can, or the gas yet. I do have his tag number and the means of tracing him down and I will do that next week. I will be lucky to get my gas can back. People like that make me reluctant to help the next guy. To answer your question, if it involves bringing him in my home or allowing him in my shop, the answer is no. I would be concerned about a break-in. If it involved something simple that I could help him with, then I would. I would loan him tools in my presence, I would go get tools for him, I would even give him a few bucks if he needed it. But I don't allow strangers in my home and especially in my buildings.
  4. Jayhawks !! My hat is off to the Jayhawks! They came to play ball. I hope they play like that Monday against Memphis. Carolina played like they showed up drunk, but I am not taking anything away from the great performance of the Jayhawks. At the Williamsburg meet, Sleeperhawk's Mechanic will have what ever she wants for lunch. I will eat crow.
  5. No, I have not forgotten. I just did not want to go into detail on the site how a waitress in Georgia thought you were my gay lover and I was a two timer. At least that is the way I remember it. Right Beer30, Sleeperhawk, and Mechanic? Geez, nip it, nip it in the bud. Yea, we do have fun.
  6. You and Muffinman know where I live. Come on over. We will make a week-end of it. You know the old saying;" I don't care what you call me as long as you call me". Just don't expect me to dance.
  7. Dewie-Dong= Portuguese for "two-timer". At Vogel last year, I said I should change my moniker to Two Timer and not because I was cheating on my wife. The boss, uh wife, did not find the same humor in that as I did. At the SC meet, I was informed that in Portuguese it would be Dewie Dong. The rest is history. Right, Beer30!
  8. The law applies to the state that you are a resident of. You may get stopped in NC, but you probably have a Georgia drivers license to prove residence in Georgia. Get a bill of sale with the same address as on your drivers license. Also be sure to have the signed title showing the date of purchase also. That should cover you for NC. Can't say for SC. If you want to remove any doubt, you can get a 7 day NC temp tag for $3.50 (unless they have gone up). Good Luck.
  9. Mini, That nickname has been posted on this site a couple of times already. Beer30 was already calling me by that nickname, which we will not mention. It was time to act before I got stuck with it. Of course, I did not like SledgeHammer years ago when I got labeled with it. But I got accustomed to it and eventually liked it. I do not think I would ever like the Portuguese words for "two-timer" though.
  10. When I joined this site 2 years ago, I expected it to be a temporary thing and I registered under a temporary moniker, "Timd261". What I discovered here was a lot of friends and family and plenty of reasons to stick around. I have not been satisfied with my moniker and talked to Freebird at Vogel last year about changing it. Today I stopped procrastinating and sent Freebird an e-mail. Two minutes later, Don responded with an e-mail saying it was done. (It was shocking to me how quickly he responded. Thanks Don.) I have had the nick name of "SledgeHammer" for many years. It goes back to when I was a rookie Trooper. I have Trooper friends who still call me only by my nickname. They usually just call me "Sledge". I also used SledgeHammer as my CB radio handle back in those days. I feel it is more of an appropriate moniker than "Timd261". So there it is. I am still Tim, but I am also "SledgeHammer". Now I can get my leather vest monogrammed.
  11. When it is time to replace the Bridgestones, buy a set of Avons or Mitchelins and you will immediately know the difference. It will be considerable improvement in the handling of your bike.
  12. Is this the makings of a bet? Do I think the Jayhawks can win. Yes I do, if they bring their "A" game and the Carolina players show up DRUNK:big-grin-emoticon:. Seriously, both are good teams. Either team could beat the other on any given day. But Saturday will belong to the Heels. I am willing to bet a lunch in Williamsburg on the 12th.
  13. My prediction is Carolina by 8 points.
  14. Bobbie, Kansas is lucky to be there. It could have just as easily have been Davidson and the Tarheels, although it is not. That was the best game with Kansas I have seen in a long time. I was hoping to see Davidson College beat North Carolina. Not that I am not a Carolina fan, I just had so much respect for what Davidson College accomplished this year. What a run for a 10th ranked team, from a small town with a population of 9,000 and less than 1,500 students. Oh well, now I am backing to pulling for North Carolina. Go Tarheels! But I will give the Jayhawks their credit, they pulled off a good win, 59-57 over Davidson. Looks like another good game coming up. Sorry about your Texans. I was hoping they would beat Memphis and get them out of they way. Memphis could go all the way. Four #1 seeds. Wow.
  15. I have 8,000 miles on mine. Tread is still good, but the front tire has cupped for some reason. They handled great for about 6,000 miles before the cupping started on the front tire. Now it has a little bounce in it. Overall, I have been pleased with them, but will try Avon Venoms next time. I have read all the posts on tires. I will keep trying the tires with the best reviews on the site until I decide which ones I will stay with. Good Luck with yours.
  16. Congrats on the bike Brad. Look forward to seeing you and Lonna again.
  17. I just read the reviews and had the same experience as I posted several days ago when I tried to buy the Zumo 550 for their advertised price of $492. I see that using the "Japanese" version is a standard rip off tactic if you do not buy a warranty or accessories. The same tactic they used on me. If this were not a PG rated site, I would really say how I feel about them.
  18. I had the Iway 350c. I paid $379 for it in Jan 2007. It had the overheating problem and it finally just stopped working. Lowrance send me a new one under warranty last Sept. It was worse than the first one. It would turn off from the vibration on the motorcycle and would overheat. I sold it to my brother-in-law last month for a $100 bucks. It has worked great in his car. As Lowrance was quick to tell me, it was not made for a motorcycle. I would never buy another Lowrance for a motorcycle. When it worked, it was great and had a lot of bells and whistles. It is definitely a cage GPS. I have been looking for a great deal on a Zumo or other waterproof GPS for the bike. My wife has the Nuvi 660 and I love it. But it is not waterproof.
  19. I have never plugged a front tire, but have plugged 2 rear tires without any problems. One was on a previous Harley, and one was on the RSV. I did not have any problems with either and both lasted until the tire was worn out. The plug on the RSV was done by a guy who races motorcycles and he guaranteed the plug would hold. He was right. He used a special plug and gave me the name of the place where I could order them. They were made for motorcycles in particular. I never ordered them and have since lost the name of the place. I also carry a compressor,plug kit, and Fix A Flat. I have the cheap plugs from Walmart and WOULD not leave a tire plugged with them on any longer than I had too. They are just for an emergency. The 2 tires that I had plugged were professionally done.
  20. I wanted to post last night, but had a relative come by and stay late after RiderDuke, Muffin, and Mini left. We were thrilled to have Muffin,Mini, RiderDuke, and Beer 30 come for a visit. I feel really bad that Duke and Muffin jumped on a wiring problem on a 4 way and 3 way wall switch and spent so much time on it. Those guys like a challenge and will not give up until they can defeat it. Sometime near bedtime I was showing them the lights for the bedrooms.The hallway light would turn on at one end of the hall and not at the other end. Duke said it was wired wrong. That was the beginning. Before it was over, wall switches were off in the hall,great room,and dining room. The cover was off the electric panel box. Muffinman ended up in the attic and he and RiderDuke were tracing wires every where. Two trips to Walmart and we had a new light changed out over the dining room table and a new light on the back deck. I felt really bad that they were working so hard. But that is why I love these guys. If you have a problem, they just jump in. Just get out of their way and let them go because you could not stop them anyway. Thanks RiderDuke and Muffin for all your work on the wiring. Thanks for the colortune Muffin and thanks for the great ribs Duke. I could write 2 pages on this get together. It was great to see Beer30 ride up. I wish he could have spent the night also, but he had family plans for Easter Sunday. Let me wind this post down. The colortune is great. The first obvious effects are how much smoother the engine is and the improved throttle response. I have not had the chance to check the gas mileage yet. The only sad part of the week-end was to find out that Mini Muffin has a total lack of body coordination when it comes to video games (Wii), but we are working on it. Mini, hold the button and move your arm! To sum up the week-end; it was good friends, good food, and good times.
  21. That is about 75 miles from my house. If a member buys it, I will be glad to help out anyway I can. Be happy to pick it up and store it for you Squidley and give you a place to sleep when you come to pick it up.
  22. Gary, Welcome back. Glad to you riding again. Congratulations on your new ride. I look forward to seeing you again and I hope very soon.
  23. I have carried a Dell Inspiron, 17" screen, for a year and a half without any problems. It has been in at least 20 states and Canada. It does take up a lot of room in the trunk though.
  24. Dr. Muffinman is not fooling me. I know that deep down in his heart, he has a soft spot for 2nd Gens and I have pictures to support that. I just think he takes pleasure in castrating anything.
  25. Thanks TheKid, Saturday is the 22nd. I wish I had read your post before my last comments to my wife. I told her we may have some other people showing up tomorrow. She said " I thought that was being done Saturday. " And I said, what do you think tomorrow is? And she stated, " Friday". Made me go look at a calendar and dang, she was right. Not only that, but I was up dressed and ready to go meet a friend on the bike, because we had planned a trip for Friday morning and to meet at 9 AM. Sure am glad I did not go to the meeting place. I would have been calling him and asking where he was. So let's see, today is Thursday and Saturday is the 22nd. I think I can keep this straight for 48 hours. Just shows how much I am looking forward to the week-end. You are welcome to come this week-end. It is only about 100 miles from Charlotte. Let me know.
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