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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. Less time than it will take to make a copy of one I'll bet....
  2. I really love my Wing, but the K1200LT is a lot of bike as well with some really cool features. To me, the LT felt more "top heavy" (just my 2 cents). I love BMW's (have an old Dakar) and am fortunate enough to have a really good BMW dealer fairly close. My biggest reservation concerning BMW's is the scarcity of dealers around the country. That "could" be an issue on a long trip. When we went to the Blueridge last fall my buddy was riding hit GS. He developed a problem with the headlight (was in the canbus system) and the CLOSEST BMW shop was 250 miles away. (Several Honda dealers were within 75 miles of us) It was an annoyance, but not critical. Had it been a biggie though it could have been a real hassle...... Ya pays your money and ya takes your chances....
  3. Mine tracks as smooth and straight as you could ask. I have heard of the "all balls" set up, and I've also heard that you can have problems if your tire pressure is low....Frankly, I love my Wing!
  4. Bob, Had to of been a different model. The K1600's won't even be imported until late spring..... They look pretty slick, and since the K1600 GTL is replacing the K1200LT I would suspect it to be a pretty decent tourer....
  5. That would be my thought.....May all my VR friends have a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year!!
  6. So I wake up this morning and the temp is just a touch over 30. My looonng gravel driveway is "finally". free of ice so I think I'll take a little ride. Fire up the bike and head out. Temps are cool, but I'm dressed to ride and am nice and comfortable. Go around a curve on this road I've ridden 1000 times..I'm not flying low, but I'm not dogging it either. Just a nice brisk pace, and there, right in the middle of a curve I see ICE, with water on top..ALL the way across the road for a distance of about 20 feet!!! (Broken waterline!) Holy Cr-p batman!! Well, I slithered through (thank the Good LORD!) without dropping it, so me and the bike are both ok, 'cept for that wrinkle in center of the riders the seat I'll have to try and remove somehow:scratchchin:.. Moral of the story is ALWAYS be extra careful in the winter. I was doing fine and found this on a day when every other place I rode was clear and dry. What a thrill!
  7. +1 on #8 for solo. Try 12 or so for 2 up.
  8. I've got to agree about the difference between the two. I've had both an 09 Venture and now a 10 Wing. I NEVER felt the Venture did not have enough power, BUT the Wing simply has a very noticably greater powerband, from idle right on up. If you get on an 1800 Wing and run it through the gears you will find yourself traveling at Warpspeed pretty darn quickly. Again, neither of these is a "racebike" and any decent 600 japanese 4 will quickly dust either of 'em. Remember too when discussing roads with a LOT of curves, a smaller, lighter and less powerful bike will often "outhandle" a machine with much more power, simply because the little bike can actually "use" the power it has, while the larger machine can never really get the room to stretch it's legs. Example: A 250 cc Piaggio MP-3 SCOOTER will embarass a lot of guys on "hot bikes" IF the road is filled with tight turns and the MP has a competent rider. Just sayin'...
  9. Made my entire day. As the proud parent of a career Marine w/18 years of service (and a Marine daughter in law with 13 years of service) it brightened my day. Makes ya wonder about the IQ of our shoplifter though....I've been around a lot of Marines. Wonderful guys (and girls), inevitably courteous and respectful and great friends..Also, perhaps the last folks in the world you'd want to PO.
  10. My old bike ('09 Red/Black with 6k miles on it) is at Castle Powersports in Gallatin (Nashville) TN. The bike has braided steel brake lines, steibel air horn, scorpion paging alarm system and both headlight and taillight modulators on it. It's in perfect shape with 3 1/2 years of warranty left on it. Great bike, just not "me". I believe they're asking $13k for it and given the extras it's "better than new". You may want to give Jeff Seibert a call...
  11. Wife and I got caught in a frog strangler coming home from NC back in October. That was my first rain ride on the new Wing...No problems at all. 'Course it SHOULD be ok, heck it's a MOTORCYCLE......
  12. When we rode the Vision I was impressed with the handling, however momma felt like she was "riding the saddlebags". Also, the space in the bags is dinky...Not what I'd expect from a full on tourer. Frankly, I liked the handling, but I couldn't get past the other issues-especially the looks! Just my 2 cents...
  13. Well here in KY tonight we've got about 5-6 inches on the ground and a projected high of 20 tomorrow. Not bad compared to when we lived in WV, MI or Iowa, but quite a bit for here. And, as has been noted, here in the south we don't deal with snow like y'all do up north (thank heavens!! The reason is because we don't GET snow like up North!!). Anyway, looks like the bike's gonna be in the barn for a week or so. Hopefully the snow will be gone by the end of the week and the temps will get back into the 30's so I can ride again (sigh...)
  14. OldBear

    cell phones

    What he said!!!
  15. You know, it's kinda sad that there must be folks actually DUMB enough to fall for this nonsense or else all of our overseas "friends?" wouldn't be taking the time to send these out.....Now ponder this a minute. The same folks that believe this stuff are driving CARS!! Seriously though... if anyone has money to send, please just put it in my Paypal account and I promise you will recieve a "Thank You" card, which is guaranteed to be worth at least twice any of the above offers...
  16. Good stuff Eck! Sheesh, I haven't seen that many wiring diagrams since I retired:happy65:. Thanks for posting this!!
  17. What he said!
  18. Guys, If an email address doesn't end in ".gov" it is NOT from the feds! 30 years in two agencies, numerous friends in others. Trust me on this one. Don't where "Janets" address is, but it isn't the US Dept. of Homeland Security:crackup:
  19. That would be the CORRECT answer.......
  20. Mine since new has ran between 38.2 and 43.8. My best on the RSV was upper 30's. With that said, the temtation (for me at least) is to get "on it" more with the Wing, and that does NOT help economy.....Just sayin" An awful lot is gonna depend on how far ya twist that right grip:178:
  21. Rode one when they first came out and was very impressed with the handling. Power was also pretty decent. Not my style, but not a bad ride..
  22. I think a lot of the differences we're seeing here depends on where you're coming from. For me, coming off a 900SS and an FJR I found the RSV to be very heavy at low speed and a little "awkward" in its handling. The Wing feels much more like a sport tourer and just "fits" my riding style better. I suspect that if someone is in to "cruisers" the RSV would feel much more natural to them than it did to me. Personal preferences I suppose. (Think how boring life would be if we ALL liked exactly the same thing!) I did find rider comfort on the RSV to be outstanding, and I'd give it a slight edge over the Wing in that category (just my 2 cents). For low speed handling, power, etc. the Wing is the winner. Whatever you ride, Ride Safe and Enjoy the machine that fits YOU!!
  23. HEY! What's my bike doing on your trailer??? Oh wait, it's still in the garage...(sigh) Great Bike, you're gonna love it. I put 2000 miles on mine in the first 15 days we owned it. NICE RIDE. Congratulations and Ride Safe!
  24. +1 on the J&M Elites!
  25. Congrats on your new ride! I really fell in love with mine on the first test ride....Handling was THE deciding factor for me. I too love the VentureRiders....and I enjoyed my RSV (and frankly the riding position for myself and the wife), but handling (both low speed and in the twisty stuff) was a deal breaker for me. I've owned more Yamaha's than anything else, but why in the world MamaYama hasn't updated the Venture with FI, ABS and a "taut" suspension is beyond me...Oh well, maybe when the 3rd Gen finally arrives.....
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