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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. I've got a set of the Honda "wings" that mount on either side of the windshield and pivot. In hot weather I open the vent and turn both wings to direct air back toward me. Cold weather I rotate the wings to block air flow and close the vent. I keep the shield height set where I can just look over it. That keeps the airflow out of my face and with either my Nolan 102 or 43 I get a quiet ride with very little air turbulance. I'm only into the Wing since last fall, but thus far this has worked well in temps from 90 down into the upper teens. FWIW I'm 5'11", 185lbs.
  2. OR pull a plug wire on the Feejer...
  3. OldBear


    Make the location for the National Corvette Museum to be Bowling Green, KY. It's at exit 28 on I-65. If ya like 'vette's this IS the place to go!
  4. We used to live in Augusta and were able to get tickets from a friend for PRACTICE rounds. Tickets to the Master's itself are (1) scarce and (2) EXPENSIVE (unless you are one of the chosen few who get 'em every year through the system). The course is beautiful though even if you're not a golfer. In Augusta everything fills up quickly and the prices at all the restaurants and lodging goes through the roof. Also, the place is VERY crowded (60k people in town plus 250k golfers!). If you golf would you enjoy it? Absolutely! Is it worth the hassle/expense...depends on how MUCH you llike golf....
  5. Soooo, Dray, how fast WILL a Titanium Wing go...I've got the same bike but thus far am chicken to find out:no-no-no:, though I do have a GPS reading of 111.... Fortunately the gendarmes were taking a donut break at the time:stirthepot:
  6. May I suggest you also consider a NUVI 500 or 550? While not as "gee whiz cool" as the zumo's, they are (1) waterproof (2) have a looonng battery life (8 hours), and (3) they are a TON cheaper to buy than a Zumo. I looked around a bit before I bought, went with the Nuvi and am very happy with it. Got it for less than $200. Worth considering...
  7. Uh Monty, I'm retired from the feds and methinks the same rules apply to TVA employees. If so, why don'tcha hit 'em up for a "relocation package". In other departments of the federal government, IF they really want/need you to move they will pay for your relocation AND take care of selling your existing house. It would make your move a lot easier....
  8. Charlie, watch that Feejer...you're going to find it's "sneaky fast". Worst bike I ever had that way..I'd be cruising along just takin' it easy, look down and find the clock settin' at 100mph! Holy Crap Batman!!! Bad thing was it would do it all the time:). Seriously, I really loved that bike, but it would getcha in trouble with John Law if you weren't really watching it. I had an old 900 Ducati SS at the time and the Duc was about as fast BUT on the Duc at the ton the bike was saying "yeah man, we're really haulling a.. now!! Same speed on the Feejer was a "yawn, whadda ya want to do now? Enjoy that fast ride, but watch your right wrist:cool10: (Maybe time to check into a radar detector.....
  9. OldBear

    Will it fit?

    Watch out for height issues. A buddy tried to put an RSV in an enclosed trailer and had to pull the windshield to get it in....
  10. Please do NOT forget to flush/clean the BRAKE fluid!!! A few years ago I bought a "new" 1995 Ducati 900SS with 4 k miles on it. Bike had not been ridden since '98. I would start but not idle. I cleaned the carbs, changed the timing belts and tires and thought I was good to go. First ride I got about nine miles from the house, traveling about 65 mph. Everything was going great when a car pulled out onto the highway a good distance ahead. No problem, I lightly squeezed the front brake and began slowing the bike. Life was good until I eased off the lever and the bike CONTINUED to slow down. At about 30 mph the front tire STOPPED turning!!! I slid to a halt (scared!!!) and found I could NOT move the bike. Front tire was locked solid. I guy nearby came over and together we dragged the bike out of the highway. I called the wife who came and got me. Went back home, got the trailer and came back. Everything now seemed to work ok. I loaded the bike on the trailer and took it home. I rolled fine, however after you would apply the brakes a few times, wham, they would Lock Up. Let it set and they'd release after about 30 minutes. Took it to the Duc shop. basically the master cylinder was building a little pressure everytime you used the brakes and not bleeding back down. Took a new master cylinder (no rebuild kits available(:. ) to fix the problem. Moral of the story is be VERY careful with a new OLD bike. Had I been traveling a warp speed.....it would not have been a nice story. (Wasn't too much fun as it was....) Enjoy your new ride, but check ALL the fluids and flush the systems FIRST!
  11. I don't want to be "harley bashing" so please don't take this that way, but when you look at ad's for used bikes, how many harleys do you see with 100K miles one 'em? Compare that to a Venture or a Wing or a BMW.... Like the man says, you pays your money and you takes your chances...Me, I prefer something with a tad more longevity. Different strokes for different folks.....
  12. Remember that the R1200CL is a completely different motor than say an R1200R, RT or GS. The C series were built as "cruisers" and are well known in BMW circles as being low powered. While a C will certainly pull a hack, it will not move it with the authority other BMW 1200 twins will. Check on BMW sites for the differences in HP and Torque. Caveat Emptor.
  13. When I bought my wing last fall the dealer (who had BOTH in stock!) recommended against factory GPS. Said I'd be happier with aftermarket. I've since spoken with several folks on wings who have factory gps and a lot of them aren't real happy with it. (I know for a FACT that factory GPS in my car is the pits compared to garmin!!. I've went with Garmin Nuvi 500 (waterproof/ 8 hour battery) and have been VERY happy with it
  14. Let us know how much difference it seems to make on your bike....I'm very satisfied with my stock suspension, BUT I'm always up for something better. Thanks!
  15. I've had both the Venture (09) and a Wing (10). Wife and I have the J&M headsets in Nolen N43's. From OUR experience, the intercom on the Wing is superior to the one on the Venture. We've got less wind noise/background noise and can talk in normal tones and clearly hear all that is said at any speed we've traveled, including a lot of interstate miles at speed. I truly don't know what causes the differences, I just know that in our case the Wing system works better. YRMV....
  16. I've got to agree that this is simply THE best bunch of folks I've found on the Net. I've signed up on a couple 'Wing sites and belong to BMWMOA, but NONE of the other sites and groups are near as friendly and helpful. Thanks to Freebird and all!!!
  17. the Venture will be MUCH more comfortable, especially two up, than the sport tourer...completely different type of machine. I really enjoyed mine on the highway, missed the sport tourer feel in the twisties. It's all about what YOU are most comfortable with and YOUR style of riding. Then Venture is a GREAT bike, question is, are you and it a match? Only you can say. Try one if you get a chance. I can almost guarantee the wife will like it a LOT more than the ST...
  18. I've got to agree with the Cap'n. Why would you WANT to hang out with a group of grown men who've nothing better to do than dress up and play "pirate"??. Methinks the smart move if you encounter pirates on the road would be just to turn up the wick a touch and wave bye bye, 'cause afterall "real bikers" are on Hardleys with Looonng wheelbases, Just outrun 'em..... (sorry guys, I just couldn't resist:whistling:)
  19. I'd check the new battery before I did a lot else...it IS possible to have a "new" battery that goes bad. The one in my new 'Wing died stone dead in two months.. Bad cell. Just sayin it won't hurt to check. Good Luck!
  20. I think I've still got a set off my 09. If anybody wanted 'em they could have 'em for shipping..
  21. I had 'em on my RSV for the gps. worked very well. (I think I still have one out in the shop now that I think about it..)
  22. Saturday coming home from Nashville I got to play "dodge 'em" with a 5 gallon plastic bucket that went flying out of the bed of a 350 dually in front of me. High pucker factor......
  23. Kinda/sorta on this track. Have any of y'all seen the PakitRack for the Wing? It uses sort of a trailer hitch (through the rear fender) to mount a small rack on which a decent sized "trunk" lives. Not as roomy as a trailer, but all the weight is on the bike and down low. Saw one last week in Nashville and it looked pretty slick. I think it, plus the on board storage, would meet my needs, maybe it would yours as well...
  24. I'm trying to figure out if the Wing'll run on Bourbon. Given the fact it's a local product and the rising price of gas.....Could be the way to go (and, if not, at least it has other medicinal puposes....
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