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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. New from the dealer mine had zero air front and rear. It rode decent, but seemed to wallow a little in the sweepers. Went to 4 PSI up front and 26 rear and it really seeming to tighten up the ride and stabilize the bike. Been that set up ever since and am pretty satisfied with it.
  2. Well said!!!
  3. Don't y'all find it kinda hard to take guys dressed up like pirates very seriously??
  4. I know i'm getting old 'cause I remember when a 650 was a BIG bike, while the absolute biggest thing on the road was a HD 74 (1200) with about 60 horses. I wonder how many newbies today crash hard/die 'cause their riding "little" 600's that only put 110 horsepower....... Back in "the day" when I was a pup I had to have a new '72 Kawasaki H2 triple cause it was "The Fastest Accelerating Production Motorcycle in the World" (and of course I needed "the fastest" to get to work:hihi:) , and yet I remember that it was over 400 lbs weight and 74 horsepower... Sheesh, things are to weird. I traded an 07 FJR (also 1300 cc) for my Venture and that "little" engine cranked out 145 horses.....
  5. +1 on the danged kill switch! (Though you will learn to avoid it!) As for the heat, I cut down the stock shield about 5 inches (kept original contour) and it makes a great summer shield. For cold weather went with the Yamaha 2+ inch wider @ 17" high. Great weather protection!
  6. Just one more reason why I don't ride a Harley.....Can't stand the "attitude" (and yeah, I know some really great people who ride 'em and I ride with them, BUT there are a huge number of just plain Jerks out there. Remember too, that if HD took the Venture and put a bar and shield on it the RSV would instantly become a FatWideSuperDynaClassicElectroVentureGlide (Model FWSDCEVG) and would sell for about $39K... Oh yeah, they'd also have to drop the warranty to 12 months/12,000 miles:doh:
  7. Gosh fellers....ya mean you're SUPPOSED to park it? I thought winter meant it was time for the heavy clothes......
  8. Mama Yama makes 'em as do several other aftermarket sources.. Try 'em and you'll like 'em!
  9. thanks Guys!! This was exactly the information I was looking for!! Once again, VentureRider comes through!! THANKS!
  10. Just got XM in a new tundra and really like it, so I'm thinking about getting an XM for the bike. anybody got any ideas/positive experiences with these? Which models work well with our bikes? THANKS!
  11. I put on one of the light bars from Ebay with red LED's all across the back to serve as running/brake lights. I also put in one of the "countdown" (4 flashes, 3, 2, and the "on) brake light bulbs from Rider's warehouse. I like the back of the bike to be lit up and I especially like a LOT of brake lights to notify the cager behind me that I'm stopping:sun1: total cost was about $100 and total install time was about 15 minutes with no modification to stock wiring...Just a thought...
  12. Pick, SERIOUSLY consider going with braided steel lines....it makes a world of difference (or at least it did no mine). I came to the RSV from an FJR (and still have my old ducati). Both of these "sport" bikes had steel brake lines and STRONG brakes. I found the stock RSV front to be a little "soft" for my liking, however after changing to the steel lines I've got a lot more "feel" to the brakes, and my confidence in 'em went up a bunch...Since you're taking 'em apart anyway...now's the time!
  13. Put me down for 2 of the 2nd Gen pins as well, and THANKS for supporting the site!! We are SO blessed to have this great resource for our bikes and Don has done a Great service to us all!!!
  14. Well fellers, it's like this, there are two types of motorcycle owners, (1) Riders and (2) Polishers. Me, I'd rather ride it than polish. Some folks are the other way around. As for trailering, there are legitimate reasons (as noted above:snow2:) to trailer a bike. A bike with a lot of miles on it riding on a trailer belongs to a rider....one a trailer with VERY low miles (but lotsa chrome:happy65:) it belongs to a Polisher.
  15. I know "draggin jeans" makes a kevlar riding shirt, but it looks a tad warm to me....Anyone tried one?
  16. +1 on the final drive failures, AND remember parts for BMW's are EXPENSIVE!. With that said, the LT's are a pretty darn nice touring bike and the price sounds right..
  17. Remember too that our "Old" RSV still TIED for 1st place in the shootout with HD, Kaw and Victory....Yeah, it's old school, BUT it still gets the job done pretty well. I too hope to see a next gen, (but don't need one for several more years). Me, I'd like about 125-130 horses, ABS and an XM radio in lieu of a cassette and cd player. Keep the rest of the stuff pretty much the same and you'd have a class leader....
  18. +1 on the FJR. The Ventures (1st and 2nd) are great touring bikes, BUT if ya really wanna GO, then the FJR is by far the fastest Yamaha "tourer".... Now if Yamaha would just give us "that" kind of power outta our Ventures, you'd have a REAL motorcycle:mugshot: Can you say " full house 2nd Gen VMAX motor in a Venture"? Wow, what a dream machine THAT would be......
  19. Thanks Guys, that's what I was hoping for....I know it made a difference on my old bike and I had hoped it would on the RSV. The brakes currently seem a little "soft" to me, 'course I know a 900 lb bike is harder to stop than a 400 lb one, but still....more braking ability is always good!
  20. Stop being a nice guy and Nail her butt to the wall!!! Soldier, you are at WAR here (forget about previous feellings of "love" between you two, at this point you are in a war,) and unless you use ALL the weapons available, you WILL lose.....don't let it happen. Take the offensive and nail her hard, now, BEFORE the situation gets worse (and it WILL get worse if you don't act!!!!) It WILL take a long time to get your credit back, but it can be done. Start, TODAY, making sure ALL your bills are paid on time, everytime. Note that date and in the future when you apply for credit you can note that you and "it" went your own way and from X date you've been paying YOUR bills...Also, you'll need to keep getting current credit reports for a long time to come to guarantee that your old sweetheart isn't sticking it to you again!!! Fight hard and fight to win!! No more Mister Nice Guy!! Good luck and God Bless. Thank you for your service to our country...
  21. Dang, and I thought the old FJR's got hot! Looks to me like another good argument for not buying a "first year" ANYTHING!! I maybe old fashioned, but I like someone else to do the beta testing for the factory instead of me:hurts: For what its worth, big K also has a SERIOUS heat problem with the new Concours 14, up 'till now that was the HOTTEST bike to ride I'd ever heard of or seen.
  22. Watch the low speed maneauvers!!! This is one seriously heavy pig when it's barely moving....(don't ask me how I know:doh:) Good luck and ride safe.
  23. +1. This is a GREAT ride!
  24. I'd just like to say "Thank You" to the moderators for helping keep this a Great Site. I've only be a Venture man since June, but this is an OUTSTANDING site and one I'm Very proud to belong to. Surely with all the nonsense going on in the world there's "someplace" else where folks can argue politics (or whatever else they want to argue about) leaving this site for Motorcycles! Thanks Again!!
  25. I dunno fella's. After the "dry clutch rattles" on my old Duck, I'm not sure I'd mind a "whine":stickinouttounge:
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