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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. Well guys, after a bunch of research on the subject, I broke down and ordered a Scorpio SR I900. This puppy has RFID technology so it automatically disarms when you approach and arms when you walk away. It has shock/motion and tilt sensors, a self contained battery back up and an INCREDIBLY load siren. I got mine with the optional Yamaha specific wiring harness, so installation was a snap. Started this morning and had it completely ready to go in less than an hour. Everything fit under the seat. No wires to cut, just a factory connector to unplug and a new harness to insert in the middle. Run one wire to the hot side of the battery, locate the items and you're done. No idea how well it will hold up yet, but it looks well made and at this point works as advertised. I am VERY satisfied thus far and would encourage anyone interested in an alarm to check 'em out. I got mine online at absolutecycle.com for $339 with free shipping, and that included the cycle specific wiring harness. My insurance company gave me a discount of $24 dollars a year-not a chunk, but still better than nothing.
  2. I too thank God for the Patriot Riders. I cannot believe any "church" that truly believes in the Almighty would do anything as intentionally hurtful as these IDIOTS from Kansas! My Bible tells me to love others and to show mercy...I've yet to find anything about harrassing those who are grieving. This would be abominable at ANY funeral...at the funeral of a fallen American Hero (who DIED defending the very SOB's who are "protesting") is, without doubt the most disgraceful, inhumane, anti-american and anti-Christian thing I can imagine. I think it's time the rest of us step up and join the Patriot Guard and carry our share. I'm going to start hunting a local chapter TONIGHT! Sign me Proud Parent of a United States Marine!
  3. Ah yes, the wonders of a modern education........
  4. I too am ATGATT. Frankly, I'm too old for skin grafts and the nonsense that goes with 'em (pain, etc..) I wear Olympia AST jacket/Ranger overpants in cooler weather, Olympia Airglide pants.jackets in summer. Couple that with good motorcycle leather gloves, (heavy for winter), real motorcycle boots (BMW Allroads) and a decent helmet (Arai Corsair or Nolen 102), and I can keep comfortable regardless of weather (hot or cold) and still have some decent protection in case things go bad. When I was a kid I rode in jeans and t-shirt, used a denim jacket when it was chilly, and had a horsehide MC jacket for really cold weather. As I got older and saw what happens to denim after it hits concrete or asphalt, I decided I'd rather had a little "extra" twixt my hide and terra firma. Just my 2 cents... Like one of the other guys said, vests aren't "protective" gear, nor are chaps (your tail is kinda "vulnerable"..) In the end, we all have to decide what level of risk we're willing to accept. Ya makes yur choice and ya takes yur chances. I encourage all riders to use good quality gear-it can really make a difference if the worst happens. Just don't fall into the trap of not wearing protective gear 'cause your buddy doesn't. He/she may be (1) luckier than you; (2) a better rider than you; or (3) just willing to accept more risk than you. BE COMFORTABLE with YOUR decision-because ultimately YOU (and those who love you) are the one's affected by it. God bless and ride safe!
  5. Like folks have said, this is NOT the place to skimp on quality. IF you ever need 'em, you will need them BADLY. You will NEVER hear anyone who's crashed talking about how they wished they had LESS or CHEAPER gear on when it happened:whistling: Also, steer CLEAR of all the "patch leather" vests, jackets, etc. This stuff is pieced together and will instantly come apart if you ever crash it. Buy good quality gear and then USE it.
  6. I always stick a cover on it when it's parked overnight, and I use a good cable lock, however I'd still like the security that comes from being "called" if some jerk starts messing with my ride while I'm in the hotel. I travel for work a lot and just a few weeks ago down in TX I was at a Hampton Inn. Two guys had parked their bikes right by the door-no covers on 'em. Well lo and behold, when I went downstairs there were these folks gathered around while their houseapes crawled all other these two bikes!! I'm a pretty laid back guy, but this was too much. I confronted 'em and asked if they had permission to fool around with the bikes. They got all huffy and offended that anyone would even "question" what they and their little darlin's would do! I went back inside and asked the clerk to call the guys who owned the bikes and tell 'em that these jerks were messing with their wheels. Well about 30 seconds later two LARGE biker dudes came storming down the stairs... Scattered the jerks like a covey of quail.. Did me a world of good to watch, but did get me thinking.....
  7. What a great thing for 'em to do. I've sent word to my son (career US Marine-17 years) and daughter in law (also career US Marine-13 years). God Bless ALL those who willingly go in harm's way on our behalf. "Millions sleep in peace each night because a few hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"!
  8. I do, but ya gotta sit up all night watching...I need something that'll let me sleep and then wake me when the jerks show up:innocent-emoticon:
  9. Well troops, I've 'bout got the Venture the way I want it now, BUT I want/need one more thing-a good, dead solid, reliable burglar alarm for the bike. For right now it lives in the garage, which has an alarm, and that, coupled with a 1911 Colt gives all the security I need:innocent:, but I really want to take it on some long trips this coming year and leaving my baby sitting outside at a hotel scares the crap outta me ...sooo, who makes the best/most reliable MC alarm? Your experiences and ideas are GREATLY appreciated!
  10. Thanks Guys! Exactly the answers I was looking for!!! Once again VentureRider comes through!! Thanks again!
  11. Hey guys, got a question for ya? I've put an XM radio (mount on master cylinder) and power it from the cigarette lighter. I also have a Garmin GPS on a ram mount on the other side right above the stock radio. My question: I'm using the power outlet for the XM, but am having to use the internal battery for the GPS. Does anyone know of a "duplex" device that will FIT into the stock power port and allow me to use 12V power for both? The adapter's I've tried will NOT clear the tank when the bars are turned. Ideas?
  12. I'd expand on that and add that today's "beginner" bikes are larger and significantly more powerful than the "Hot" bikes were in 1968 (When I started to ride). Makes me wonder how many "new" riders climbed on board their shinner new "beginner" bike and promptly scared the HE double hockey sticks out of themselves and consequentially NEVER actually became a rider? My first "big" bike was a nice year old Yamaha 305 cross country (32 horses if memory serves). Coming off a 90 Bridgestone I scared the crap outta myself taking it the 35 miles to the Yamaha shop, only to find out that it was only running on ONE cylinder!!! If it had been my first bike, I'm not sure I'd have ridden anymore...just a thought..
  13. Gee. I thought the cool wave was when ya waved to 'nother VENTURE...
  14. A good reason why we should strive to be seen as "motorcyclists" rather than "bikers". :whistling:It is "all about image"
  15. Like they said, it's standard... IF they insist that they one you're looking at doesn't have one, ask for a price reduction since they're shortchanging you:innocent-emoticon:
  16. Please be careful guys! I know there are a lot of folks who run car tires and love 'em, BUT they WILL change the handling of a bike. If you like it, ok, but please watch yourself, especially until you're used to it...
  17. +1 on riding your own ride. Try to keep up with folks who've been riding all along and the odds of a crash go WAY up. ALWAYS "Ride your own ride". Also, remember that the folks in cages are all homicidal maniacs whose SOLE purpose is to KILL you... The only reason they don't succeed is that they CAN'T SEE you!! Remember that and ride accordingly and you'll be fine:innocent: Also, an MSF course, or the equivalent will be a BIG help. Good luck and RIDE SAFE!
  18. A closed box (U-Haul type) will keep your new bike outta the weather, BUT watch the door clearance height as a lot of the smaller ones will NOT fit a Venture with the windshield attached... Just a thought Nine feet long is enough, but ya will want to watch the "ramp angle" when loading/unloading.
  19. Yikes! 120K for a ten year old Vmax, no matter WHO owned it, is a chunk! Why for that money I could have a......... and a ............. and a ............. and a ............. Well, you get the idea! ('Course who's got 120k to spend on toys:hihi: ).
  20. Yikes! I was through there just a couple weeks ago (sure wasn't icy THEN!) Brrr...
  21. Same here. The local HD shop told me they'd had problems with the HD brand and now exclusively use progressive brand pumps. I bought mine for 39.95 @ HD and it works great on the RSV....
  22. also check air in your forks and shocks....mine had Zero when new. bike rode "ok" but was a little mushy in the curves. A touch of air in the suspension made a WORLD of difference! NEVER had the wobble issue...I definitely would be after the dealer 'bout that one.
  23. I dunno....I like to ride and if the pavements dry I can usually do pretty good well down into the 20's. Last year on my FJR I left home one morning when it was 16 on a 230 mile trip. Rode down and back the same day and temps never got above 38. I had heated grips on the feejer and that was a real help, though wind protection was nowhere near as good as the Venture. The only thing that really got cold was my feet (and I had to stop and warm 'em up on the exhaust pipe!). I've since bought electric sock that "should" help that problem (sure wish the RSV had heated grips though....
  24. Like everyone's said, IF the carbs are in synch, you're probably lugging it. Mine (also 09) is NOT happy trying to accellerate in 5th anywhere below 70. At 65 it balks a little and at 60 is just won't pick up speed SMOOTHLY. Drop a gear or two and it runs GREAT. Give 'er a try before ya head back to the shop....
  25. The love of a true friend is a rare and special thing. You obviously were a very special person in his life and the life of his family. God Bless...
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