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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. try an outfit called "Cheap Cycle Parts". You can find 'em on the net and I believe you can get anything you want from them and I'm pretty sure they ship across the pond. Good Luck!
  2. Also, have him check with federal jobs. (USjobs.com???) He should get vet's preference on any federal job and they have every type of career imaginable. He will need to find the "job series" (number) he's interested in and then just scroll though to find a location he likes and apply. I retired from the government with 30 years...you'll never get rich, but the pay check was always there and the retirement plan was great. The current FERS retirement is still way ahead of most others out there, and his military time WILL count toward retirement. Good luck!
  3. I'd always figured the gauges we buy are somewhat "inaccurate" at best, so I stick with ONE gauge. Start with the factory recommended pressures, and then "play" with different pressures 'till I get what works with the bike in question. Once you've got that reading, as long as you stay with the same gauge you should be ok. Just my 2 cents..
  4. Just a thought to remember. Leather probably IS the best, as evidenced by what the boys are wearing when roadracing (ie, full leather RACING suit). I've seen a lot of them get off at pretty high speeds and walk away from it. With that said, I have never had any leather that was comfortable in HOT weather, and if you aren't wearing it, it isn't doing you any good. The best gear in the world is worthless unless it is on YOU all the time. I looked around a lot before buying and felt that the Olympia gear was the best quality/vs price. Around here anyway the only place you can find it is at the BMW shops (Nashville and Louisville) and it compares pretty well with the high buck stuff with the BMW brand. I'd encourage you to get the best gear you can afford and WEAR it all the time. ATGATT. Some of the newer stuff gives you some decent protection, with CE pads, and is still cool enough to be tolerable in HOT weather. Since you never now when you'll need it, can you really ever "safely" ride without it? And, if it's too Hot to wear, you won't!
  5. OldBear


    I dunno...my other toy is a 95 900SS Ducati, and that's a whole different experience than the RSV. I'm getting old though, and the riding position leaves something to be desired, so I'm currently lusting hard after a 2008 Ducati GT1000. "standard" riding position, AND the sportbike "go" and handling:dancefool:. I just love the handling and performance of a lightweight high performance motorcycle. You might also look at the new model Triumph Bonnevilles. They're pretty cool light bikes...
  6. Remember...the difference between genius and stupidity is that there ARE limits to genius...
  7. +1 on the Olympia jacket. Wife and I have 'em and the airglide pants as well. Really great 3 season gear. With the liners (included) installed they are comfortable down into 50's/upper 40's. Without the liners I've been comfortable going down the road at 97F AND you still have the advantages of some armour protection in the event of a worst case. I also use the Olympia AST (All season touring) during COLD weather, along with the Ranger pants. Comfortable down into the teens. AND, with these jackets in HiViz the cagers WILL see you!!!
  8. I've got an Arai Corsair (full face) and a Nolan Modular. Love 'em both. The Modular gets the nod when I'm riding with the wife (intercom), but I definitely like the feel of the Arai better. The sun shield on the Nolan's is pretty neat and the latching system is top notch. Also, I like the buckle on the strap of the Nolan, it's a LOT handier than the traditional double D rings.... WHATEVER you do, CHECK the size carefully....In my experience no two makes (or even models) "fit" exactly the same, so a guy who wears an "M" in one will often wear an "L" in another....If at all possible, try one on before ya order it!
  9. Silly man, Ya gotta stop 'cause every shop has their own T-Shirt, and every true HD dude's gotta have 'em all! Seriously though, I guess HD's are ok, though it seems to me they work very hard sellling an "image" rather than a motorcycle. (Any has anybody ridden one of them with the rear cylinder cut out at idle? What's with that?? TERRIBLE heat pumps!!). Seems to me there are two types of folks, motorcyclists and "bikers". (And it has NOTHING to do with brand of machines!) Motorcyclists like to ride their bikes (whatever brand), while "bikers" like to dress up like pirates, stop by the bar and talk about how cool they are. Just my 2 cents...
  10. Remember, you're pushing a LOT of frontal area there. Fuel economy will drop significantly as speed increases, especially at speeds above 65. The faster you go, the less mileage you'll get...just sayin'
  11. OldBear


    The Rocket 3 IS that. Tons of torque and horsepower, but dang that tank is BIG and to me the bike felt HUGE.... Currently Lusting after a new Bonneville though...
  12. 1967 Yamaha YM-1 Cross Country. 305cc and pretty quick. It was one of the :big" Japanese bikes of the day. Replaced with a 350 Kawasaki A7 Avenger, then a pair of 500cc Suzuki Titans. The last of those was traded on a NEW 1972 Kawasaki 750 H2 trple with Yoshi expansion chambers, K&N's and a jet job. From that to KZ 1000R, to Ducati 900SS, 2007 FJR, and, finally, the big Venture. (Still have my Duc though:hihi:, and put about 100 miles on her today:hurts:! Lot of memories here!
  13. I would vote for one of the 200's. The 600/650's are just too much machine for a kid starting out. Also, be sure and check if there is a CC limit related to young riders (there was in Illinois when I got started-125 cc or under for those under 18 yrs.). Hate to see the boy get a bike and then not be able to ride it legally. Remember guys, just a "few" years ago the "Big" Japanese bikes were 350cc, and the BIG britbikes were 650's, and THEY were the bikes for the "experts".
  14. Congratulations! I bailed in October 2004 and have never looked back. I always said if I could just figure a way to get 'em to send me a check, I "could" keep myself amused. So far, that's not been a problem:innocent-emoticon:. I've a ton of stuff I want to get done and NEVER have enough time to get it done. (And still don't have enough time to ride the motors). In any event, retired=good!!
  15. An you'd want to ride a bike up that path why??? I dunno 'bout y'all, but looks like the saddlebags on the Venture'd hit the rocks on the left side and scratch it up.... Seriously, that's some of the most intense riding I've EVER seen....looks like observed trials type stuff, only out in the toolies!! Think I'll just stick with a "little" better road thank you!
  16. Proof there's not enough chlorine in the gene pool......
  17. Count me in on the CS Forester stuff and also Dudley Pope. (Love that historical fiction of the old sailing warships!!!) Also, very fond of W.E.B. Griffin in all the series he's created. Great stuff!!
  18. What he said...also, stay OFF the FRONT brake at low speeds or....well if you don't you'll find out:o. Welcome aboard. There are Great folks here and all the info you could want on these great machines. Yeah, they ARE heavy (I still cring sometimes at low speed maneauvers:D) but practice will help. Keep 'er in the friction zone and control with throttle/rear brake and she'll do more than you think she can!
  19. I drove home yesterday from Florida (work, NOT fun trip) and had to drive NORTH to get OUT of Snow!! North Georgia was a mess. Somehow, that just isn't right, ya know? I'm sure proud ol' Al discovered "Global Warming" right after he invented the Internet:rasberry: Any bets that after another winter or two like this it will be like it was in the late 70's when the wonder boys were saying we were entering a "new ice age"...... Methinks there are some out there who just give People too much credit.. The Good Lord's still running things and He's the one who controls the climate, not us. I personally think He has a pretty good sense of humor to dump on our leaders in DC like he did this year:snow2:
  20. Yeah that AND to keep peace at home:innocent-emoticon:
  21. If you make it to Eastern KY check out Breaks Interstate park on the KY/VA border. Beautiful roads and also great views at the park. Also, the "bourbon trail" around bardstown it pretty cool. Lots of winding country roads in KY-We've lived in many places over the years, but we really love Ky. If you're into history, check out Lincoln's birthplace (south of Elizabethtown) and his father's old farm place at Knob Creek. You can also take US 68 west from Bowling Green and see Jefferson Davis's birthplace at Fairmont. Have a Great Trip!
  22. She's a lucky pup and will add a lot of joy to your lives. Congratulations! No just get past the housetraining and "chewing" (Puppy!!!) and you've got it made. I don't know what we'd do without our dog. They REALLY do add a lot of life to the house!
  23. I don't know 'bout y'all, but I'm sure glad for "global warming":hihi:! It was 6F here this morning when I walked the pup.
  24. +1. I've had good luck with them as well.
  25. Yeah, A lot of progress there! I listen to channel 164 (old radio programs) on XM and a couple days ago I heard an ad for the new '46 Nash 400 that was equipped with a "more powerful 6 cylinder and gets 30 mpg"! Let's see, 64 years ago a 6 cylinder full size car getting 30 mpg.....now, with all our high tech, super fuel efficient technology we can do the same thing with a 4 cylinder Honda.... Weird huh?
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