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Everything posted by OldBear

  1. What he said....The carbon one mount lets you replace the stock unit with the Stebel and the cagers WILL here it! A VERY good investment. Also, think about a headlight modulator..It does help the french fry eating, cell phone talking morons in the cages see ya!
  2. Thanks guys! I dunno what the deal is with the Scala Rider setup. Sometimes it works fine, other times (same ride) it will shut off the mike in the middle of speaking or not turn on despite talking a good bit. I've tried "Hey" , Hello Hello Hello (think Larry, Moe and Curly:big-grin-emoticon:) and nothing happens, then, when you're about to give up, suddenly it is working loud and clear. weird... Anyway, got me to thinking about using the built in unit (also, looks like it would give me better radio reception on my XM:motorcyclehelmet:) FWIW we both are using flipfront helmets (Nolan 102 and AGV Miglia) Thanks for the input.
  3. Check over by Tellico Plains TN on the other end of the skyway. There are several neat places to stay there, there's a really great bakery in town AND Tellico Plains Motorcycle Outfitters. Mike is a great guy there and he'll give you all kinds of tips on the area!
  4. Remember, the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has limits....
  5. Uh....if she's already your ex, you may wanna rethink the situation...There's gotta be a reason for the "ex" part....just sayin'
  6. Thanks Don! Any idea where I could find the MicMutes? THANKS!
  7. So, somebody talk to me about the intercom! We've been using a scala rider wireless set up, but are getting tired of it failing to "open" the mike when you talk. Better than nothing, but a LONG way from relliable IMHO. Looking at the hard wired set up on the bike. My question, if I'm running down the pike listening to the radio and I wanna talk with the wife then I'd hit the "talk" button on the bar, right? If not, how do we switch back and forth? Yeah, I know a dumb question, but the instructions in the owner's manual tonight look pretty "confusing" (or maybe I'm just tired??) Thanks ALL!
  8. Wife and I did almost 300 miles today and saw a BUNCH of bikes, but as noted, helmets were very scarece 'till we got to Tenn. Even there, saw a bunch of young folks (and a few old farts!) wearing helmets but shorts/tank tops and flipflops....sheesh. It really scares me, especially the young and obviously "limited experienced" riders. I've spent a good many years working in hospitals, and skin grafts have NO appeal to me! The ones that really bug me are the guys with a helmet being "worn" by their sissy bar:hihi:
  9. +1 on that. Cops have a VERY thankless job. They typically deal with the dregs of humanity on a regular basis, and EVERY traffic stop is, for them, potentially dangerous. Therefore, it seriously behooves the party being stopped to be courteous, respectful and very "open" in everything you do (keep you hands in sight, don't go reaching into pockets (or glove box/console in a cage) without telling the cop what you're doing (my registrations in the.....) Remember, these guys have seen and/or had some jerk pull a piece on them or a buddy while "reaching" for something. They do not need or appreciate an attitude. I've found over the years, if you respect the officer, he/she will usually respect you as well.. Just my 2 cents...
  10. You should be able to find a set at one of the motorcycle salvage yards. Check out the websites, there's gotta be a Venture or two out there...
  11. Try the fabreeze stuff noted above and then get a helmet dog from Aerostich. Put the dog in the helmet after each ride and it will stay fresh and clean. I've been using one for years and it works great (at least for me)
  12. Well at least you know he'll not be in business too long with THAT attitude, 'cause nobody with a brain will go back for a second visit...... Makes ya wonder though... what WAS he thinking?
  13. I'm upper thirties almost all the time, worst around 33, best about 40. Speed WILL make a difference, these beasts have the aerodynamics of a barn door, hence more speed = less mileage:Cartoon_397:
  14. I ride strictly for fun, but long ago decided that ATGATT is the only way for me. I've worked the fire department a number of years ago and have been in the healthcare business for several decades. There is simply too much bad stuff that can happen even in a VERY minor incident without protective gear (skin grafts come immediately to mind). Frankly, if it's too hot for the gear, it's too hot to ride (and it's NEVER too hot to ride!). Also, it's good to remember that statistics point out the one of THE most dangerous times to be on your bike is the FIRST six minutes of a ride (basically while you're "getting in the groove")....just sayin'..... Ultimately, it's a very personal thing. Some folks never wear any gear, some part of the gear part of the time, and some of us ATGATT. You just need to look at the risks and make your decision...Just please do THINK before you ride! There are a LOT of loonies out there driving the cages.....
  15. I've got an older Rigg Nelson magnetic with a map pocket on top. Works well for me...
  16. I dunno. I just got a Carbon One wiring harness and mount today and am going to use it to replace the stock horn on my RSV. The C1 stuff is well made and it looks like a pretty simple install. My question would be "why keep the stock horn"? Separate horn button or ?? If not, you certainly wouldn't seem to need both stock and the Steibel.....
  17. '09 Red/Black RSV "Big Red" '01 BMW 650 Dakar "Thumper" ('Cause it IS!)
  18. My Dad was with the Flying Tigers in China, one uncle landed on D-1 and went all the way to Germany and my favorite uncle was in the army in the south pacific. He made 5 amphibious landings and carried a piece of japanese steel in his back until he died 2 years ago at 93. He also, in the middle of everything else, spent some time in Australia and brought home my Aunt Audry from there:) along with his eldest son who was born down under in 1945!
  19. I got my 09 new last June for $15,300 at S&S powersports up near Louisville. I was there last week and they still had one new red/black 09 on the floor with a 15.3 tag still on it. I'll bet it could be had for 14 or so....
  20. I've also used them in the past but the one's I've had all had a very short (2 years +/-) service life. I'd spend extra bucks and try for something with a longer life (AGM?)
  21. Nope, not unless Garmin's changed their way of doing business in the past year. Last time I updated it was strictly for ONE unit ONLY (I know, 'cause I had TWO units to update!!) Payed something like $80 and that was for EACH unit. Methinks hereafter I'll just wait and extra year and buy a NEW GPS, seeing as how you can get a pretty decent unit for $140 or so:doh:
  22. Sooo....Bob, Ya gettin a commission from the local dealer?
  23. Went with momma to Wally World on Campbell lane in Bowling Green KY and as we were leaving I spied a red/black 2nd gen in the parking lot with KY plats and with a small white dog lying on the tank and Under an Umbrella! The pup had his "doggles" on so was evidently a real biker dog:clap2:. Anyway, we were running late and I couldn't stick around to meet the rider. Any idea who this might be? One of us (I hope!) Would have loved to see how he carries the pup when riding. Pretty cool stuff!
  24. +1 on too crowded! I love the Black Hills and the roads are GREAT, but during the rally I'd rather be elsewhere....To many bikes on the road usually (especially spring and fall before or after tourist season) you've got the roads kind of to yourself and to me that makes for better "riding". As for the rally, well, you should see it ONCE--if it's got wheels on it, somebody will ride it to Sturgis! And the sights are interesting too (ever see a "chain" bikini?), but that's another story:2133:
  25. ATTGATT. Different types for different weather. AWAYS-either an Arai Corsair or a Nolan N 102 COLD-Olympia AST Jacket, Olympia Ranger pants, BMW AllRoad boots and one of two different weight leather motorcycle gloves HOT-Olympia Airglide jacket and pants (same boots) and summer weight motorcycle gloves. Some combination of the above with or without inner liners as dictated by temps. Yeah, its'a Pain in the Tail at times, BUT with all the dingbats in cages to me it's worth the hassle. By some manipulating of gear, I've found I can always find a way to be at least tolerably comfortable regardless of weather, and always have some protection. Like many have said, it's a personal thing. When I was young I did the jeans/t shirt thing and "thought" I was ok with a denim jacket. I've been wearing full coverage helmets since the old Bell Star days of 1970.....
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