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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. No sleep tonight. Prayers Up!!!
  2. Football Sat. Prayers Up!!!
  3. I think Yamaha still sells the Grommets.
  4. Now I know how to make Mashed Taters come out my nose!!!
  5. 86 one of the best years when you get it right.
  6. Yammer Dan


    Too warm for that **** down here!!! If he has them things pointed and they cain't deliver and the pressuse builds up the "Fool " could be in for a Looong winter!!!:backinmyday:
  7. Wasn't it you I saw using the zip ties at Vogel?? Someones bike I was standing looking at with Zip Ties on it and I thought "I'll bet he don't know about the Ball Studs!!!" Maybe I should have mentioned it...... I just wasn't being myself!!!
  8. Off to Doc. Prayers Up!!!
  9. My first job was busting rock with a sledge for 10 cents a hour!! Reckon this had anything to do with my stint as a Correctional Officer??
  10. Yammer Dan


    WHY?? Ain't it a little Early?? WHY???
  11. I think Jeff is right McMaster Carr? I remember it takes care to get them to fit right but great once you get them in there.
  12. Frost will be here soon. Prayers Up!!!
  13. Yammer Dan


    Git back in your corner and leave that infernal machine alone!!! Calling for 80 here Friday!! And I got a docs appt. He** turm her loose!!!
  14. Chilly last night. Peppers still growing. Prayers Up!!!
  15. The Honda grease don't stick around??
  16. Off to Doc again. Prayers Up!!!
  17. WE need a list of sizes and Brands that will do this. I do my own mounting and balancing. From what I hear could have a time with this. Just one size works for this or is there room for a little playing? I'm betting not. I haven't looked into it much but that mileage got my attention. If I get 5k out of a rear it is Great!! What is most popular Brand and size??
  18. Hey Spear. Wouldn't be any way you would have any pics of the hookups on the rear of that voyager?? I'm down to trying to invent ways to use it. With drill &grimder and big hammer I think I could get it to work just not sure I could ride it. I have a kit that I was told came from a 03 RSV. The hookups aren't working like they should on my 99. Not sure what I'm needing. Getting ready to starting cutting and welding.
  19. Sunshine and grandkids!! Prayers Up!!!
  20. Someone around here said that about 2nd Gens once... Yeah I know!!! Back to MY corner!!!
  21. You wear if you want I'll wear if I want!! I just know the gene pool needs worked on.....
  22. One of my concens with the Voyager was I would get even less miles out of rear tires. If I keep it right and go Dark I guess That won't be a problem. I just get no miles out of rear tires. Growing up is not a option. Ain't gonna happen. If I ride right hand is busy!! 5k on a rear is a lot for me.... And No it hasn't figured in any of my accidents.
  23. I've had that thought also but with the voyager kit on there it shouldn't make much difference.
  24. Football Sat. Prayers Up!!!
  25. That forgiveness is harder to get after 6 or 7 times.....
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