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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. HOTEL?? Mam ya gotta Rough It!!
  2. Congrats!!!
  3. White things flying around in the air. Prayers Up!!!
  4. Dang! There goes my Nap!!
  5. Prayers.
  6. No I took Warden to visit son. But that is a great Idea!!
  7. Glad you were able to post. Tow charges do seem crazy anymore. Take is easy and heal.
  8. Them busted ribs ain't no fun. Try 12 of them with double breaks at once. I was doing good til 250 lb nurse got on top of me to put things back in place. That finished me.
  9. Gotta be the oddball! I don't care much for it. Might look a lot better with a trunk???? They just don't make them that look better than the 1st Gens....
  10. Sunshine and 70s today. White stuff tomorrow. Prayers Up!!!
  11. Just got back home. Went down and picked a few oranges.
  12. Just listen to the Docs and let them work. Don't try to rush things. That cost me another operation and more hardware. Good Luck today.
  13. They are saying it might S*** Sat during the Big 12 football Game in Morgantown WV!!!:backinmyday: Have you NO Respect Fool??
  14. Sunshine and 70's in Nov. Prayers Up!!!
  15. Back home with Sunshine!! Prayers Up!!!
  16. Good News Skid. Prayers Up!!!
  17. Dang Heather I missed this!! Hope you heal good. Listen to the Docs.... Wish I were closer.
  18. Headed back to WV this morning. Prayers Up!!!
  19. But there are a few thathave had one of the Wardens meals They know why I got this waistline. All those years in the weightroom........
  20. Hey Skid. Ya got that ticket yet.???
  21. 600 miles from home! Prayers Up!!!
  22. Football in Georgia. prayers Up!!!
  23. Cool in Georgia! Prayers Up!!!
  24. Cool out there this morning. Prayers Up!!!
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